Points changed Changed Changed by Description
2.00 BlueNorthStron…
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Savoy88
2.00 othernel
1.00 glewe
2.00 jam706
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 MotownGoBlue
2.00 Daybx
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 Noleverine
2.00 1of12MattDamons
2.00 444
2.00 DrAwkward
2.00 Reno Drew
2.00 Killer Khakis
2.00 WindyCityWolverine
2.00 TacoLivesOn
2.00 RGard
2.00 Louie C
2.00 Blue In NC
2.00 GoBlue1530
2.00 robpollard
2.00 Pkf97
2.00 Stimulus Progression
2.00 Mgoscottie
2.00 Ballislife
2.00 readerws6
2.00 DetroitDan
2.00 Inertia Policeman
2.00 maizemama
2.00 bluegoinggray
2.00 Hanlon's Razor
2.00 Johnny Blood
2.00 The Sea Was Angry
2.00 Magnum P.I.
1.00 glewe
2.00 Brimley
-1.00 alum96
2.00 Bo Schemheckler
2.00 Mgoscottie
2.00 thethirdcoast
2.00 1of12MattDamons
2.00 M-Dog
2.00 MgoLurk
2.00 The Blue Collar
2.00 gary3
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 Punter
2.00 McSomething