Points changed Changed Changed by Description
2.00 Teddy Bonkers
2.00 Steweiler
2.00 UMxWolverines
-1.00 Flying Dutchman
1.00 CGordini
2.00 Go Blue Beat T…
2.00 Romeo50
1.00 CGordini
2.00 jam706
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
-1.00 CGordini
2.00 KBLOW
2.00 MGoVictory
2.00 SanDiegoWolverine
2.00 Teddy Bonkers
2.00 Tokyo Blue
2.00 Wolverine Incognito
2.00 MgoLurk
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 turtleboy
2.00 Bo Schemheckler
2.00 UgLi Eric
2.00 Blue@LSU
2.00 PopeLando
2.00 McSomething
2.00 jdemille9
2.00 rob f
1.00 CGordini
2.00 jam706
2.00 redjugador24
-2.00 Fezzik
2.00 Fezzik
1.00 CGordini
-2.00 mgoblueben
-1.00 mgoblueben
2.00 mgoblueben
2.00 daile1bm
2.00 daile1bm
2.00 daile1bm
2.00 StateStreetApostle
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 GoBlueBill
2.00 GoBlueBill
2.00 Class of 1817
2.00 JacquesStrappe
2.00 ThadMattasagoblin
2.00 Medic
-1.00 M-Dog
2.00 M-Dog