Maize and Luke

June 4th, 2020 at 4:43 PM ^

1) so nothing he does or says until he retires can be private? Do you honestly feel that way?

2) I’m sure there’s a sexist joke on my phone somewhere. And other jokes I wouldn’t say in public. I would have no problem with my wife scrolling freely through my phone, if that means anything.

3) there’s a point where a joke is just a joke. People make a living off of telling terribly offensive jokes.


June 4th, 2020 at 7:44 PM ^

You are treading on some very thin ice here. There was this guy, a long time ago-whom a major religion was founded upon, who stated that there is no distinguishable difference between thinking an act and doing it. A "joke is a joke" eh...well, a lie is a lie too...and here they are one and the same. And that at this moment your are 9 votes to the positive with your remarks gives me great pause. Have we learned nothing over the past several months???


Maize and Luke

June 5th, 2020 at 7:21 AM ^

There is a time and place for every joke, especially dependent on the subject. People joke and post memes about the coronavirus all day long while over 100k people have died from it in the USA alone. Where’s the outcry over that? Maybe it’s because I’m polish and have heard every polish joke imaginable or because I was always picked on as a kid but I’m not a snowflake who’s easily offended. A joke is meant to make another person laugh, does that mean that prison actually believes what they’re saying? A joke isn’t indicative of who a person really is but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


June 4th, 2020 at 5:35 PM ^

I remember watching Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carola when they were doing "The Man Show" back on Comedy Central - almost exclusively sexist humor, in public (let alone what their off camera jokes must have been).

20 years later Kimmel is now the headliner of ABCs late night programming, in addition to many other appearances.  It seems, for him at least, his sexist humor wasn't a problem.  Curious.  (He also has racist humor in his past, including doing blackface, but I never saw any of that myself).


June 4th, 2020 at 7:15 PM ^

I sort of liked the Man Show when Kimmel and Corolla were on it even though I didn’t watch it often.  Sure it was sexist, but it was done in a tongue in cheek way of “I hope my wife doesn’t catch me saying this.”   When Joe Rogan and that other dude took over it was just straight up misogyny and it was no longer funny.  It was just gross.  

I hope Fromm was making a tongue-in-cheek joke in a private conversation and he doesn’t really think that.  If he isn’t cut he better hope Josh Allen stays healthy or he’s going to get lit up. Drew Brees is going to take some inspired hits this year.


June 4th, 2020 at 4:49 PM ^

At least in that exchange, Jake is a perfect representative of the historical Deep South. (I don't know him personally.)

For those not in the know, 19th-century Deep South culture was as "1%" as it gets. A handful of rich plantation owners and everyone else (poor whites, poor non-whites). Guess who had lots of guns?


June 4th, 2020 at 2:52 PM ^

Link to the original conversation? I haven't seen this one until now and like to get as much of the story as possible on this stuff.

Either way, seems completely tone-def like several other white athletes have been lately. Very disappointing to see.

EDIT: Nvmd, LongLiveBo got it covered when I was typing this. 3 months ago, sarcasm/poor joke or not, you don't say things like that unless you're racist to some extent. 

snarling wolverine

June 4th, 2020 at 3:36 PM ^

It's from 15 months ago (March 2019).

Here's the thing, everyone is racist.  We're all prejudiced about countless things, because that's how our brain functions - it makes snap judgments about everything we see.  The only real variable is whether or not we become aware of our subconscious biases and not let them guide our behavior.

snarling wolverine

June 4th, 2020 at 3:58 PM ^

I'll say it again if it wasn't clear the first time:

1) Everyone is prejudiced by nature - their brain naturally categorizes everything it sees instantaneously.    Our brain puts people into all sorts of categories - tall, short, fat, thin, light-skinned, dark-skinned, etc - and has a set of assumptions for each one.  We can't control that even if we want to.

2) The variable is whether or not we become aware of our subconscious biases and not let it affect our behavior.  Derek Chauvin failed at this.  So did Fromm, apparently.

