Eyabi Anoma late drama

Submitted by ThatGuyCeci on

Michigan men and women of MGoBlog.. there is late smoke that Anoma is leaning to Michigan as noted by Brian on the front page, according to Sam Webb and Brian Dohn at 24/7.  Announcment time is 2pm eastern.. could be the biggest signing day upset in favor of UM in recent memory.. possibly even the top flip pro UM of all time. 100% crystal balls are on Bama at this time.

EDIT: trolled again, nothing to see here.


December 20th, 2017 at 1:35 PM ^

Typical drama with a Bama commit that ends in a DONG Punch when they dont commit to Michigan... Dashawn Hand, Najee Harris....... so forth, so on. 

Not gonna get my hopes up for this one....but if he does Go Blue.... Ill bring da beers, ill bring da beeers.


December 20th, 2017 at 1:54 PM ^

Would love to eat my words, but he gone to Bama.  Most likely an attempt to build drama and make Michigan look bad on TV.  Kills two birds with one stone.