The Story 2021: As You Can See, I Can't Pay You Comment Count

Brian August 30th, 2021 at 11:18 AM

Previously: The Story 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl, Broken Social Scene


Hey. This is about us. It's not about anything else, even Michigan football. If you care that this post is here on this date, I'm talking to you. Here is what I am saying: I can't do it. I can do some of it. Just not all of it, anymore.


Here's a thing that happened. I went to see a movie.

The Michigan Theater has been scrapping for things to show in the (sort-of) aftermath of COVID; one of the things they struck on was a series of Studio Ghibli films. If you're vaguely familiar, you're probably familiar with My Neighbor Totoro, a movie in which a couple of young girls run across a series of increasingly large and sleepy rabbit spirits. There's also a catbus?


If you are more than vaguely familiar you probably know all about Studio Ghibli and would like to disclaim to me at length about it; let's take a raincheck.

Anyway, My Neighbor Totoro is sweetness and light. When the Michigan fanbase collectively beat Spencer Hall into getting a Michigan themed tattoo he went with a block-M emblazoned Totoro, because spirit animal recognize spirit animal. It is a movie where a young girl gets lost and a young girl gets found. If you had to summarize this movie in one word it would be "sproing!"

[after THE JUMP: the other movie]

There is another Studio Ghibli movie. It is called Grave of the Fireflies, and the first line in it is "September 21st, 1945. That was the night I died." This is the one I went to see.


The first scene of this movie is a teenage boy dying of starvation in a subway, surrounded by the similarly doomed and the indifferent. One of the indifferent is a janitor cleaning up this charnel house; he takes a rusted tin that used to contain candies and flings it out of the station, where it lands, expels some ash and bone, and settles.


The rest of this movie is getting to the ash and bone in the tin. The two main characters are war orphans in 1945 Japan, a teenage boy and a four-year-old girl. It is the most brutally sad thing I have ever seen. It is not a movie where a young girl gets found. It immediately went on the Requiem For A Dream list of movies that I'm glad I saw and will never see again. The kind of thing where you need to remember to breathe frequently.

Here's a thing Wikipedia told me:

The initial Japanese theatrical release was accompanied by Hayao Miyazaki's light-hearted My Neighbor Totoro as a double feature.

My response to reading this was to literally say "what the fuck" out loud and then tell several people this fact whether they had seen the movie or not. The mind reels. And then—because it is diseased by various flavors of online and sports—starts making analogies. One of these you have probably already deduced because you've seen the meme, the accurate meme.

Yes, that. Michigan is that double bill, with Grave in the fall and Totoro in the winter. But also my marriage, which went the other way until January when it started wildly oscillating between the two.


The other thing that happened is that CM Punk showed up in Chicago. Now, my re-engagement with the professional wrestling only happened after I watched Wrestlemania with Spencer in 2013, because I was in Atlanta for the Final Four and Wrestlemania is the thing that also happens that weekend. Punk did not register at the time—honestly the thing I remember most is Fandango's absurd entrance—and he left WWE shortly thereafter. I gradually absorbed some of the Punk legend over the next several years, but didn't actually feel anything about him until my timeline blew up a week ago when he returned to AEW after a seven-year absence from pro wrestling. (Oblig.)

I was intrigued enough to look up what he actually said after the entrance that showed up 23 times and I watched ~18 times. I had already made the decision. But by God, this is only the eleventh time I've wept at a pro wrassling promo:

I'd already made the decision, and felt like I was letting a lot of people down. And that is perfect, because I do understand. But I do not apologize. I already wrote a column about how my initiatives to be a different person—starting with walk more, drink less—had been obliterated by the ever-hungry maw that was football season. And she begged me. She said I should stop and try to do something else because now that we had a kid, and then kids, that the maw could no longer be sated while keeping everyone sane. I tried to feed the maw. Feeding the maw was all I knew.

Which is not to say that doing that didn't have its rewards. I have had a job that is rewarding even when the football has gone poorly. I have met many lawyers whose wives have jokingly said "you're ruining our marriage." I don't mean that in a sarcastic or even arch way. You write things and then people come up to you and don't quite understand why you're kind of a big deal. I—we—have carved out a place where we can write things and get paid reasonably and I can pay other people reasonably. This feels prosaic until the media world implodes around you, and then it feels magical.

This job is good and fulfilling and also it ate me alive. I remember looking at my phone during the night game against Notre Dame, the Denard After Dentist game, and feeling black and infinitely exposed, and that was in the presence of Denard Robinson. That was also ten years ago. Seven years after I started this thing. One entire cicada brood cycle. One win over Ohio State.

