Florida QB Suspicious that Michigan Players are using PEDs

Submitted by SkyPanther on

It had to come.

With the sudden impact that new S&C coach Ben Herbert, and new nutritionist/Performance Dietitian Abigail O'Conner, have had on the players, there's suspicions that Michigan players are using steroids, growth hormone, etc.

Florida QB, Luke Del Rio, thinks Michigan players are in danger of testing positive for PEDs:




You can even see a difference in kicker Quinn Nordin, though he's only gained 6 pounds:

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Huge transformations in a short period of time are possible. Bradley Cooper gained 39 pounds in just over 2 months for the movie, "American Sniper". He wanted to make it a point to not use PED's:

‘He was determined to do it naturally, he didn’t want to use any hormones or steroids or anything. He was just very systematic about it and took his trainer with him wherever he went.’

The only way to put 35-40 pounds on Cooper was to push him to the point of breaking. Cooper had to follow the carefully designed workout plan using a precise progression model. 

Bradley Cooper started the program at 186 pounds and ended at 225 with roughly the same percent body fat. By the end of the program, he was performing rack pulls with 425 pounds for 10 reps.

Ben Herbert and Abigail O'Conner have had 7 months.




LINKS: https://www.t-nation.com/workouts/american-sniper-workout




August 22nd, 2018 at 7:34 PM ^

Well, at least our coach doesn't hump sharks! 

Wait, he's not their coach any more? Shit.

Wait, he's a coach on OUR staff now? Fuck.

I quit, he wins, our players are all juiced up...

scanner blue

August 22nd, 2018 at 9:27 PM ^

I’ve been holding off posting this limerick from that fine wordsmith Ryan Nanni—

    There once was a Gator called Jim

    Who kept on his t-shirt to swim

     ‘Til they brought in a shark

      and Jim thought for a lark

      I’ll jackoff on that ole dorsal fin.

Mind you Coach McElwain and I conversed while we walked down the tunnel this summer and he seemed very polite and altogether normal. 



August 22nd, 2018 at 7:37 PM ^

Pic 1: Not flexing at all taken after the holidays in plain lighting.

Pic 2: 7 MONTHS of conditioning later, flexing, plus favorable lighting. 

This all look totally realistic to me. 

Hold This L

August 22nd, 2018 at 7:40 PM ^

Furious pete did a video on YouTube about this. Taking a before and after picture within the same day, it may have been a couple hours. And he looked completely different. He purposely looked fat in the first pictures though so it’s not the same here. 


August 22nd, 2018 at 9:55 PM ^

Yeah it's pretty obvious the impact the lighting/flexing/angle has on these "after" pics.. Don't get me wrong Khaleke and Bush definitely look like they've added some significant muscle, but they're barely flexing in their "before" pic. And Gary/Ruiz looks like they've moderately done a little distribution of lose fat/gain muscle.


August 22nd, 2018 at 8:51 PM ^

Yes it is.


An experienced lifter can't add 25 pounds of muscle in 7 months.  If you could, strong men and bodybuilders would be 600 lbs by the time they were 30 years old.


The fact is, the majority of this weight gain is either water weight or fat.  With how much prior training they've already done, I highly doubt any of these guys are capable of putting on more than a pound per month of muscle.  You'd have to be a complete novice lifter to see gains better than that.


August 22nd, 2018 at 10:08 PM ^

This would sound a whole lot better if you tried to post something with evidence rather than naked assertion.  As it is, your assertion that 25 pounds is not possible because otherside "strong men and bodybuilders would be 600 lbs by the time they were 30 years old" sounds really, really feeble.  The difference between +25 lb and +400 lb sounds larger than you seem to believe.


August 22nd, 2018 at 7:39 PM ^

I think these pictures are weird and I wish they didn't put these out there. Looks tacky. I'm glad they're getting jacked up but no need to push it on social media. The only before and after I care to see is 8-5 to 15-0. 


August 22nd, 2018 at 7:39 PM ^

These are not surprising. A combination of gaining something like 15 lb of muscle while also losing 5 lbs of fat can easily be done over a 60 day span while following a strict diet and working out for 2-3 hours per day. I did it earlier this year.

It's pretty amazing how quickly you can gain muscle in your legs and chest/shoulders. For me, I can increase them substantially in size after only a couple workouts. It's nice, because if I have a vacation or trip coming up and have been slacking in the weight room, I can start lifting hard like 10 days ahead of time and be looking good.


August 22nd, 2018 at 7:42 PM ^

To be honest, the thought crossed my mind. However, the pics are clearly not telling the truth. For starters, if you notice the "now" pics, the knees are slightly lower than the knees in the "before" pics, thus making the "now" bodies look larger in the forefront. Sure they made muscle gains, but as most here already think, the pics are doctored to show greater gains. And as we all know, the post pics have tan bodies, etc (Nordin looks like he got a spray tun before the shoot). The infomercial technique.

I wouldn't be surprised if these pics were released to get in the heads of ND.

Craptain Crunch

August 22nd, 2018 at 7:45 PM ^

First off, lighting, tanning agents and flexing make a huge difference in making someone look bigger and cut. And the before and after picture above are text book of what to do to make someone look bigger and more cut, especially if you are a white guy (hard to make a black guy look more tan unless he's a light skinned redbone.


The Florida player should probably spend more time learning his craft of football instead of pointing fingers because you can surely bet there are players on his team juicing.

Leaders And Best

August 22nd, 2018 at 7:46 PM ^

It was a joke making fun of Will Grier getting busted at Florida.

It also helps that the players are flexing in the after photos. So much can affect how you cut and muscular you look in a single photo.


August 22nd, 2018 at 10:05 PM ^

It really is amazing how every light-hearted joke or comment, how every time someone has an opinion that doesn't see Michigan as world-beaters, etc. becomes a DISRESPEKT slight that this board must express their outrage over.

Just like every other fanbase to be sure, and I suppose there really wouldn't be all that much to post about during the off-season if these things didn't get brought up but can't anyone take a joke anymore?


August 22nd, 2018 at 7:51 PM ^

Said it before and sayin' it again... these underwear pics are creepy and unseemly. Just go out and play, we don't need to see the meat market that is big-time college football. If they want to do this, why not publish then vs. now CT scans of the players' brains every year for comparison, too?


August 22nd, 2018 at 7:52 PM ^

lol these are 18-22 year olds.. they diet and exercise for 2 weeks and change significantly.  You put a kid on creatine and push him in the gym and crazy stuff happens, makes me mad just thinking about it now that im a couple..uhh .. decades older


August 22nd, 2018 at 7:54 PM ^

The notion that the “after” pics are solely the result of pose, lighting, and photoshop is as nuts as claiming the moon landing photos were faked on a Nevada sound stage.


August 22nd, 2018 at 7:55 PM ^

These "after" pictures are all just taken right after a workout. The players are pumped up from weightlifting. If you have big muscles anyway they look huge after lifting.