
June 5th, 2020 at 12:35 AM ^

This is funny and true, BUT people need to learn that texts are evidence that can be allowed in court. My favorite TV judge says "say it forget it, write it regret it".

Jake Fromm was casually racist and kinda dumb for texting a racist "joke" to someone who he clearly didn't know well enough to be receptive to its "humor". 

Gucci Mane

June 4th, 2020 at 3:03 PM ^

Perfect. Make gun owner a racial issue and then maybe democrats won’t want to steal them as badly from us. I’m learning just make everything racial. Only way people care apparently. 

throw it deep

June 4th, 2020 at 6:33 PM ^

You're not wrong. Democrats went silent about social distancing real quick when people started protesting a racial issue.


Also, as a 2A supporter, I love that the Democrats somehow think these protests are turning the tide against 2A. Not a chance. I'm more firmly in support of 2A than ever after seeing all the looting. The average Democrat public figure lives in one hell of a bubble.

Gucci Mane

June 4th, 2020 at 7:42 PM ^

A lot of black people are now saying they need guns to protect themselves. And although it’s a myth that Black people are being killed by cops at some alarming rate (whites are killed more and more often on a per encounter basis), I am glad to see Black people wanting to be armed legally. Good luck taking away guns white liberals when backs will now call you racist for it. We know in the cult of the white liberal nothing is worse than being called a racist. 


June 4th, 2020 at 3:03 PM ^

This is a stupid statement. That being said, I am so so so thankful that none of the stupid shit I said in private when I was that age has been put on the internet (yet..). 


Wouldn't really be race related, but, still there'd be a lot of horrific nuggets. 

Boom Goes the …

June 4th, 2020 at 3:03 PM ^

That’s ridiculous.  The lootings over the past week have destroyed any argument against the 2A.  Since the politicians abandoned their cities and police can no longer enforce law and order, citizens MUST protect themselves.  Everyone, not just elite whites


June 4th, 2020 at 3:12 PM ^

lol... Ransack minority communities for years utilizing biased housing loans, redline their communities then build highways through them for the newly minted "white suburb" (especially in Chicago) then act surprised when they lash out and focus on the minority of people causing vandalism. 

Sounds about right...

Blue Know It

June 4th, 2020 at 3:28 PM ^

And therefore we should just destroy the lives and businesses of all the hard working people that built something for themselves and kill innocent civilians. This is what you are cheering for. You are disgusting. No wonder Chicago is on fire.


June 4th, 2020 at 3:34 PM ^

I'm not supporting the rioting. I'm just not surprised by the rioting. 

America never supported those businesses. Cities rarely give loans out to black-owned business in more populated downtown neighborhoods and then have the gal to gentrify the black areas and kick the same businesses out for the Sweet Greens and Starbucks of the world (see Philadelphia). 

So don't pretend to care now. 

Blue Know It

June 4th, 2020 at 3:44 PM ^

Who tf are you to tell me when i started caring or what i've done? You don't know jack about me. You don't know jack about what i've done for my community or my history. Go sit on your high horse and watch your rioters burn down the cities and destroy public transportation that the not-so-wealthy people rely on. You're nothing but a hypocrite and a closet racist yourself. gtfoh


June 4th, 2020 at 3:58 PM ^

we should just destroy the lives and businesses of all the hard working people that built something for themselves and kill innocent civilians.


You do realize that if you applied your statement to the way our government, law enforcement and most revered institutions have treated black people for centuries you would understand why people are rioting.


June 4th, 2020 at 7:08 PM ^

Except apparently the violence is most commonly coming from fringe groups. There's a man here in Columbus why was caught on camera paying people and pointing to a store to break into. He was white. His statement was that he was trying to help people who were assaulted by the police. But it's obvious he wasn't. Videos of violent looters in Columbus? Every single one was white.

Blue Know It

June 5th, 2020 at 12:35 PM ^

Exactly and why were protestors from that part of Ohio protesting in Detroit when there were protests in CBus, Cleveland, and all over other parts of Ohio? They were brought in to incite violence. 


June 4th, 2020 at 3:03 PM ^

I do agree that guns should be prohibitively expensive.  Maybe not the guns themselves, but i'd like to see a system that has large licensing fees to cover mandatory extensive background checks and mandatory safety training and yearly updates on all those things to own a gun.  The whole elite white thing is BS though.


June 4th, 2020 at 4:14 PM ^

sarcastic/ironic I guess.  Just pointing out a flaw in their argument.  Everytime it comes up, you always hear about how only the bad guys will have them.  Well if it's so easy, then get them that way.  

But god forbid NRA members have to jump through some hoops to make this country safer.

Blue Know It

June 4th, 2020 at 5:06 PM ^

I think you're still missing the point.

People don't want to break the law to get a gun. Buying a gun off the street is illegal. How I see it, NRA or any person that lawfully owns a gun for personal protection doesn't want their guns taken away because then only the criminals will have them. This is even more important now in 2020. 


June 4th, 2020 at 3:05 PM ^

Adding taxes and making guns more expensive does keep them out of the hands of the poor. Pro 2A people are against this and he is clearly pointing that out by using the word “elite”. He can’t be serious. It’s sarcasm and he means the opposite. Virtue signalers will be the keyboard warriors they are. 


June 4th, 2020 at 3:20 PM ^

Yes, but elite was a clue to it being sarcasm. I think it goes back to as recently as Mike Bloomberg being a billionaire, having armed security, having little knowledge of guns, and being anti gun for everyone else. 
A lot of these anti gun people are white. It’s making a mockery of them. Hollywood and tech elites. Maybe it’s better not to say anything this day and age but we are talking about a private text.