
January 6th, 2021 at 11:47 AM ^

I cant wait for Feldman to tweet that Ohio State got Gilbert, Rambo, and the two Clemson DT transfers from the portal. I know they "Do not need them" but they didnt need Sermon last year and look how thats turned out for them. Either shit or get off the pot Jim and do what youre getting paid to the team, recruit, hire a staff, or go to the god damn Jets. 



January 6th, 2021 at 11:31 AM ^

This is seriously pushing many fans and alumni to check out. I already only watched 2 games live last season. I'm only here out of sheer boredom, but my tipping point of frustration for this is even nearing. It's just not enjoyable. Can't wait to see how empty the stadium is when fans can return and how quickly the boos come out. It's going to get ugly fast for JH unless this team wins a lot, which seems highly unlikely. 


January 6th, 2021 at 11:48 AM ^

I have not been commenting in a while, but this post alone has fired me up. I respect contract negotiations and how it is a two way street, but what in the world is the thought process here? If you aren't responding to your players, what are you doing? They are the ones who matter here, they chose to play for you and the university, if a coach is this far checked out, or uninvested, why would anyone want to play for him? Players talk, this would just be a further indictment on the broken culture that seems to have permeated through Michigan football. 

I just want to see it get turned around and there to be a fire and passion that used to exist.


January 6th, 2021 at 11:07 AM ^

Think we all agree he's going about his business assuming he's coming back. Not signing his extension yet however indicates either he's still negotiating or he's still shopping around NFL jobs. Hopefully an NFL team comes calling, but that is seeming unlikely right now unfortunately.

True Blue Grit

January 6th, 2021 at 11:31 AM ^

"Think we all agree he's going about his business assuming he's coming back."

Not based on UMBig11's post above.  Not returning calls, emails, or texts to recruits and others associated with the program is not going about his business as U-M coach.


January 6th, 2021 at 11:37 AM ^

Definitely negotiating, but it takes two. Have to cut Jim some slack there. Warde should have moved faster than a snails pace too. Both parties need to be happy. Still, why no public announcements? It is confusing and it is the Michigan way....

KC Wolve

January 6th, 2021 at 1:50 PM ^

Agree here. Name another power 5 coach that signed a new deal for way less than the previous one and was totally cool with it and just signed it immediately. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve to be paid less at all, but people are acting like he owes the money back or something and should just do and act like they want. 


January 6th, 2021 at 11:17 AM ^

There are zero good reasons to delay this extension if he 100% wants to and plans on coming back. Jim knows this and yet he’s still fine waiting. There is no spin here if he does eventually sign. He’s shown his cards. Everything points to him wanting to leave and I’m hoping that happens for the good of both parties. 


January 6th, 2021 at 12:13 PM ^

Respectfully, as a lawyer who has negotiated coaching (and other higher ed) contracts, that is a bit misguided.  We simply do not know what is happening with the negotiations.  And you are ascribing motives to Coach Harbaugh that you simply do not know to be true.  Cool heads.  Have a great day!


January 6th, 2021 at 11:25 AM ^

I thought Jim put Michigan first? Sounds like Jim first! The money he’s been paid if this is true that he is not responding to players text is shameful.


January 6th, 2021 at 11:57 AM ^

Not saying GofJ or Umbig11 are wrong, but this tweet from John Bacon is interesting. If you don’t know, Bacon is usually Harbaugh’s side of the story. He broke the news he was coming to Michigan, and has been a part of this situation the last 2 months.

The Information Hostage Crisis: Day 35. 
"Nobody Knows Anything."

What in the world is going on? I take Webb, GofJ, Umbig11 to know their stuff. But when he isn’t communicating with players/recruits, Bacon his guy says this, and clearly no extension then what is happening!?! 


January 6th, 2021 at 12:02 PM ^

JH' s behavior for the last month is beyond questionable.

Staff changes or not, the core of the issues will remain in place.

I suppose there will be a happy /surprise / so committed announcement soon.

"I'm staying, I'm so darn UM, here's my new coaches, let's get back to work.", marshmallows by Warde's campfire.

The man is beyond bizzaro, and he's not going away.

KC Wolve

January 6th, 2021 at 1:47 PM ^

Agree, but everything everyone on this board is complaining about is mostly and almost completely speculation. JH has said he plans to remain at UM and isn't worried about his contract. He has always done this. I'm not saying I agree with the current approach, but he is apparently doing/acting exactly like he said he would and the only people saying otherwise are mostly speculating. 

Remember when him being "beyond bizzaro" was awesome?