What Chocks Your Guff?

Submitted by Swayze Howell Sheen on April 8th, 2024 at 8:18 PM

On the podcast, Brian talked about something that "chocks his guff" which I think means annoys him.

Let's embrace it. Our goal is simple: to make this a commonly used idiom (e.g., https://www.ef.edu/english-resources/english-idioms/).

So, what chocks your guff?

For me, it's when a basketball coach runs onto the floor during game play. Man, that really chocks my guff. I say, run him over!


April 9th, 2024 at 8:57 AM ^

I'd say these are probably most people's issues with trucks these days:

- Bright lights. I am blinded by everyone's lights now days, but trucks being higher usually hit eye level far more often and seem to have the brightest of the bright lights. 

- Lack of vision: Trucks are so massive that they can't see most kids or even many people and small cars in front of them, making them dangerous to others

- When they back up into a spot over grass fine, over a sidewalk with large hitch on back, shrink sidewalk and kill shins

- Most don't use the bed for more than groceries or kids sports equipment so really not necessary

(I'm fine with people liking trucks.  I admit they are nice to drive down the highway with the elevated position and long wheel base) but they don't appeal to me.  I have 4 kids so need a 3 row vehicle (I have a Explorer sport which is mostly practical but less practical than a minivan, but I picked it for looks and a slight loss in practicality). I also like sports cars, which are mostly very impractical.  Cars are expensive so you should enjoy it. 


April 9th, 2024 at 6:40 AM ^

When that nimble kitten then leaves their empty cart IN the neighboring empty handicap spot I lose my shit. 

Walking into Meijer with my then 5 year old, I saw someone do that.  Speaking to the kiddo, but loud enough for them to hear I said “that’s a really bad boy and he should get a timeout for being rude.”


April 8th, 2024 at 8:31 PM ^

Drivers who don’t use their turn signals at all or wait until the last second and then turn them on. I try to tell myself that maybe they don’t know where they are going and it was a last minute decision but still.


Perkis-Size Me

April 8th, 2024 at 8:36 PM ^

People who ride their bicycles on the road instead of the sidewalk. I get that you don’t want to run into pedestrians, and I get that it’s legal, but I don’t want to run into an oncoming car while trying to avoid running into you. I think you hitting someone else with your bike is far less serious than me slamming into another car head on while I try to get just far enough out of the way to avoid hitting you.

Get on the fucking sidewalk where you belong. 

East German Judge

April 8th, 2024 at 8:45 PM ^

Agreed!!! Only thing worse than that is the city of Ann Arbor giving up 1 lane on many downtown Ann Arbor roads and putting in 4, yes 4 fucking, stupid ass bike lanes on streets.  This is not Florida, this is Michigan, and the "average" older person will not be getting on their bike to use these news fucking bike lanes.

Get off my road!


April 8th, 2024 at 9:30 PM ^

Idiot drivers.  More specifically:

Drivers who don’t realize they have a 3000 lb car and then one brush with a bicyclist on their little bike often means death or serious injury.  

Drivers who don’t know the laws and that bicyclists are not only required to be on the road but they get a full lane when you pass them just as if they are a car. (In states I’ve lived in) For their safety  

Drivers who try to illegally pass a biker on a two lane road with a double yellow.  

Drivers who illegally try to pass a bicyclist when they can’t see the opposite traffic and risk the bicyclist’s life to save a few seconds or minutes.  (And in that split second decision there is no way you’re going head-on into a car when you can just kill the cyclist).

Drivers who always feel like they are in a hurry and are mad that everything seems to be in their way, including bicyclists, cars going the speed limit in the right hand lane, and pedestrians, when they drive but only end up gaining 30 seconds before they have to wait for all the other cars to catch up at the next stop or light.  

The driver who decided he needed to pass a bicyclist on a windy, neighborhood, two lane road with blind turns, only to park around the next turn, thus risking the bikers’s life to save two seconds.

The large truck that came out of a construction site and ran me off a straight two lane road, with no traffic in either direction, with no paved shoulder and just a drop off the edge of the payment, with a stop light a quarter mile (2 min) ahead, and who could have passed me by switching lanes, but who instead conceded no space between his truck and the edge of payment.  (I almost caught that fucker before the light changed and was ready to drag his ass out of the cab.)

