Dating a fan/grad of a rival school

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sleeping with the enemy. Have you ever? If so, stories on how you met and do you clash ever?

am curious to see how these house divided things actually work.



Nixon Bluett

May 7th, 2015 at 2:45 AM ^

Dad is U of M alum. I graduated with both BSE and MSE from Michigan. I bleed maze and blue.

I met a hot, intelligent, awesome girl. She graduated from MSU. So did her father. Lame. But I married her, intelligent, awesome.

Long story short:
We fight over basketball.

She (and her father) admit historic and future football DOMINANCE by us! But Izzo is the past and future king (don't bring up Magic). They call us bandwagon fans for not supporting basketball while we weren't great. I won't indite anyone personally, but let's not fulfill that MSU opinion in the future.

Go blue. Beat the killers of original democracy.


May 7th, 2015 at 3:36 AM ^

I would date a communist, leper, Al Quaeda, outer space alien serving a life sentence in San Quentin...before anyone from Ohio State.


May 7th, 2015 at 8:09 AM ^

My next door neighbor is an Al Quaeda leper, with a conehead, who was paroled early from San Quentin.  Shoot me your address and I'll send him right over.


May 7th, 2015 at 3:37 AM ^

most women will happily change their affiliation for the guy they love at any given moment. Now, I know plenty couples that consist of a UM fan with an msu or osu fan but I know many more where the guy dictated the woman's fandom. However, I'm glad to say I only know a couple woman became UM fans while I was with them & changed for a guy they met after we were done. Most female UM fans I know really sick to it (every alum) & I only know one guy that changed fandom for a woman/her family (not an alum). So, I guess my personal information would say that an alum never changes & non-alums that change are almost always female. Also, in my experience it's far more likely for someone to become a UM fan than stop being one. As for the actual question (ha), I've been with UM women, osu women, msu women, nd women & randoms. Yet, in EVERY case they non-fans became UM fans while with me. At the least they stopped disliking UM. They followed suit with whoever they dated/married after me lol. Some found an osu, msu or nd guy but I have ex's that root for really random schools based on the guy. Free-agent fans, if you will. Oddly, osu girls (2) were some of my greatest loves but most were in my teens & early 20s. msu women (2) were all regrets! Every single one I wish I'd never met, ha. Both in my 20s. nd ex is still cool & she was late 20s. UM women in an amount that covered the decency spectrum. I've found that free-agent fan women are behind indifferent women as you can really convert the indifferent as if they've always been UM fans. Maybe it's wisdom of age but I digress....


May 7th, 2015 at 5:00 AM ^

Most MSU women don't really seem to care much. It's the Sparty brahs that will fight you if you put up a Michigan flag or wear a Michigan shirt and remind you that MSU went to the only Rose Bowl in the history of mankind and Dantonio is a mixture of Bear Bryant, Fielding Yost, and Knute Rockne all rolled into one.


May 7th, 2015 at 4:23 PM ^

osu dudes are just assholes so you're ready. It's not shocking as they have something to brag about. Sparty brahs grow stronger with each little success. The young bucks don't know what it's like to lose to us every year so the young brahs ate terrible! F--k every one of those guys lol. The Sparty dudes around 30 know & secretly fear the day the facade dies. An 18 year old brah truly thinks it's always been this way & always will. It lends to a special kind of dickbaggery


May 7th, 2015 at 6:38 AM ^

Had college roommate for three years who's huge Ohio state fan. We had share room half was osu my other side of room was Michigan. We were at school in DC. The day Michigan and osu play we do not speak to each other.

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May 7th, 2015 at 6:50 AM ^

The wife is a kinda sorta not really OSU fan. Her brother went to school there, but he does not give a fuck about football. She says she is a fan, but in the end, I believe she really does not care. She would actually rather see Michigan win so I am not cranky.


May 7th, 2015 at 6:54 AM ^

This makes me feel bad saying this...

... But I was in a serious relationship with an osu grad several years back. She was a great girl and not that big of an sports fan so her osu fandom was palatable. Her family was much the same, except for one of her brothers. However, I couldn't get over it, so we broke up. There were other reasons why we broke up, but the biggest reason for me was because she was an osu grad.

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May 7th, 2015 at 4:12 PM ^

I have an old female friend & a member of my family both with osu fans (one alum). I'd be happy if Both relationships ended just because both can be too much. One of them is cool when sports aren't the topic but the other is a 24/7 douchebag. I rarely go around either anymore just because of their guys. They make my skin crawl. I'm horrible for saying that lol

it's Science

May 7th, 2015 at 7:19 AM ^

Went to school in Ohio, so dated a few girls who were OSU fans. It was irritating, but they were hot, so I didn't care. Their fandom is annoying, but hopefully your daily lives don't revolve around football and a rivalry. That would just be miserable.

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May 7th, 2015 at 7:22 AM ^

Married a buckeye... Went to school in Toledo met this chick... I way out punted my coverage. She's a Buckeye (so is her whole in-bred family jk). So, we make it work. She's a die hard for Ohio State football. Other than that she wears Michigan gear to tailgates and our games except against Ohio State. Safe to say I'm pretty lucky. Come back to me after we have a kid. :)


May 7th, 2015 at 7:26 AM ^

Married into a MSU family. I always act like Im a fan of MSU too, I know way more about MsU sports than them. It irks their nerves when i chat them up about state sports and act like i give a shit. Its hilarious, they always try to bait me but i see it coming a mile away. They also hate when Im like, hey do you know who the back up OLB is, then crickets, then Im like, I think its Ed Davis you guys heard of him? Gets em every time

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Boner Stabone

May 7th, 2015 at 7:31 AM ^

went to East Landfill a few times to visit her.  Needless to say it did not work out.  I could not bring myself to go there continually.   After I dumped her,  I had a friend who wanted to go out with her.  He ended up marrying her and I still see her occasionally. Kind of weird, but no regrets on my part.


