Balas: After NCAA meetings, Michigan "99% sure" it won't face punishment this season

Submitted by Communist Football on October 27th, 2023 at 1:45 PM

Chris Balas ($) posted an update based on conversations with his sources at Michigan about yesterday's discussions with the NCAA. As always, since this is paywalled, subscribe to On3 for the full article. But based on his comments and those from Isaiah Hole, who has spoken to dozens of people inside and outside of Michigan about this story, it appears that:

  1. Overall, Michigan feels good about the conversations that have taken place, and feels "99 percent sure" that neither Michigan nor Harbaugh will face sanctions this year, because of the "rogue staffer" facts to date.
  2. Michigan isn't using the "grey areas" defense, believing that if Stalions hired others to something that is forbidden, that is a rules violation by Stalions.
  3. 1-2 more articles will drop with news unflattering to Michigan related to this story, but they won't alter the fundamental framework we are already familiar with.

All in all, it appears that we may nearing the bottom of the curve related to this story, and that once those last few stories drop, we will have a nearly complete picture of the facts (i.e., no Harbaugh involvement, no sanctions this year, probably slaps on the wrist in the end).

And then we can go back to focusing on winning the Game.


October 27th, 2023 at 4:34 PM ^

The police may say it's not connected. As in his actions had nothing to do with stalions. He wasn't arrested for anything implicating stalions. But it's possible his arrest led to the hiring of the third party IT investigation if you believe the rumor. I am not going to speculate. I have no update yet. I'm not the source. Im not a reporter. I'm just a guy sharing info


October 27th, 2023 at 5:36 PM ^

That story makes no sense though.  So this 3rd party discovers this info in Weiss’ computer, and then decides to launch their own investigation?  On whose dime and why?  They aren’t required to report anything to the NCAA because the NCAA isn’t a government body and NCAA rules aren’t real laws.  They’d likely not give a shit.  


October 27th, 2023 at 9:30 PM ^

But it's possible his arrest led to the hiring of the third party IT investigation if you believe the rumor.

Whenever anyone trying to play the insider starts to use passive voice, my bullshit alarm sounds.  "led to the hiring"?  Hiring by whom?  Why would this hypothetical third party report anything about Stalions to anyone but their principals?  



October 27th, 2023 at 4:15 PM ^

1. Share your source with Brian or Seth so they can properly vet it. 2. Your source could be Buckeye spin.3.It is unusual to say the least that OSU people would know about this alleged practice video but not Michigan which appears to be the case here. 


4.There is still the matter of how this information came into the hands of the third party. That is more serious than anything Stallions did by a far margin.


October 27th, 2023 at 4:30 PM ^

I'm not telling anyone my source unless my source says it's ok. Someone will be right when the truth comes out. My source could be wrong. I've said that. Believe what you want. I believe him, and I can't just out him. It's 100% not buckeye spin


Edit: and idk who the third party is or how they got the info. The thing we all hope is fake explains that kind of. I haven't talked about any of that with my source yet. I'm just speculating based on my earlier discussion


October 27th, 2023 at 5:54 PM ^

I am not trying to disseminate any information other than what I summarized this morning just to get people to stop emailing before anything got worse. All I've done in this thread is answer the questions asked of me because if I was on the other side that's what I'd want.

I don't care if you believe it or not! It might be bad info! Idk how many times I need to say that. I am not the source.

I can't verify the info without giving up my source and I'm uncomfortable sharing my source’s name without their permission. Not insane. I didn’t make a new thread. I’m not trying to break news. This wasn’t planned. If I get permission, I'll email Bryan. Some of you people need to chill 


October 27th, 2023 at 1:55 PM ^

You know how when USC commits a rules violation, North California State Tech takes it on the chin? Well, all I know is, for what OSU, MSU and He Who Shall Not Be Named (Except by Chris Balas) have done to piss off the coaches and team...

Purdue is in for one mighty application of uncanned whoop-ass next Saturday. Hide your children and weak of heart. They gonna' be like, "But but but WE didn't do anything...!!!"


* Edited my post b/c I wrote it referring to another state, not CA, and then just saw the tragic news of what happened at Northwestern State and why they had to cancel their season, which was the very team I had in mind in my light-hearted reference, so I have revised my post accordingly. If anyone saw my initial version and thought I was making light of that tragedy, my apologies, I did not see the news before I wrote it, and immediately came here to revise my post when I saw the news.

Michael Scarn

October 27th, 2023 at 1:59 PM ^

It is not being asserted because it is not a serious defense to what is alleged.  Technical arguments always sound better on paper.  Anyone who can zoom out knows "no in-person scouting" also means "no sending an agent to film what you are prohibited from scouting in person."


