
August 24th, 2018 at 10:17 AM ^

Here is a fact.

OSU made no effort to obtain those messages, even though it would be easy to retrieve them.

Another fact:

Either the investigators failed to ask Meyer whether he deleted those messages that day, or if they did ask him, they suppressed his answer from the report.


August 24th, 2018 at 10:19 AM ^

You guys as a fanbase are just such a laughable combination of stupid and disingenuous, it makes me want to laugh and puke at the same time. This investigation and report would be hilarious if this whole story wasn't such a sad indictment of where our society is right now. 


August 24th, 2018 at 10:30 AM ^

Come on, man. We all know. Give it a rest and quit arguing it. I could of had-written a better “report” black out drunk, have no knowledge of the situation and of come up with something better than what they did. 

But!!!!! Im sorry we are in this situation. 

Leaders And Best

August 24th, 2018 at 10:23 AM ^

He talked about changing the default settings on his phone from "keep forever" to "1 year" after the story broke with an assistant. His first response after the story broke was how do I keep my messages from the public. What does that say to you? Are you any good at logic and reading comprehension?


August 24th, 2018 at 10:52 AM ^

There are definitely times when I am astounded by how quickly discussions - especially in sports and other areas - seem to quickly move to the lowest common denominator on Twitter and that we would have all been better off without such things in our lives.

Then there are other moments where you read these rather gruesome statements from Ohio State twitter and - I know this is true of me, and it might make me a horrible human being - you chuckle at the sheer scale of the stupid. 


August 24th, 2018 at 9:07 AM ^

Things I care about less than Zach Smith's opinion about anything.

1. Rick Pitino's opinion about anything.


That is a comprehensive list.


August 24th, 2018 at 9:15 AM ^

It seems more like he thinks he is going to prove some kind of witch hunt and is still on Urban's side. He is so utterly clueless though, and that could spectacularly backfire. Instead of showing that everyone is out to get him, it's going to show what a farce the "investigation" was.


August 24th, 2018 at 9:17 AM ^

The person that can do most of the damage in the future is the OSU employee that had an affair with Smith and then was "relocated" from her job.

Wonder how many OSU alumni have pooled together to get her a non-disclosure payout.


August 24th, 2018 at 9:25 AM ^

Agree with a previous comment that he is calling out the investigation not Smith or Meyer. This is a soap opera.

Section 1.8

August 24th, 2018 at 9:47 AM ^

What you need to understand is that Dr. Michael Drake's handling of this has left a lot of people in Columbus doubting his competence as a high-level leader.

You and others are making a big mistake, if you think it is all truck-driving Buckeye fanatics who doubt Drake.

Set aside any feelings as to whether Meyer should have been fired, or should have been exonerated, or anything in between.  Full disclosure; I am a lifelong, devoted Michigan alum and football booster, but I felt no great urge to call for Meyer's firing.  I just wanted a good investigation.  Now, if you can set aside your feelings about the result of the investigation, just look at how it was handled.  A false, phony, rushed timeframe; a worldwide notification to the press to gather at the Longaberger Alumni House before a final decision had been reached, topped off with an amateur-hour press conference.  It was a circus; with orders for Jimmy Johns, Clark Kellogg getting a book(!?) from his car (he must not have any good video games on his phone) and belated perp-walk appearances by Shelley Meyer and Gene Smith.

If Dr. Michael Drake were an Ohio State football coach, it is the equivalent of them losing 28-3 at home versus Rutgers.


Arb lover

August 24th, 2018 at 10:22 AM ^

Why do I need to understand the mentality inside Columbus and why would we think it's all truck driving buckeyes that doubt Drake? You write this like the city of Columbus needs our sympathy because they have an ineffectual leader in their president Drake.

It seems pretty clear from the exchange that it was Meyer, the board, the governor, the state of ohio and its fans, against Drake, the only person who felt discipline was appropriate. You (again) feel the need to declare yourself a Michigan fan, citing this entire spectacle as a circus, yet you cannot approach this rationally for some reason. If (a circus), that is not a failure of Drake, it is a failure of the institution, the board, and the coach who came and argued for hours that he not be disciplined. If you think that Urban and his wife showed up for 6 hours and did not talk to the board and did not dispute the findings, you've lost your mind. In fact, this entire investigation uncovered a distinct lack of leadership, especially a lack of leadership by Urban. You don't know, don't remember what happened in your own department from Zack Smith to the relationship with the football secretary? 


August 24th, 2018 at 10:50 AM ^

If I were Drake, I would resign Sunday night or Monday (for news cycle impact), citing moral differences with the board and leadership of the university. I'm not sure if he could legally say that, but somehow leak it and resign either way. It is the only way for him to keep any dignity he has. Otherwise all his career stops from here are at likewise morally bankrupt institutions.