May 7th, 2015 at 7:32 AM ^

Dated a girl from State while in college for a few months. Didn't end up working out but we sure did have some fun.

name redacted

May 7th, 2015 at 7:43 AM ^

Dated a girl for 2 years who ran cross country for Mich State... then she transferred.... To Ohio State!

I wore a UM shirt to her transfer orientation and a janitor told me I "should be shot in the head". Stay classy Ohio!

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May 7th, 2015 at 7:51 AM ^

It's kinda like being a marauder. Not only is Michigan in your state stealing your recruits; we are in your bars taking your switches too. As the Fab5 would say, "Letting our nuts hang." Just this time it's on the face of the enemy's ladies.


May 7th, 2015 at 7:52 AM ^

My wife was raised in an OSU family although she didn't really care that much about sports. I will never forget that dreadful night in January of 2003 when they erroneously beat Miami for the national championship and she called me from her home and I was really pissy. She was irritated and thought I should be supportive and said something like "can't you just be happy for my family?" or something. I seriously thought about ending it right then and there. In fact in the emotions of the moment I'm kinda surprised that I didn't. Thankfully I decided to keep it going because now we have a great family and she is completely Michigan and even seems to have developed an unhealthy obsession with our coach...


May 7th, 2015 at 7:53 AM ^

I've dated an MSU girl before, it was never an issue because she didn't care about sports, so we never talked about it. If I ever talked about how excited I was about something Michigan sports related, she would calmly and slightly enthusiastically say good for you, and that was the end of it.

Have been with another Sparty, but only knew her for one evening, as you can imagine we didn't really talk about sports.

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Sauce Castillo

May 7th, 2015 at 7:57 AM ^

Live in Columbus, so unfortunately every girl I've ever dated has been a buckeye fan.  Currently dating one of the hardcore variety.  We almost broke up when they won the national championship, it was that big of a deal.

Boner Stabone

May 7th, 2015 at 8:27 AM ^

My cool story, was I dated a girl in college who went to the same high school as Scott Dreisbach.  She dated him in high school for a while.  I thought I was pretty cool for a while since I was dating a UM Qb's ex,  until she dumped me after a few months.

Perkis-Size Me

May 7th, 2015 at 8:30 AM ^

Used to date a Buckeye, and I had a feeling after a while that it was never going to work out.

1) She never wanted to live anywhere other than Columbus, Ohio for the rest of her life. Seriously.

2) She had absolutely no sense of direction in her life for what she wanted to do for a career. This was someone who thought she could make part time babysitting into a career.

Thankfully it never got very far with that person. I'm now dating a Georgia fan, a team that I really have no problems rooting for, even when they have their annual "WTF Fall-Flat-On-Your-Face" kind of game.

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May 7th, 2015 at 8:34 AM ^

No tosu girls, and the few Staters in my past were either not sports fans, or else had nothing to fight with, since we were wiping our feet on the Spartans pretty consistently back then.

But once back in the Fab Five days, there was this pretty UNC grad who caught my eye, and the interest was mutual. Things could have easily heated up, except I made some snarky comment about the Tarheels that was supposed to be hilarious. She answered back with a little heat, and the conversation escalated until we reached the "Well, this isn't going to happen now" territory. I suppose it was inevitable, but it would have been better if I'd shut up long enough to sleep with her once.

Live and learn.


May 7th, 2015 at 8:36 AM ^

But she never really cared much about sports. Now she owns more Michigan clothes than MSU, and refers to Michigan as "we" when talking about the game. I consider it a hostile takeover.



May 7th, 2015 at 8:37 AM ^

Kind of, but not really.  My wife was born and raised in Ann Arbor and is also a die-hard U of M fan.  However, like many kids from Ann Arbor who don't want to or can't go to Michigan, she went to MSU ( fortunately just for her freshman year before transferring to ASU and we didn't start dating until soon after she transferred).  The best part about it is she gets legitimately pissed off if anyone brings up the fact that she ever was a Sparty.

Brian Griese

May 7th, 2015 at 8:38 AM ^

is an OSU *fan.*  *Fan* meaning she wears an OSU shirt and watches a game once a year.  It doesn't really bother me, we have fun with it.  If she was a diehard, I'm not sure it would work.  Here's a great example of her OSU knowledge: she was sure the running back from their 02 season was named Maurice Claurice.  lmao

Everyone Murders

May 7th, 2015 at 8:57 AM ^

Two degrees from MSU, in fact.  Spartan background aside, it's still the best decision of my life. 

(It helps that, while she pulls for MSU, she isn't rabid and barely follows sports.  I get in trouble periodically when one of my sons and I revel in Sparty No! moments, but apart from that, it's not been a problem.)


May 7th, 2015 at 8:59 AM ^

I  married an MSU fan (who I met at MSU so can only blame myself) who is also from Chicago so she is also a Blackhawks and Bears fan.  We joke that we only root for the same team every 2 years (Team USA Summer/Winter Olympics).


May 7th, 2015 at 9:03 AM ^

My family is a Michigan family from a few generations back, but my mom's a Buckeye.  I'm sure I've mentioned at least a few of the hijinks that ensued between my parents when they were dating.

For my part, yeah, I've slept with a Sparty.  No regrets, man.