META: MGoStaff's antagonist twitter behavior

Submitted by Lupe Fiasco on January 19th, 2020 at 5:26 PM

What is going in here, the official @Mgoblog account has tweet out that Ant Wright is a "petty, small motherfucker" for being critical of Ace's behaviour towards people on twitter

Ace is known for his being very active and his constant high horsevtowards those he interacts with, along with attacking people with slightly different views. Just today he has spent a ton of time blocking hundreds of people for following Ant Wright or oikinh any of his tweets. Including many of those who donated to his GoFundMe and never said a bad word to him, leaving a bad taste for those that supported him when he needed it.

Ace is now threatening a lawsuit against Ant Wright for cyberbullying because Ant has said his behaviour is uncalled for and he's being a dick

The entire MGOStaff needs to step away from the platform for the day, and evaluate how they should represent the blog in the future. Just not a good look for the business

Nobody Likes a…

January 20th, 2020 at 9:34 AM ^

If you give someone money, give without expectation. I get thats easier said than done but I can't imagine the hell that is Ace's day to day life suffering through something that isn't well understood or better documented. Twitter isn't a venue for nuance, and by design its fucking impossible to determine context. This whole thing started with a subtweet which is by its very definition small, petty and dickish.

I don't blame anyone who goes around blocking people on Twitter, the place is a hell hole. Now imagine it from the perspective of someone who is home bound and one of their main channels to the world is twitter. Now roll into that someone who has to be on there professionally in an atmosphere where everyone has an opinion. B1G twitter isn't the algonquin round table. So block first ask questions later is a defensible strategy.

The last thing that bothers me is that everyone has been complaining about how toxic everything is and no one has raised a hand and said me, I'm part of the problem. The ones who have realized this have likely logged off. So I too am part of this and if I've been a dick to you, I'm sorry, you likely didn't deserve it and it was done in the service of me scoring stupid internet points and giving myself a laugh. It wasn't fair to you or the community. We aren't those people, we aren't hateful toxic assholes, lets not let our base breed a harvey updyke


January 20th, 2020 at 9:44 AM ^

Friendly advice to those who have not learned this lesson: the gift is in the giving. If someone is grateful, that is extra special but you should not expect anything in return. If you give a gift to your family member or a friend (especially money), don't expect that it will ever be repaid or remembered. If you are going to be unhappy about how your gift is used or misused (e.g. are you enabling behavior you don't agree with) then don't give the gift. If you are giving a gift to feel more appreciated or to achieve a specific goal, then that is not a gift, it is a business transaction.

Take this as you will. I think I'm going to chalk up the majority of this thread to the general dysphoria surrounding losing and the weather (and politics). Michigan Hockey is playing well, let's talk about that.


January 20th, 2020 at 11:24 AM ^

Same type of people expect college players owe them something because they paid to watch them play.  Because I am a "customer" I get carte blanche to say whatever I want to you.

I've seen similar stuff with people who expect anyone who works in the government to owe someone something because they "pay" their salaries through taxes.

It's all bull.  Money should never give you permission to be an asshole (unless you are paying precisely for this specific privilege to someone).

And donations are never about the size you give.  Bill Gates has stated that by money amount, he is the most generous person in the world, however, he knows he hasn't given up anything by being that person.  The person who gives $10 when they only have $5 are far more generous than he is.

Also, is everyone now on twitter? I didn't see anything on Myspace, so was surprised to see this whole thread.


the fume

January 20th, 2020 at 1:24 PM ^

I don't know if that's true in general man, it's charity. If I'm giving to the Australian firefighters or wildlife fund, I don't expect the money to end up building a new bridge or something.

If I have to give with no expectation of how the money is used I'm simply not going to give, which is a shitty moral.


January 20th, 2020 at 6:58 PM ^

I think people enjoy feeling generous and that's great. I never said to "give with no expectation of how the money is used" and, rather, said that if you don't like how your funds may be used/misused then don't give the money. Taking your example, I thoroughly research any charity before I give money. If you don't know about Charity Navigator, you should. I am keenly interested in how any money I donate is going to be used and figure that out beforehand so that I don't feel misled afterwards. In fact, I'll frequently look up who exactly the charity funds and donate to that group directly to avoid the middleman. I will, as a rule, never give to any GoFundMe.

In the end, once I've given the gift then that's that. I'm done. Is it possible for there to be fraud? Sure, but that's not in my control.

Perkis-Size Me

January 20th, 2020 at 10:00 AM ^

Stepped into this thread and immediately felt like Steve Buscemi in that scene from Armageddon where he’s coming up the elevator and finds Bruce Willis choking a guy out with a huge pair of pliers. 

”Okay......what did we miss?”

For as much shit as we give RCMB, this board sure devolves to that level quite a bit. Especially with this little spat between Mgrowold and Bando/Ace/everyone else. 

What the fuck has happened to this place?



January 20th, 2020 at 11:03 AM ^

Don't knock Ace if you haven't been there.  If you haven't had to face the shame of being a healthy-looking young man using a mobility scooter to get groceries because otherwise you wouldn't eat.  To wake up each day with a clear mind but a broken body, watching everything you know you COULD do slip away.  To need to fill 8-9 hours of otherwise useless time when you're too tired to get out of bed, but you can't sleep, and to very carefully list distractions by time, mental effort, and potential for madness.  To avoid slipping into "why can't I be back NOW" funks and lose all hope.  To spend a month in a stupor when you tried to come back too early and just regressed.

I've been there, done that.  I just thank God mine was a treatable condition that three years worth of doctors completely missed.  It sucked.  Any negativity out there paled in comparison to my own.  I wasn't on Twitter, but if I was and I had any sort of following, you bet your ass I'd be blocking anyone being negative.

