
November 4th, 2023 at 4:51 PM ^

Honestly, that is how Michigan should have responded when this first came out.

Ono’s letter was perfect. Balanced and reasonable, while still impressing the fact that Due Process needs to be applied here.

very impressed with him taking a strong, public, stance


November 4th, 2023 at 4:53 PM ^

Ono, my fucking guy! 

I love the subtle, fuck you to other people in conference and the reminder that you pull some stupid shit, we'll take you to court. 


November 4th, 2023 at 4:59 PM ^

And, to be clear, oral updates from NCAA enforcement staff do not and cannot constitute evidence

I guess we know what B1G conference was going to show President Ono

Hensons Mobile…

November 4th, 2023 at 5:05 PM ^

The Big 10 has not informed us of any investigation of its own, as would be required under conference rules.  And, to be clear, oral updates from NCAA enforcement staff do not and cannot constitute evidence, nor do we think the NCAA would ever intend for an oral update to be given that meaning or weight.

Sounds like we're concerned about what is in those oral updates.

Hensons Mobile…

November 4th, 2023 at 6:13 PM ^

Sorry. My bad. I just meant he was preemptively telling Petitti not bring up that stuff which to me seemed like he would only do if he thought that was the bad stuff.

I liked the letter and did a bunch of upvotes on the positive posts. I am very encouraged by it and the position Ono is taking.

Again, thank you for your helpful feedback.



November 4th, 2023 at 6:32 PM ^

Santa Ono is doing what is by far the best course.

If the Big 10 is pushing for punishment before due process, that is ridiculous and should not be accepted.  If it tried that, there should be legal push back.

Well done, President Ono!  You are showing yourself to be an outstanding Michigan President (on this and in many other ways).

Also, everyone should keep in mind what alleged violation is:  "in-person scouting".  Not deciphering signs, which is allowed.

And keep in mind the magnitude if there is an infraction of that.  In-person scouting has been done before and punished by the NCAA.  The staffer doing it got a half-game suspension.

We must keep in mind what the actual issue is and its magnitude -- contrary to the raving lunatic hordes on social media.


November 4th, 2023 at 10:09 PM ^

No doubt, this is a well written letter. But according to Balas, it sounds like the Big Ten in turn addressed Ono's concerns and presented evidence sufficient to take action. As a consenting member of the Big Ten, Michigan has agreed to follow its bylaws, so it's hard to see how this is a matter for the courts if no contract is being violated.


November 4th, 2023 at 10:51 PM ^

Balas is the only one reporting this “major evidence” and just today Balas said he expects harbaugh to get a show cause. 

Balas may end up correct but it will likely be because he (and literally only he) knows of evidence presented far beyond what is being accused. It would likely be UM hacking osu directly etc etc 

I’m not talking crap, but if he (and again he may!) be correct then he knows something not a single other person knows and it will be way, way beyond what we’ve been discussing. 

either Balas knows there is much, much more too this or he’s full of it.