What Chocks Your Guff?

Submitted by Swayze Howell Sheen on April 8th, 2024 at 8:18 PM

On the podcast, Brian talked about something that "chocks his guff" which I think means annoys him.

Let's embrace it. Our goal is simple: to make this a commonly used idiom (e.g., https://www.ef.edu/english-resources/english-idioms/).

So, what chocks your guff?

For me, it's when a basketball coach runs onto the floor during game play. Man, that really chocks my guff. I say, run him over!


April 8th, 2024 at 8:40 PM ^

Failure to return shopping carts to the corral and driving in the left lane for no reason are the simplest test for who's a nimrod.  If you do EITHER of those things...NIMROD.

If you have small children in the car and the nearest corral is across the lot, the rule still applies.  Unless you stole children from the store, you knew you had them when you got there...park accordingly.

We can do this people!


April 8th, 2024 at 9:17 PM ^

It will please you to know that in attempt to get my 12,000 steps in, I park by the farthest cart corral in a store lot and return my cart to the corral in Bolivia at every Costco, Kroger, Walmart etc. I’m sure every store cam has caught me on “tape” and I’m a wanted man. 


April 9th, 2024 at 8:42 AM ^

I bagged groceries my senior year in high school.  Pay wasn't great, but I liked organizing the foods into the bags (paper bags were great, I would stack them in and try to keep like things with like items, so cold with cold, and pantry with pantry and tried beating the cashier, then enjoyed a walk out to the car to put their groceries in the car.  Have a nice talk and get outside.  

Unfortunately I wasn't getting 40 hours, so I had to work 35 there in the afternoon, and 35 hours at a moving company. And then at the grocery store, I was a hard worker, so I was rewarded with being put on bottle return, where I'd have to keep the machines upfront from jamming and empty them, and then go in back and sort beer glass bottles by manufacturer. That job sucked. It smelled horrible, and you were constantly busy with machines jamming, and dragging gross bags across the store to the back and the worst, sorting old beer bottles. 

Decided I should just work full time at moving company making $2 more an hour, since I knew that they could use me the rest of the summer.  

Should have learned then. Hard work can often times be rewarded with more hard work.  The working world is not fair, and you will not always be rewarded for just working hard.  


April 9th, 2024 at 2:04 AM ^

Tangent Time: as a reader of marvel comics back in the day, the name Nimrod was always associated with the time traveling robot sentinel. 

Apparently it's a biblical name that was of some kind of hunter or giant. 

But Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck used it in the 1940's to be an insult, and it's kind of stuck as an insult in everyday usage. 

I usually prefer the term Dimwit to mean the same thing and also being somewhat literal or visual in its meaning. 


April 8th, 2024 at 11:16 PM ^

Despite being in my 70s and not in the best of health, one of the advantages of being retired and having no children living with me is that I’m able to usually return my cart to the store regardless of where I’ve parked and I often try to park far from the store when practical (to get in those extra steps), even when having to push a cart with 600 pounds of river rocks from Home Depot or Lowe’s.

There are many times when I’ll return stray carts in the parking lot to the nearest cart corral or back to the store. Have you ever tried to maneuver around a parking lot on a windy day when stray carts are rolling around uncontrollably?

mGo Go Gadget Play

April 9th, 2024 at 10:41 AM ^

I'm not sure if it chocks my gaw, but it really cheeses my muffin that my smartwatch does not count steps when I'm pushing a shopping cart. (Watch on the wrist, wrist connected to hand, hand on grocery cart doesn't move up and down with each step.) I find myself trying to remember to put my watch in my pocket before going anywhere that I push a cart or a stroller or whatever.


April 9th, 2024 at 9:17 AM ^

Couldn't agree more. Sometimes I watch the Cart Narcs on YouTube, and while they often are overly antagonistic I can get behind the concept.

On cars in the left lane, this is beyond an epidemic here in Florida. I drive mostly highway to/from work and am constantly weaving in and out of cars because nearly every other car is just camping in the left lane maybe going the speed limit. And sadly half the time those cars (at least during snow bird season) have a Pure Michigan license plate. I grew up in Michigan and it was well taught that the left lane is for passing, otherwise you move to the right. And also, if cars are merging onto the highway, and it's clear in the left lane, you move over so that the merging cars can, you know, merge!!! No one does that here!

XM - Mt 1822

April 8th, 2024 at 8:28 PM ^

get out of the passing lane unless you're passing.  and get off the phone.  you stink at driving even without the phone. 

you park in a handicap spot and hop out of the car just as nimble as a kitten?  special place in hades for that. 




April 9th, 2024 at 6:28 AM ^

My specific variant is the person who pulls out in front of me from a side street with no apparent ability to calculate physics, effectively cutting me off because I’m going 40 or 45 and they’re starting from a stand still.  And when I look in my rear view mirror there’s no one behind me; so if they had just waited 10 seconds they’d have had all day to accelerate from 0-40.

matty blue

April 8th, 2024 at 8:51 PM ^

i'd only say - you just never know the background behind a barrier-free spot.  maybe that person is just having the best day they've had in years.  maybe it's for their blind passenger.  i know, i know - that's assuming facts not in evidence...but i have to tell myself that or i go nuts.

people driving massive pickup trucks (that's bad enough on its face) that back into spaces, though?  nope nope nope.

XM - Mt 1822

April 8th, 2024 at 9:02 PM ^

matty, what i also see is the apparently handicapped person, frail looking, staying in the car and the bouncy child/spouse/signif other jaunting into the store

and i hate to break it to you, but i have driven a diesel crew for decades, loaded to the gills with kids and/or farm stuff.  and i back into most spaces.  the parking space is a static environment, as opposed to backing out into a lane with moving vehicles.  makes sense.  


April 9th, 2024 at 8:50 AM ^

Backing trucks into spots is most of the time the best option.  Easier to get them between the lines and can hang the back of the bed over some grass to not stick out into the lane.

It's the people who back into spots that infringe on the sidewalk (especially with the stupid Hitch adding an extra foot for people to bang their leg into, that bother me.  Same people who need help in handy cap spots usually need that same sidewalk space too.  

Expanding on the left lane driving are the people who drive under the speed limit in the left lane or in the only single lane, that speed up when people have a chance to get around them.  Go slow go fast, just let me do my thing. 


Those things really Chock my Guff!