oriental andrew

August 20th, 2015 at 9:21 AM ^

I actually don't mind those. The red facemasks are a bit much, but it's in keeping with their usual look overall, just a satin paint job. It's not like they went with black helmets, which would be ridiculous since that's not even one of their colors. Wait, ohio state did what? Oy...

The FannMan

August 19th, 2015 at 8:42 PM ^

What do their regular helmets look like, and how are these different?

Wait, no one cares.  Please resume staring at the calendar to see if we are any closer to some actual footbaugh.


August 19th, 2015 at 9:17 PM ^

Utah / BYU crap talking is way different.  BYU "guy those helmets are swell", Utah guy "I sure like your blue uniforms"All they freakin need to do is join hands and sing Kumbaya.


August 19th, 2015 at 9:27 PM ^

"It can be a great temptation to rest on the field and let the opponent have a play without making him pay for every inch. I must hold his pain where it is. Mine does not matter. ... The punishment I inflict, his fatigue, and that he is up against something that he does not comprehend is everything." -JH

Those new helmets are going to be dented, bloody and tore the fuck up by the time that game is over.