Section 1.8

August 24th, 2018 at 11:58 AM ^

Look, sport; you are the one who isn't handling this rationally.  You aren't even reading me correctly.

I am saying: set aside, whatever you think about what should have happened with Coach Meyer. (Clearly, you can't do that because you are convinced that Meyer was and is a villain.)

After setting aside the substance of the decision, I am directing all of you to observe what happened on that day.  You could hardly find anyone in the media who is closer to ground zero of Buckeye fandom than longtime Columbus TV-10 sportscaster Dom Tiberi, the weekly host of "Buckeye Blitz."  BEFORE any decision was announced on Wednesday, Tiberi went on the air and in probably the first-ever display of OSU-criticism that I have ever known to come from him, he said that the whole day, and the culmination of the entire process, had been turned into a "circus."  Media standing outside under trees across form the WHAC, ordering sandwiches, yelling questions to people in the parking lot; a process that went on and on, and a clear telegraphing of real disagreement.

That is just not how a competent executive handles something like that.

Again, I am saying that to anyone and everyone regardless of whether they are a Meyer loyalist or a Meyer hater, or an OSU alum or a Michign alum.

And by the way, since you asked; the reason that I make a point of my 3-generation Michigan grad-and booster status is because you had the damned nerve to not only question it in a previous response to me; you actually presumed without any evidence at all that I was an Ohio State fan/alum/supporter.



August 24th, 2018 at 10:18 AM ^

Here's the interesting thing: no matter who you are as a Buckeye fan, President Drake failed.

If you believe Meyer did nothing wrong: Drake is punishing a man who did nothing wrong. [Also, you're a fool, but that's a different story.]

If you believe Meyer did something wrong: then Drake is spineless and has chosen not to enforce integrity. 

There are two losers here: Courtney Smith...and morality in general. This week we saw the OSU BoT tell their football coach to lie to them. And if he can't do that well enough, they'll write the lies for him. Jesus.

It's one thing to believe lies in the face of facts, it's another thing when you come up with the lies yourself. 

Fuck everyone involved in this.

Section 1.8

August 24th, 2018 at 12:08 PM ^

I am seriously curious as to how you think Courtney Smith is singled out as a loser in this.  Obviously, everyone's reputation has suffered, and practically everyone involved has been shown up as questionable.  From Zach to Courtney to Shelley to Urban to Gene to all of the OSU football staff, to the Board of Trustees, to Drake to McMurphy.  As you said, "Fuck everyone involved in this."

If you think that Courtney Smith is an innocent in this and is left completely out of your disparagement, I'd be interested to hear about it.



August 24th, 2018 at 9:32 AM ^

It appears as though ZS is in the proverbial blackmail catbird seat...especially with UM. The problem is that this often fails both parties. But our collective attention span is soooo short. Penn State, Baylor, Michigan State, Ohio State...and the next one is likely right around the corner...and this is what "OSU" has taken to the bank-and their judgement/gamble has been "correct". 


August 24th, 2018 at 9:39 AM ^

To me the report was enough but what did they leave out? Plus ZS might be getting some fine OSU tattoo money on the down low to keep quiet. Might not be enough to keep quiet with a steady diet of hookers, blow and ball gags. Bo said in one of his books about when A&M came after him that he didn’t want to be owned by the booster, I see a similar situation here if ZS can't keep quiet.  He's been on Urban staff a long time and knows where the bodies are buried. I don’t buy the Grand Kid of Bruce bullshit, this dude has dirt. We just need to have some big money thrown at him by like Ross and get those pig fuckers back from when Steinbrenner gave Drew Henson money to go pro. Same goes to the fine lady that was getting banged in his office. 


/s sorta


August 24th, 2018 at 9:41 AM ^

No, he's pretty clearly not about to flip. That being said, anything Zach Smith says or does will only serve to further demonstrate how terrible a person he is and further damage the reputations of OSU, Meyer, and Gene Smith for protecting/enabling him.


August 24th, 2018 at 9:44 AM ^

This guy is an absolute mess and sounds like one of the shittiest humans ever. I hope he continues to tweet, it won't make anything better for OSU at all, even if he is on Meyer's side. 


August 24th, 2018 at 9:51 AM ^

That could help make osu look even worse. It could further show that it wasn’t about finding out what occurred, but rather how to keep urban while mitigating backlash


August 24th, 2018 at 9:55 AM ^

I think the entire purpose of the suspension is just in case something like Zach Smith flipping. If they reinstate him right away and something comes out right away they look foolish.....well, more foolish. This way they can say they never let him coach again if something comes out.