Jeff Lesson 97.1 Cites Source: Michigan Can Prove NINE Other B1G Schools Sent Analysts To Record Games

Submitted by 608Monroe on November 10th, 2023 at 10:35 AM

Didn't see this posted this am.

Per subject line, Michigan says they have the (NEW) receipts and are willing to make ugly a hell of a lot uglier.  Might be the reason for all the delays...


November 10th, 2023 at 11:19 AM ^

Jeff Lesson's says his source is also telling him:

  • Harbaugh's new contract will be signed/announced the week of the OSU game
  • Harbaugh primarily working with Ono (not Warde) in negotiating the contract
  • U of M has told Petitti that Michigan data/evidence on 9 other Big Ten teams that sent people to advance scout their opponents, but hasn't sent him that data yet
  • Says that Big Ten is going to back down and say that they will now defer to the NCAA to finish their investigation before they decide what to do.



November 10th, 2023 at 11:26 AM ^

I have no idea if this info is legit.

There are people asking why this info hasn’t been released if true, and that’s a very good question.

But this is a game of telephone. A source saying one thing, interpreted through an intermediary, then reported in media.

There is a difference between knowing something is going on, having evidence of it, and proving it.

Programs knew something was going on with Stalions last year. Alleged evidence is only coming forward now because it took time.

So Michigan may know about other instances but not yet have all the documentation. Or it may have evidence but not “proof,” not yet. And it’s very possible they’re working that as we speak.

If this is real, which I want it to be, that’s a very reasonable explanation why things haven’t come out yet. Because you make sure you have the goods and can strike with force. 


November 10th, 2023 at 1:41 PM ^

I think that's why there was no mention of it in the letter back to the Big Ten. I don't see it as a lobbed nuke so much as a "if you want to go down this road, you should know what you're getting yourself into" kind of thing. Or, a "nice conference. It'd be a shame if something were to, ya know, happen to it," if you will.


November 10th, 2023 at 10:37 AM ^

There's a part of me that wants to see the B1G try to drop the hammer just so UM goes scorched earth on everyone else.

It's not as big of a part of me that wants this to be over and to see them go on a title run.

But there's a part.


November 10th, 2023 at 10:43 AM ^

Michigan has been providing info to the NCAA on other schools transgressions for decades and the NCAA ignores it.  Nothing will happen because it never happens. 

We get 15 minutes of practice, burger gate and whatever the hell else this latest bulshit is and its made out to be the worst scandals of all time because its us.


Meanwhile I get to live in a city where nearly all its residents fawned over the relationship of a probable rapists with a little blonde girl with cancer, the most transparent bullshit Ive ever seen and the little elf gets to roam the sidelines and build his legacy when it should have been burried a decade ago.


November 10th, 2023 at 10:52 AM ^

There's doing that in the end of year filings and just shrugging (I'm sure every school int he country does this every year) and then there's getting into an extremely public and vitriolic scandal wherein the country is hanging on every word coming from both sides and the narrative being spun is "you did X and therefore you must die." If that's the foundation of this and the public has grasped onto it and hung it around your neck like a millstone for two weeks and then you can simply say well, here's proof that almost every team in our conference does X.That simply is an entirely different ball of wax.


This doesn't have much to do with NCAA or B1G bylaws. I think we've all found out that these are broken and reported all the time and action is just usually a slap on the wrist or nothing at all. This has to do with a public narrative being pounded into everyone's head by the media and your chance to very publicly flip that right back around on them with receipts. This is a media driven narrative war, not a technical bylaw infraction issue. If you rip the beating heart out of the source of the vitriol (general ignorance of fans as it relates to mundane gamemanship in the sport) then you can begin to win the narrative. This has been Michigan's strategy and it has worked well. It's a bit of a process to turn the outrage ship around, and it takes time but it can be done and has to be done in order to win this.


November 10th, 2023 at 2:47 PM ^

It depends on what the scandal ends up being. We still don’t know who hired the PR firm and why. We still don’t know how the PR firm acquired its information. If another Big Ten school (or more than one) put in motion a scheme to take down Michigan during its thus-far phenomenal season with allegations of an activity the NCAA says barely gives a competitive edge and that other schools engage in (either by sending reps to games or colluding with other teams to supply info gleaned in-game from across the field), that is a much bigger scandal. That is poor sportsmanship. That is trying to crown the champion other than through play on the field. That is lousy. Sad to see so many media types screaming “fire” when they learn of some smoke. Is there a fire or did someone set up a fog machine, knowing that so many would rush to judgment? If the latter, that would be the bigger scandal. A program smeared for, at most, a minor violation. 


November 10th, 2023 at 10:39 AM ^

One big takeaway for me from this is just how clean our program is. Someone literally hired a PI firm to try to get dirt on us, and this is the best they could come up with.

It is something that is so universally done by other schools on an official staff basis that everyone else will end up doing down for it. But at Michigan, it really was just one staffer who could only get away with it because he was so low level, and because what he was able to produce could easily have been obtained legally as well.

I think that we can all feel really good about the program that Jim is running, even if from a PR standpoint the narrative is currently opposite for a bunch of people.

I have said this before, but if I had a son who was going to be playing major college football, I would want him to be playing for Jim. 


November 10th, 2023 at 10:44 AM ^

because they know our head coach isnt' a deadbeat loser who hires PI firms to dig up dirt to cover up for the fact that he can't win a big football game. No PSU doesn't count, neither does ND. 

The truth is, given the talent they're able to buy, OSU should level everyone, so depsite his record, you can really only look at Day's record in Bowl Games and vs Michigan to evaluate him as a coach.  He's 1-2 vs UM and 2-3 in his bowl games. That's embarassing. 


November 10th, 2023 at 11:10 AM ^

This isn't wrong.  But Hart never actually called MSU little brother, it was the MSU media that took his sentence"its like when you're playing your little brother and..." and turned into Mike Hart called MSU little brother.  That did hit at the core of MSU which is sort of funnier because they inferred it themselves.


Harbaugh literally called Ryan Day on third base in a press conference.