If you don't attend the game

Submitted by ldevon1 on

What is your preference to watch it? Alone, or with a few people, or at the bar with a large crowd? I prefer to watch alone with a few craft beers and a nice bourbon. I don't mind if my girl is there, but it's not a requirement.  I don't mind a party for bowl games, but for a regular game, I would rather watch alone. 


August 4th, 2016 at 12:07 PM ^

who's a coach and not a fan.  I love that he expects refs to be just as accurate with their calls whether it be a 30 pt beating in the 3rd or a last minute play that could seal a game in the 4th. 

Fans can chill on flipping out over every missed hole or block or call in a game.  Just like you said, celebrate and go nuts on the big stuff.  The rest should all just be talking points. 


August 4th, 2016 at 10:25 AM ^

I don't get out of control if I'm at the game and start booing or anything. But a whiffed block on a hole that's otherwise a mile wide, or a sure fire TD dropped when the ball hits a WR in stride will definitely cause me to yell something like "you've got to be shitting me Braylon!"


August 4th, 2016 at 11:38 AM ^

Reacting to the play is alright.  Overreacting is a problem.  For example, I routinely watch at a viewing party any time we give up a 5 yard run it was Joe Bolden's fault.  Didn't matter if a lineman had a free release to him or even if he was on the other side of the field, it was still Bolden's fault.  

That's the type of guy you can't stand being around because it makes everyone dumber.


August 4th, 2016 at 9:41 AM ^

Usually just me and the fam at home (unless  things are going badly, then just me b/c I can't hold back the swears) or maybe my brother-in-law or a few Michigan fan friends. Just a few, never a big group.

I learned awhile ago not to watch the game with people who don't care about football as 1) they are not a fan of my fluxuating mood, and 2) their relative nonchalance drives me batshit crazy. HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THIS GAME!?!?!?!?!?!?!


August 4th, 2016 at 10:02 AM ^

I'm actually pretty lucky. My wife does get it. Her fam is full of diehard football fans (mostly Michigan, thankfully) and she is herself (gulp) a pretty big Notre Dame fan (she roots for Michigan in every game except when the two play eachother). 

When Michigan lost to MSU last year she let me go outside and walk around like an idiot in the middle of the road with my hands over my head while I said over and over (How did that just happen -- I'm not kidding).

However, she has said well after a game has concluded and my melodrama has subsided that I might want to tone it down a bit for the kid, which, yes she is right and I'm trying to not be such an idiot but HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME OF THIS GAME!!!!????!


August 4th, 2016 at 9:42 AM ^

I pretty much do the same thing as you. I'm from MD, so I don't have any friends that are UM fans, so I would rather watch at home. I don't mind watching at a bar, but I like to be able to hear the broadcast and focus more on what's happening.


August 4th, 2016 at 9:42 AM ^

My local alumni association has a pretty good watch party which I'll attend for the smaller games. For the bigger rivalries I don't like people to see me hyperventilate and I watch them by myself with a pizza and a few Two-Hearteds (or something else by Bell's or Founder's).


August 4th, 2016 at 12:26 PM ^

Last year, after the last play of the game I'd rather not remember, after turning off the tv, I blindly tossed the remote on the couch to avoid throwing it through the television. Unfortunately, it struck my 1 and a half year-old son in the head, causing him to cry. So now I'm having to try to comfort him, with all those thoughts running through my head (disbelief/rage/horror) when all I want to do is walk out of that room. Then my wife picks up the remote and says, something like "That was incredible" and then turns the tv back on. Worst. Feeling. Ever.


August 4th, 2016 at 9:42 AM ^

I'd like to watch with my brother, but he lives in Michigan and me in Virginia, so that isn't happening...  So with that, I'll watch alone.  My wife doesn't care about football, and likes to be sarcastic about it.  She'll dress the kid in scarlet and grey and think my reaction to be funny.  Makes me want to ring her little neck...  Also, the boy has her personality, and hasn't caught on, yet, to the joys of football.  Makes me want to ring his little neck...