I've been grinding it out for a while. I know what's happened to me over that time. I've read the comments about my mental state, and largely agreed with them. I called a good friend a month ago and he told me that last year he was reading the blog and thought that I should take this year off. And that was before a months-long crisis in my marriage that recently ended with the two of us separating. I don't really want to put this out in public but in my hubris I've put my wife in columns over and over and over again so omission would eventually be confession. Better to just rip the band-aid off.

This broke me. So I have been gone. It was my great good fortune to be in a position where I could withdraw from my job and try to figure some things out when I really needed to, and I did that. This is in a tradition of early aughts blog people who turned it in to a job. Spencer Hall got drunk on buffalo. Brian Phillips wandered over to Area 51. If you are a vaguely literary sports-adjacent aughts blog guy who made it a job the white guy vision quest is a cliché.

But I didn't figure anything out. I'm here now, because the season starts when the season starts. I'm not much better. I have reached no conclusions. I have not found an accommodation within myself. I am the proverbial camel except instead of straw I got hit by an anvil.


The practical upshots of this are:

  • For the first time since 2007 there is not a ~50k word season preview.
  • I'm resigning from UFR duties. Seth, who's been doing a near-equivalent for FFFF for years, is ready to step in there. Alex is doing FFFF.
  • I'll continue to write game columns and do the podcasts and have a regular presence on the site.
  • Basketball and hockey coverage should be largely unaffected since my workload in those parts of the year is reasonable.


Seventeen years is enough. For me, anyway. I have no choice but to pick up the bricks laying on the ground all around me and stack them until there's a building. It's not going to have the same shape. We'll see what it looks like.



August 30th, 2021 at 12:51 PM ^

Welcome back, Brian.  Be proud of the great thing you have built here.  Regardless of the football, I hope us readers can do a better job of making this blog something that brings you joy.


August 30th, 2021 at 12:51 PM ^

Brian - can't thank you enough for the creative and engaging content the past 17 years. Finding mgoblog at the very beginning, when I was in grad school, and posting on the Haloscan board made me feel like I found a secret society of similarly obsessed UM fans.

Seeing it flourish for - JFC - over 17 years is incredible, and is all owed to your talent and passion.

Hope you find some peace in stepping back. Thanks again.


August 30th, 2021 at 12:57 PM ^

Brian, You don't need to do all of it anymore. Honestly, we'd love it if you did any part of it, because your gifts are why we are here. We all refresh and reload over and over again all day long because what you built and how you built it matters to us all. 

So thank you for your excellent work.

It seems trite to say it but...change is really the only constant. We have passions and grand expectations for how they are going to grow and evolve, then in the process of it all - life happens. My hope for you is that you have confidence in what you've done in the past, and that you continue to be insightful,  funny and passionate moving forward. 



August 30th, 2021 at 12:58 PM ^

Brian - 

It is both very good to read your words again, but I’m struck by how incredibly sad what’s happening to you is.  We’ve met, a couple of times.  I don’t suspect that either time was your most favorite MGoBlog encounter.  Anyway, not just because we’ve met, but because this life is so incredibly complex, I would like to say a couple of things:

The weight of this fan base is not yours to carry.  It may often feel that way, but it isn’t.  The deeds and performances of 18-23 year old young men are not an indictment on you.  Similarly, their coaches are not a reflection on you.

We as your online community are not owed anything by you.  

Whether your personal life is repairable or not is not an actual question.  It will be repaired in some way, shape, or form.  It may not be in the way you think, however.  

As I said, I was glad to see you back.  However, if this truly isn’t the best thing for you then I am deeply saddened.  I hope you have a good feel for what’s best for you at this time. 

This is in no way a comparable situation, but I can tell you that I have had to leave a job or two, despite my love and talent for it, because it wasn’t going to work for my mental health or my family.  In my personal experience, that decision was hard to make, but easy to live with.  

Lastly, no matter what direction you go in, I’d like to say that I’m extremely grateful for everything you’ve done, and if we never see your name on another piece of content, I’ll personally be just as grateful for everything.  

Take care of yourself, please. 




August 30th, 2021 at 1:01 PM ^

I am not very bright and have poor listening skills but every time I hate my wife so much I want to leave I imagine coming home after work to a house where my kids don't live.  I wish you the best Brian.  I have always thought with your natural ability you should be writing something more consequential.  But like I said I am not very bright and someone could get very rich betting the opposite of me.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:02 PM ^

Best thoughts to you Brian,  thank you, as a long time reader, for the many hours of entertainment you’ve given, and the many more hours of work it took on your end to do so. I was worried your absence over the summer meant something catastrophic had happened, and while I’m glad it wasn’t the health/medical issues I feared, I’m nonetheless sad to hear that things in your life are decidedly Not Ok. I hope the step back from football duties, and football in general, help you and yours move in a happier direction.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:06 PM ^


This post establishes that you remain a terrific writer and because that is limited and precious skill, you should write. I have no idea if you have worked on fiction, poetry, keep a journal or anything else, outside of the blog, but I would wholeheartedly encourage you to keep writing in some form.




