Blue in Paradise

October 5th, 2021 at 1:59 PM ^

It's her - her name is Cayman Nebraska.  If you look at the top of the video of Urban putting his hands where Cayman's sun don't shine - you can see that it is from the snap chat account of Cayman Nebraska.


And what a name!  I am a rare Caymanian Michigan alum so I can't believe my worlds have collided like this :)


October 5th, 2021 at 8:26 PM ^

Many do smell like fish. Distinctively. Bacteria that cause vaginosis release sulfur compounds and make them smell like fish. Very unpleasant but not “eww gross” like you say. Ironically, it’s usually from being too clean - as it’s a self-cleaning oven and soaps and scrubbing can remove vital flora and allow foul-smelling  bacteria to take over. It’s easily treatable too. 

Creedence Tapes

October 5th, 2021 at 6:57 PM ^

Maybe I'm missing something, but how does the caption prove anything? I mean the video speaks for itself obviously, but anyone can caption a video or photo claiming they are the person in the video and then post it to their social media account. That in and of itself does not prove they are the person. Is there other evidence? 


October 5th, 2021 at 6:02 PM ^

She seems mighty comfy cozy while he seems like a smug nut sack. Take the Urb out of Ohio and he’s still Urban. Except now he doesn’t have 20 layers of protection and a character and leadership class. He’ll be fired by midnight and rightfully so. I’m afraid to talk in my own home because I know that dam smart thermostat hears everything, yet this cock nugget is arrogant enough to not give a shit. 


October 5th, 2021 at 2:11 PM ^

Interestingly enough if you Google "Cayman", Cayman Nebraska is the #2 selection.  Even more interesting (to me) is that she must've posted on either her Twitter or Insta account screenshots of texts or DMs from some dude begging her not to tell his boss he was hitting on her.  And she posted several of them for some reason and they're still there under the images tab.  

Seems like this is kinda "her thing".