August 4th, 2016 at 9:43 AM ^

I don't mind if people are around. I don't like watching in large gatherings. I also don't like people talking about random things during the game.

The Blue Barracuda

August 4th, 2016 at 9:45 AM ^

There aren't a whole lot of Michigan fans in Pittsburgh so it's usually alone. Additionally last year I had people over for both the Utah and OSU game (and was at the MSU game with many others), so this season I'm refusing to watch with others until there is a loss.

Mabel Pines

August 4th, 2016 at 9:51 AM ^

Our last parties were Utah last year and the last Notre Dame game. So I believe our friends jinx us. Also I have to run around getting food ready and pretend I'm not interested in the game so my girlfriends don't think I'm a freak.


August 4th, 2016 at 2:41 PM ^

Never hide your passions for another's good opinion. You'll only lose it anyway when the truth comes out (or maybe you won't!) and in the meantime you'll be unhappy and on edge trying to be someone you're not. I appreciate that might be easy for me to say, but I assure you I have experience here and finally being upfront about what I liked and disliked was a huge relief. A distant relative was visiting his grandmother and when she offered to make him lunch and asked what he wanted, he, being a polite and well-bahaved child, said whatever she made would be fine. So he got tuna fish and being polite and well-behaved, choked it down even though he disliked it. Then it turned out that he ended up visiting Grandma every week for a year or so. Grandma, being a loving person, remembered that he had had tuna fish last time, and proceeded to make it each time. And each time he ate it. Finally, Grandma, Mom and child all visited at the same time, and when Mom offered to help with lunch: Grandma: oh it's no problem, I'm making tuna fish. Mom: but [child] hates tuna fish! Grandma: oh no, he's had it here every week for a year! Child: (softly) I didn't want to be rude ... So the moral here is be polite but honest, or you'll get tuna fish (or have to ignore the game) every time.


August 4th, 2016 at 9:46 AM ^

Reading these responses makes me feel a lot better about how I act during a game. My family and friends always give me shit, but it feels good to see other people are like me.


August 4th, 2016 at 9:47 AM ^

By myself. I can't handle watching with other people even if they are Michigan fans. I'm a ball of nervous energy even before sure things, and every word somebody says during a game makes me angrier. If Michigan pulls away I may emerge from my cocoon mid- to late-4th quarter.

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August 4th, 2016 at 10:28 AM ^

If it's like Michigan vs. Hawai'i and we're expected to crush them then I can maybe stand people being around, but any competitive game it has to be me, along in my apartment. I can't handle watching it even with people who sort of know what they're talking about

"Why can't Michigan stop them from running it all the time"



August 4th, 2016 at 9:49 AM ^

I prefer alone for most games, I actually skipped Easter at the in-laws for the Elite 8 Florida game, then I decided to drive there at half time because it was over. I live in Minnesota, so the Michigan hate, which is actually jealousy, runs deep. If I go to a bar people would cheer against us if we were playing communist Russia. So at home is the correct play, with or without the wife.


August 4th, 2016 at 1:04 PM ^

They accept the beatings, but like to cheer for others to do things they can't do. I find it really annoying, I will never forget sitting in the Metrodome watching us kick their ass up and down the field in 2008, and some dicks behind me started asking where our bowl game was this year (First richrod year, we lost our 7th game the week before), and I asked them why it mattered when we were ahead 29-6, and they just kept trying to get me going. It didn't matter to them that they couldn't compete with a soon to be 3-9 club, just that others could beat us. I'm sure they enjoyed their trip to the Insight or some other 12th tier bowl game. They got run out of the gym by Nick Sheridan.


August 4th, 2016 at 9:50 AM ^

I can only watch the game with my dad (out of state) and brother (further out of state). I should be put in a sound proof room with everything bubble wrapped and a stuffed beaver to cuddle.

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August 4th, 2016 at 9:51 AM ^

I prefer to watch the games with a few friends at a house.  When you're at a bar it can be too distracting and you can't hear the commentary.  When I watch alone I yell too much and look like a crazy person.