September 1st, 2021 at 6:46 PM ^

I agree with this one a lot. He has a fairly unique voice, but has a way of communicating emotional processes from daily events that carries pretty well I think. Not sure what his interests are outside of M sports, but he could definitely make a career of writing on many things. 


August 30th, 2021 at 1:06 PM ^

I don't have much to add to what's been written below other than to say that I've been reading this blog since, I believe, 2005 ("the year of infinite pain" -- we had no idea) and it's become part of my life. While I didn't realize that there was a connection until sometime later I was also a fan of the "Every Three Weekly" in the early 2000s which I understand you founded. You're any incredibly insightful and funny writer.

You've created something incredible here, but it's clear you need to focus on yourself. I don't have have the experience to give any more meaningful advice than that, but I hope you can get to a good place. Take care.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:08 PM ^ man...take care of yourself and this Blog will be (not the same) but just good enough for us.  You and your health are all you have.  Prayers for you and your journey.  I wish nothing but the best for you.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:12 PM ^

Longtime reader, I rarely log in or comment but wanted to show you support Brian. Life is bigger than Michigan or our jobs. Glad to have Mgblog in my life and your contribution to it. Hang in there. 


August 30th, 2021 at 1:14 PM ^

best of luck to you, hope it all works out. 

we ALL need to take a step back at times and re-evaluate things at times. remember, things are never as good OR as bad as we think. Find the middle 


August 30th, 2021 at 1:14 PM ^

I can't say anything to make things better or clearer for you, so I have nothing ground breaking to say here.  I just wanted to add to the many in the MGOBLOG community wishing you well and thank you for the hours of entertainment you have provided.  I very much appreciate all your work on the site and I hope you find the answers to give you "Hope" again.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:19 PM ^

Wishing and praying nothing but the best for you and I truly hope brighter days are ahead. Thank you for all that you have done for the MGoCommunity. Take care of yourself.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:22 PM ^

Brian, thank you. Take care of yourself and your family.

We've never met or talked, but your writing and the community you built have been threads in the lives of myself and most of my friends for the last 17 years. I'll try not to stumble into cliche, but will just say that your work has been deeply appreciated. 

As I read this piece I assumed you were going to tell us you were leaving entirely. If that were your decision, I'd merely say the same thing.

Thank you. 

Blue Vet

August 30th, 2021 at 1:23 PM ^

Dear Brian,

I'm very sorry what you're going through.

Thank you for creating this community, and this wonderful body of writing. Also, thank you for helping me get through the past year and a half. I've had work that pulled me so I've been lucky, but mostly alone in my apartment, I know MGoBlog helped me in ways I didn't know I needed.

Having been through a separation, I hope you work your way to some peace, and that you, your wife, and your children find a good way to be with each other in the world.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:25 PM ^

Brian, sorry to hear what has transpired in your personal life.  Your efforts here are greatly appreciated.  One day at a time is the best advice I can provide and it shall get better.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:28 PM ^

As someone in a burnout position, I have had struggles as well. I had to resort to “walk more and drink none.” For anyone struggling, there are resources out there. As a man, it is difficult to ask for help, but it is the best decision I ever made. 

Love your writing and the blog. Take care of yourself. 


August 30th, 2021 at 1:28 PM ^

All the best to you and your family Brian. You’ve built a wonderful community here. Please take care of yourself and your kids, the site and the community will be ok.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:29 PM ^

Hope everything works out Brian. I don’t come here as much as I used to, but your work remains beautiful.

I was curious and went back and read the 2016 intro and man, it’s amazing how one game, The Game, causes diversions in the path. 

They were there in Year 2 of Harbaugh. Right there. And whether it was stolen from them or they gave it way, you can trace the line back to this moment in some ways. 


August 30th, 2021 at 1:29 PM ^

Thanks for posting this, Brian.  I hope you end up better than you are.  As someone who kind of writes for a living,  I think it can be extremely hard on one's mental health.  That might just be me projecting-- I'm might well have found being a mechanic hard on my psyche if that's what I ended up doing for a living.  Still, for most writers, you always start with a blank page and a question: what do you think?  And there are lots of times that I don't want to think about what I think, not just because it's annoying, but because it's painful or because I'm afraid of it.  Not just afraid to share it, but afraid to realize it or acknowledge it myself.  I understand why doing it a bit less might be beneficial.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:30 PM ^


I found this blog back when my kid's mother and I were going through a pretty brutal break up. We had a two year old son, had just bought a house together. I thought that she was my one and only, but I wasn't holding up my side of the bargain. I was depressed when I was with her and when she left things only got worse.