This is why racism is so persistent, because too many people aren't willing to honestly examine themselves.  Are you willing to examine your own biases, or just going to delude yourself that they don't exist?   


June 4th, 2020 at 2:57 PM ^


looks like a failed attempt at sarcasm in a private text chat. i don't know if that really tells us anything about who he is, except not a comedian.

really, he needs to learn that as an NFL QB, he doesn't have the luxury to be that loose with his words.

either way though, really poor timing.


June 5th, 2020 at 1:11 AM ^

The person he was texting with obviously thought it offensive enough to post it on Twitter.
There are many possibilities here, but the most likely are:

- he didn’t know the person he was texting that well, which, why would you say something like that to someone you didn’t know that well.

- he did know the person well enough to be texting with them, he felt comfortable enough to say it, and it finally went too far. 

In either or those two scenarios, it’s pretty dumb and most likely racist.


June 5th, 2020 at 12:53 PM ^

Yeah I didn't realize the conversation was that old. I guess I just assumed it had something to do with the stay home order protests and he was joking that was a way to keep those protests in order. But apparently not, and makes me really wonder what the hell context was around that original conversation. 

Tom Burke

June 4th, 2020 at 3:01 PM ^

We don’t need to be dissecting every personal conversation just to find potentially racial comments and force someone to make an empty statement/apology.  How does that solve the issue?

Blue Middle

June 4th, 2020 at 3:22 PM ^

I would add that the race element here is particularly unnecessary.  If he had just said, "so only elite, rich people" then this would be a non-story, though it would still be disgusting.

If we're being honest, racist jokes and comments used to be considered funny.  Blazing Saddles was on many peoples' all-time great comedy lists for years.  Jokes about rednecks, Jews, black people, Asians, white people, and folks of different religions were popular when I was in high school.  "Gay" was a common derogatory label.

Some people come from places, cultures, or families that just have not evolved as much.  I'm NOT making excuses for Fromm, who made a racist statement.  I am hoping that, even during the hardest of times, we make room for compassion not only for victims of racism, but for those who were raised in racist cultures or have not learned the decency to respect people of all different types.

But Fromm made a racist comment--albeit in a private conversation--and it is getting called out.  And I think that's generally good, because it well help people realize that even "casual" racism is not okay.  That's a lesson I had to learn.

What I'm trying to say, and maybe not doing a very good job with, is that Fromm should have to answer for this, but that I also believe it's okay for us to be compassionate with people who are still learning how to be great humans.  It's not easy.

I do hope Fromm doesn't lose his career over this.


June 5th, 2020 at 8:43 AM ^

You bring up some really good points. The main issue I have with this whole thing is everyone is so emotional over racism right now that I don't see Fromm receiving the amount of forgiveness that would be justified for a private conversation getting leaked from 15 months ago over what to him was considered a joke, regardless of the severity of the joke.

I guarantee that if every NFL player's phones over the last 5 years would be made public and every derogatory or racist comment was posted on a wall, every single player would have something to apologize for, both black and white. 

I grew up in communities that were about 98% white, dated a couple black girls, but because I did not grow up around their culture I have never really found black culture comfortable. I also never grew up in New York or Australia or Paris, so I have never found those cultures comfortable either. It isn't a race thing for me - It is an understanding thing for me.

Not understanding a particular culture is not racism, but it can be deliberate avoidance due to uncomfortability and a lack of understanding (we as humans typically seek out comfort and follow paths or people that fit our own cultures or personalities). These events have opened up my eyes to instead of just not really caring much or not stepping out of my comfort zone to embrace people I feel like I don't share similar cultures with, I now feel like it's my duty to get out of my comfort zone just to make sure any individuals that don't share my same belief structure, skin color, or background all know that people who are different than them do accept them and appreciate them as well as the fact that I just need to educate myself better.

Not saying this is Jake Fromm's issue, but I know for a fact that most of the people playing the holier than thou card and chastising him for that comment are being very hypocritical. There has to be an element of grace if we are ever going to get fully past the damage of racism.