Drivers who illegally roll through a stop sign when pedestrians are still in the crosswalk. 

Seriously, I know a lot of bicyclists critically injured by idiot drivers in a hurry or who don’t follow the law. 

Drivers who drive in a hurry but save zero time.  Never drive in a hurry.

Now do I sound like my Guff is Chocked!?


April 9th, 2024 at 9:02 AM ^

I get annoyed by people walking in the street.  I live in a small town with city streets and nice sidewalks, and constantly have to avoid people walking 3 wide with cars parked on the street and "runners" who need to run in the street.  I get charged hundreds of dollars to fix each cement sidewalk square.  Use them!


April 8th, 2024 at 8:45 PM ^

People who say things like "chocks my guff" really raise my hackles, first and foremost. 

In all seriousness, however, one thing that does annoy me quite a bit would be people whose emotional sustenance is derived from the art of shitting on others. People who get upset when you critique and break down their ideas into their constituent parts so that they can, in fact, be discussed annoy me too.


April 9th, 2024 at 10:06 AM ^

I heard a story on the radio a few months back about the rise of relentless positivity in the U.S. I wish I could find it again.  The core concept was that in our culture you’re not allowed to say anything negative to anyone, or you’re the AH.  As a parent of teenagers, who enjoy putting each other down, I sort of agree with this sentiment.  We don’t need any more negativity in this world.    The point of the radio story was that it has negative consequences on people’s mental health and you can never tell when someone is genuinely being positive.  (I may have inferred the latter point.) 

But to your point, breaking down people’s points in to component parts is often seen as being negative.  You have to tell people that their ideas are great and then have them break them down for you.  When they get to the point where they realize the flaw, that you already saw, it is their realization and not yours.  I’m really bad at doing this and hate how much time it takes, but it seems to be the way to do it.

I know [Japan] and some other countries have a concept of saving face.  I think the U.S. has a similar thing here, but it isn’t well defined.


April 8th, 2024 at 8:59 PM ^

What also grinds my gears is what happened to the Red Wings once that advertising patch was added on their jerseys. Also, that AC/DC and The Pretty Reckless are touring together but not coming to Detroit or Cleveland 


April 8th, 2024 at 9:02 PM ^

Axions.  Those little buggers refuse to be discovered and solve like major massive issues with our understanding of the entire Universe.  

If they exist. If they don’t… nevermind. 


April 8th, 2024 at 9:02 PM ^

People who don’t understand how a zipper merge works and therefore assume YOU are the a-hole when you stay in the lane that is going to close until it is about to close and then try to merge over. 

mGo Go Gadget Play

April 9th, 2024 at 10:56 AM ^

Senior year, engineering job fair, so all of my friends who graduated last year and moved across the country are back in Ann Arbor to recruit. A bunch of us meet up at Ashley's. After the fourth person complained about the drivers in their city, my friend Nate observed one of the great truths of our time: 


When you move to a new city -- regardless of the city -- the first thing you learn is that nobody there knows how to drive.  


April 9th, 2024 at 2:59 PM ^

My apologies to NJ people but I won’t be conceding this point. 

There are a lot of unhappy people in NJ who want to spread their unhappiness to others when out in public. 

When I moved to NJ from out West, it seemed absolutely no one had heard of a zipper merge in NJ.  Where I came from it was the norm.  

There are also the 200 year old jug handles required to make a left.   Just about anyone is angry when getting off a jug handle.

I was only in NJ for a few years but when I moved to my next city one state over, a taxi driver stopped in the middle of traffic congestion and waved me over in front of him when I was stuck behind a delivery truck.  I felt like I moved to heaven.  Since you can eliminate NY, it should be easy to guess where that was  


Johnny Blood

April 8th, 2024 at 9:10 PM ^

The new trend of expecting tips for everything. 

And related to that, being handed a credit card machine by the server with a suggested tip of 30% (or more) preselected so that I have to change it to something else right in front of them.