On this whole Urban Meyer thing....

Submitted by WesternWolverine96 on September 21st, 2019 at 5:09 PM

Let's get this sorted out right now.... real Michigan fans, I hope you're out there and stand up and speak up

No way in hell anyone should be even discussing Meyer as a replacement for Harbaugh

We cease to be Michigan if that happens and something we all love will have died forever

In fact, we should not be talking about anything else right now as a program other than BEAT OSU.  This should have been the only goal coming in to the year based on where we are right now as a program.  Period. 

At the end of the year, evaluate the head coach.

I love Michigan and I am going to watch every minute of every game just like every year.  I hope the people in here don't add even more toxicity to the program, but sadly, I guess it's inevitable....

Take care my friends, we'll see you around. Be back when the trolls are gone, and I hope Brain and Seth and whoever runs this place still make money off them because you guys do a hell of good job with this site.



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