Your writing, this community, has been a touchstone presence in my life for 12 years now. If I haven't visited it EVERY DAY since has been pretty darn close. This blog legitimately helped me through some rough times. It was always here when I needed to forget for a few.

Things do get better. Not at all once. Not even on a nice gradual incline. Some days it will feel like the darkness is fading, only for it to be back in triplicate the next day, or week, or month. But the important thing to remember is it does get better. I was at the edge many times. The one thing that would help me was the mantra: This too will pass.

Take the time you need. Heal. Work on yourself. Talk to someone. Lean on your loved ones. Cherish the time with your kids.

I don't know if you have ever read any Brandon Sanderson, but one of my all time favorite books is Oathbringer. It is the third book in a series that will be 5...but there is a line from one of the main characters that has had a tremendous impact on my life:

The most important step a man can take. It's not the first one, is it?
It's the next one. Always the next step..."

Thank you for all you have done. We believe in you.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:50 PM ^

I'm not sure if you know - but it's actually going to be 10 books broken up into two "narratives" of 5 books.  The "break between act" characters will be some of the main ones.

Also, thanks for sharing - and another quote from Stormlight Archives to help inspire - "Journey before destination"


August 30th, 2021 at 3:24 PM ^

Yeah 10 books eventually. Not to mention the rest of the Cosmere lol.

I was hoping to maybe get someone to read Stormlight by not making it seem even more daunting than it already is. Those are some big books.

Honestly, Brandon's writing in Stormlight has helped me re-contextualize a lot of how I live me life. There are SO many good mantras and quotes from those books. Love to see a fellow fan!


August 30th, 2021 at 1:30 PM ^

Brian, please be patient and forgiving with yourself.  This is life can be a challenging place at times (as can being a UM football fan).  We are all human.  We make mistakes.  We get frustrated and unhappy.  Eventually we figure out how to fix or come to terms with those things.  Be well & take care of yourself.  

The Purple Helmet

August 30th, 2021 at 1:30 PM ^

Sometimes we become a prisoner to something we created, loved, nurtured and saw it through to its success.

Then we lose our drive, ambition, and it affects our whole life.

I don't think there is a better, more consistently outstanding writer who is funny, creative and supremely witty, all while giving content and worthwhile analysis than Brian Cook.

Thank you, Brian--I hope you get the battery re-charging you need--but sometimes, we gotta walk away from our creation forever, too.


August 30th, 2021 at 1:30 PM ^

Thank you Brian for all your work over the years. Thank you for opening yourself up like this and sharing. The most important thing is for you to take care of yourself and do what is needed for that. By doing this you can become the best spouse and father you can be.  I hope your wife and you can pull through and work things out. You have blessed my life with excellent writing and I truly appreciate it. I'll be praying for you.



August 30th, 2021 at 1:32 PM ^

Brian - You have given rise to a generation of extremely well-informed Michigan football fans who can no longer listen to our friends talk pigskin because we cringe at the feelingsball of it all. In doing so, you passed a bit of your tortured life down to us, and goddamnit does it hurt so good

I recently went through a similar situation with an ex-girlfriend who was a soon-to-be fiance, and going through it while the world was on fire made it exponentially more difficult. But you had to type about it to a crowd large enough to fill Michigan stadium many times over -- and someone could only do that if they've burned every ounce of hope in their body, or summoned every ounce of courage. Maybe it was both. Either way, I hope you're able to battle through and find peace


August 30th, 2021 at 1:33 PM ^

Brian.  Although we've only met once I, like many others, feel like I know you through your excellent writing.  

I've been where your standing and things CAN get better.  Try to remember that if it gets darker first.

Get healthy and come back when you feel it's right.  We'll all miss you but we are all united in our support of you.



August 30th, 2021 at 1:34 PM ^

"Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you."  I hope you find what's workable for you, Brian.  Keep taking care of you so you can take care of yours. ????

1989 UM GRAD

August 30th, 2021 at 1:36 PM ^

Thank you for sharing your personal life and thoughts with us. The way you imbue your writing with your personality is what has kept me here on the blog.

If the only thing coming in between you and your wife is your work at the blog, you should step away from the blog and repair your relationship with your wife.

If there are other problems in your marriage that are related to the blog, you are probably best off moving on...but hopefully in an amicable manner and in a way that the focus is on being the most caring, loving, attentive father possible.

Best wishes to you. 


August 30th, 2021 at 1:37 PM ^

Brian -- I've been reaching this blog since the 2005 Wordpress days.  Thank you for everything you've put into this blog--you truly made me a better fan.  (If only the football team could have been as successful as you've been in building this site.)  Glad you're taking some more time for yourself and your family.  You've earned it, and I truly hope it gives you what you need.  Thanks again for everything.