To those who helped Ace out, congrats!  It worked!  He's back writing!  But when you have limited reserves, you HAVE To be careful about doing too much too quickly, otherwise you backslide.  And if you rag on him for not being all the way back (which trust me, he's painfully aware of that), he's gonna block you.  And he doesn't owe you a damn thing.


January 21st, 2020 at 11:26 AM ^

This is a very good take. Politics, in no way, contributes to a healthy lifestyle, especially for someone with a depression-esque disease. I have quit most social media and stopped following political news on a daily basis... Your perception is your reality, and I have been trying eliminate sources of disproportionate influence on mine.


January 20th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^

This post and all the comments are pretty crazy to me.  I’ve been here since practically the beginning but didn’t get an account til much later and mainly just lurk.  To see it go off the rails like this is beyond words.  Over the years there have been A LOT of crazy little events from the funny to the just weird but to see this is just disheartening.  I never post but being on this site for so long and knowing so many of you from your screen names it’s pretty much a dysfunctional family to me.  I’m like the quiet cousin that never talks but is at every event.  I know this place has gotten rough the last 5ish years.  From many more trolls coming to the site and the diminishing involvement of the staff and the lack of moderation to even the constant bitching about the functionality of the site it has been rough.  But I never thought it would get to this point.  The hatred aimed at Ace is just mind blowing.  To attack “one of our own” like this is completely uncalled for and extremely petty.  Spitting out this venom because of an unfollow or a thank you that wasn’t up to your standards or even just someone’s political views is just....I don’t know what else to say. I’ve gone through a really rough time these past 4 years because of a daughter born with many health problems and having to have many surgeries but coming here has helped me feel a sense of normalcy. Hope it can get back to what it was some day.   

The Oracle 2

January 20th, 2020 at 1:16 PM ^

Anyone who contributes money to someone who claims to be too tired to go to work shouldn’t be surprised by anything the recipient of that money does or says. 


January 20th, 2020 at 1:44 PM ^

yeah... a little confused about what happened and why this has become such a big deal with some people.

I mean, I chipped in to Ace's fund to help him... and if he is now feeling better, that's fantastic - that was the goal wasn't it? To allow Ace to get some rest and some help without the financial burdens that would threaten any progress he made?

It was a gift, and as such, there were no expectations of reciprocity...

While I do think the excessive blocking probably exacerbated a situation that probably would have died on the vine, I am surprised why people have taken things so seriously.

Moderation of the board is definitely something that probably ought to be considered though as too many times legitimate discussions have been co-opted into personal attacks and insults.


January 20th, 2020 at 3:33 PM ^

I don't have Twitter, and surprisingly I don't have these problems. I ended up ditching Facebook for the same reason.  My feed was nothing but solid political bickering and ads. Waste of time. 


January 20th, 2020 at 3:55 PM ^


Lots of emotion in this here post, no doubt a testimony to how much Mgoblog has touched us all over the years.

There is no better way for thoughts and ideas to get misconstrued then social media. Having said that, it sure sounds like this Ant dude is real douche. Fuck him, let him be a douche.

I don’t tweet because I don’t care that much, so most of this is news to me.

My 2 cents, as if anyone gives a shit...

1. Don’t take anything personal.

2. Hire a full time mod to get rid of all the trolls on the board, it’s gotten way out of hand.

I’ve met Brian and Seth in the past. They seem like good guys to me. Brian and I had a pretty good laugh actually.

So to Brian, Seth, and Ace. Hang in there fellas.




Darker Blue

January 20th, 2020 at 6:45 PM ^

I've never met Brian, but I had the chance to meet Seth a few years ago and he was an absolutely fantastic guy. He didnt have to be that way.


I'll always love this place. I'd be devastated if Brian shut this place down. Seriously you guys are like family, even the guys who I dont always get along with, I fucking love you all.


Winchester Wolverine

January 21st, 2020 at 9:12 AM ^

I feel the same way. I dont get on and interact as much as I used to but I've been a lurker here since, I don't know, 2009? I've spent a lot of time getting to know many of you here. This is the best community on the internet and in many ways it feels like a family... dysfunctional maybe, but still. Tons of laughs, tragedies, controversies, and Michigan football. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I love you guys too.


January 20th, 2020 at 3:56 PM ^

So an adult man who calls himself "Ace"  gets in a Twitter fight with another adult man who calls himself "Ant" and here we are 500+ posts later.



January 20th, 2020 at 5:23 PM ^

It's hilarious how comparable this is to recent Michigan football fandom.

Michigan was great before. Michigan is less great now yet the program asks more of the fans with higher ticket prices, a higher paid coaching staff, and a generally shittier slate of games, with less wins especially against OSU. Most would not care if the team was living up to the very high expectations set by past standards, even though the team is still good by the standards of most programs

Mgoblog used to be excellent (and yes I was a lurker for years before I joined). Content has greatly declined mostly because there is less of it...even though it's still overall pretty dang good when it is there. The behavior and attitude of Brian and Ace has become worse....they are more condescending, entitled, ruder, and dismissive of others in the interactions I have seen. I also doubt people would mind as much if the content was at the same level. And I doubt they would be acting as badly had Michigan made a college playoff or won the Big Ten recently!

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and allowed to be an asshole if they choose. Ace can say whatever he wants on Twitter. He can also choose to thank or not thank anyone for donating to him. The caveat is that when you act in a way others perceive as assholeish (sure it's a word!) you have to deal with the consequences. If Ace had continued to thank people graciously when coming back, if he did not get in petty Twitter fights and blocking sprees, or did not continue to be condescending....people would probably not be questioning how he used his money. You often reap what you sow. His behavior encourages this kind of response.

My response is to say this is pathetic behavior for an adult, but fits with his past actions.