October 27th, 2023 at 2:20 PM ^

Disagree.  This is why lawyers exist.  I agree that you are probably correct.  But does the NCAA treat "scouting" and "recording" the same in other bylaws?  Does it treat them the same in other enforcement cases?  I honestly don't know the answers to these.  But you can also threaten it.  And keep in mind that the NCAA is judge and jury in the NCAA's domain.  But the NCAA's ruling can affect other things like future employment, contracts, payments.  These things are outside the NCAA and in the legal realm.  And I don't think the current legal system is very friendly to the NCAA considering the Supreme Court issued an opinion that basically said "SOMEONE SUE THIS ORGANIZATION THEY WILL LOSE IF IT GETS TO US".  It's a bargening chip toward a settlement both are willing to accept.  


October 27th, 2023 at 2:46 PM ^

I just joined the forum this morning and my first post was in another thread on this exact topic (

tl;dr (sort of)

Before 2001, Bylaw expressly permitted schools to “obtain videotapes” of a future opponent’s games from a commercial entity “for scouting purposes” subject to a handful of restrictions. One of the restrictions was that the commercial entity “does not analyze the videotape or provide any other services that could be construed as scouting activities.” So here it is in the former rules, clear as day (pardon the pun), that recording is categorically different from scouting.


The stated intent and rationale provided by the Bylaw 11 Deregulation Subcommittee for the 2001 amendment were as follows: 

Intent: To permit an institution to obtain videotapes of a future opponent's athletics contest, provided no cost is incurred by the institution other than postage costs.

Rationale: This proposal would significantly simplify legislation related to obtaining videotapes of an opponent's contest. If adopted, the proposal would retain the principle that obtaining videotapes would not result in added expenses for an institution and is consistent with Division I deregulation efforts.  


October 27th, 2023 at 1:56 PM ^

Well this does not coincide with the articles and insiders on the Ohio State side.  According to them, we will be banned and will have to address Ryan Day as a tough coach for the rest of time.


October 27th, 2023 at 1:56 PM ^

All of this shit over the past two weeks to get to what is essentially a “don't do it again”?

Take no mercy and win the whole damn thing.


October 27th, 2023 at 2:21 PM ^

All of this shit over the past two weeks to get to what is essentially a “don't do it again”?

I mean that why all this has been happening the last few weeks. There is someone who is trying to do as much reputational damage as possible knowing that the actual consequences will be small


October 27th, 2023 at 1:56 PM ^

This was never anything more than a "slap on the wrist" situation.  How the media and crazy football fans everywhere convinced themselves they had something bigger is beyond me.  


October 27th, 2023 at 1:57 PM ^

Hopefully if Isaiah Hole's report that most of the BigTen steals signs and shares them with each other is true it comes to light in national media and is taken in consideration by the NCAA.


October 27th, 2023 at 1:57 PM ^

Punishment this year wouldn't have happened anyway due to the whole 90 day notice thing so that doesn't make me feel better. Also it's annoying that Michigan isn't fighting in the grey area. Just straight up admitting you're in the wrong is stupid. 

This seems like Michigan is going to expect and accept some kind of punishment and probably whatever punishment the NCAA and the conference gives which is dumb because they'll most likely go overboard. If the NCAA and B1G weren't massive shits about this whole thing, I would be more inclined to accept the slap on the wrist, but that doesn't seem to be their MO. 


October 27th, 2023 at 1:57 PM ^

So Balas says "Michigan feels good about the conversations that have taken place" while the guy in the other thread says that Harbaugh and assistants ghosted Santa and Manuel at a meeting with the NCAA inquisition.

It's hard for me to believe that Michigan would "feel good" about a meeting with the NCAA that was supposed to be attended by Harbaugh and his staff who declined to attend.


October 27th, 2023 at 2:16 PM ^

I seriously doubt any coaches ghosted a required NCAA meeting nor their bosses.  They all like the prospects of their future employment too much.  Like if Harbaugh leaves, Moore is like a prim candidate to replace him.  Why would he ghost a meeting for the people who would hire him and the group that could show-cause him?  Just doesn't compute.  But anything is possible.


October 27th, 2023 at 2:33 PM ^

I don't automatically buy anything Balas says, but the notion that Harbaugh and his assistants would intentionally ghost a meeting they knew they were expected to attend, especially when the meeting was supposed to include the two people at the University of Michigan who have unilateral power to fire them pretty much on the spot, strikes me as exceedingly unlikely.

Ghosting a meeting with your immediate superiors is basically a loud "fuck you" and is a sure-fire way of getting canned.