
May 21st, 2023 at 2:11 AM ^

LOL. Sam does not take shit from nobody. It is in his character. You should have seen him during OSU game. I love it by the way. Taking the high road is fine and all when it comes to one's family. Rest, everyone can respond how they choose, especially when he is not the aggressor.


May 21st, 2023 at 9:38 AM ^

I’ve long held this view, even pre-Anderson. Bo was a very good but not great coach who was unnecessarily deified and this deification has held this program back for far too long. He’s had no official role with the university for more than 30 years and he’s been dead nearly 17 years. It’s time to move on and stop navel gazing over what would Bo do or what would Bo think. My 2 cents are the day there’s no one left in this AD that has any connection to Bo the better we will all be. 


May 20th, 2023 at 8:46 PM ^

At least the athletic dept seems to be shortening the time it takes between creating unnecessary problems for itself and then finally addressing the issue. Give it another 10 or 15 years and maybe they'll figure out how to avoid stepping on every upturned rake in the vicinity.


May 21st, 2023 at 8:38 AM ^

I don’t see why some people feel the need to inject Trump into every single discussion. I’m not a fan of the guy at all, but man he is living in the heads of so many people. Mentioning trump is the easiest way to spur a political disagreement, since so many people still obsessively love him and equally as many, or more, people obsessively despise him. I just don’t get why he needs to be brought up on MGoBlog. Ever. 

1989 UM GRAD

May 21st, 2023 at 10:53 AM ^

Maybe because he's running for President for a third time...and because he's totally taken over one of our country's major political parties...and he continues to claim that the 2020 election was stolen...and his lies and rhetoric and divisiveness has infected every corner of our country and its discourse?


May 21st, 2023 at 3:08 PM ^

I listened for 8 years leftists deny the 2000 election, make up an election fraud conspiracy theory about the 2004 election in Ohio, heard all sorts of 9/11 conspiracy theories and crap about Halliburton and Iraq. For 8 years. Jimmy Carter and Hillary Clinton literally called  Trump an illegitimate President because of something about Russia. 

Somehow I coped and never felt the need to call leftists every second of everyday.  You are divisive and ruining discourse.


May 21st, 2023 at 5:02 PM ^

No one denied the 2000 election. There were questions about the Supreme Court's decision to stop counting votes in Florida.

I had to look up what you might be referring to with Ohio in 2004 and if it is this:

"On January 6, 2005, Senator Barbara Boxer joined Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio in filing a Congressional objection to the certification of Ohio's Electoral College votes due to alleged irregularities including disqualification of provisional ballots, alleged misallocation of voting machines, and disproportionately long waits in predominantly African-American communities"

Allow me to say that two Senators does not equal anything close to what has been going on since 2020.

You might want to look closer on the 9/11 conspiracy theories as those have been mostly adopted and amplified by the right not those awful 'leftists.'

Halliburton and Iraq deserved a lot of crap.

And finally I am not sure how Jimmy Carter and Hillary have spent 8 years calling Trump illegitimate since he was only elected 7 years ago.

You obviously haven't coped very well as you have plenty of well-crafted and misinformed grievances to trot out the second you feel attacked. Talk about divisive ... look in a mirror.


May 21st, 2023 at 6:14 PM ^

You are right. The left handled the 2000 election with such grace and equanimity and got over it  immediately in the aftermath. No one thought Bush was illegitimate. Everyone just accepted the Bush vs Gore ruling and that was that.  I just made everything up.

And you right. The 2004 Ohio results were just barely contested. Just two Senators asking questions was it. There wasn't endless babbling about how Kerry really won and "Diebold machines"…


May 21st, 2023 at 6:54 PM ^

That's some fancy cherry picking. What a joke. Remind me of when the leftists stormed the capital?

And if you are going to try to compare factual accusations like "flyers directing voters to the wrong polling places; voting machine shortages in college towns and heavily-minority neighborhoods; people forced to stand outside on Election Day for hours, in pelting rain." to claiming that the machines were against you then your previous diatribe against false equivalency is now taken for what it is ... complete BS.

P.S. BTW, not that it matters because your links are garbage, but you should learn how to post one.


May 21st, 2023 at 7:04 PM ^

2011 in Wisconsin

And I presented you with overwhelming evidence. Video evidence. I lived through it. I remember. It was every day.  Just Google "Mother Jones 2004 diebold machines" Democratic Underground was an endless stream of crazy.   And you won't even concede basic facts.  People still deny the 2000 election in 2023. I watched losers heckle Antonin Scalia 12 years after fact. 

This is the problem with being rabid partisan. You won't even admit reality when presented to you. 



May 21st, 2023 at 7:17 PM ^

Did John Kerry protest the results of the election? It's funny that you think a few wing-nuts in 2004 equals a President and many Members of Congress. Not to mention the mob they inspired attacking the Capital. Funny in a tragicomic kind of way but funny nonetheless.  Have a great day!


May 21st, 2023 at 7:27 PM ^

Debbie Wasserman Shultz said "Al Gore won the state of Florida in 2000."  Jimmy Carter thought Gore won. He also thought Trump was elected by Russia.  Jesse Jackson said the election was stolen. Corrine Brown. 

Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Stabenow, Sheila Jackson Lee, Jerry Nadler,  Lacy Clay,  Howard Dean. Harry Reid.  John Kerry told Biden's Climate Czar he thought the 2004 election was stolen. 

All of those people babbled about voting machines and you act like it is myth. It is on tape. It isn't some deep fake. You should have no opinions on this. Yet you feel strong enough to call me a fraud when this was a major mainstream thing. This wasn't that long ago.



May 21st, 2023 at 9:15 PM ^

Every single one of your arguments is a great example of false equivalence. It's pretty funny how stubbornly you cling to your absolutely deluded commentary on reality and the lengths that you'll go to to absolve terrible people because you agree with them politically.

The DNC has its share of problems, but nothing like the spectacularly failed coup that was 1/6. Your orange boy told his voters directly to go storm the Capitol Building. Your boy was responsible for cops getting killed. Your boy tried to overthrow democracy because he's a tin pot dictator with a laughably small and oddly shaped dick, which we all know from the porn star that he fucked and then paid hush money to. I could go on but I already know you have no retort to facts about Trump than to bitch about democrats, like they're at all equivalent.

Turn off the Tucker Carlson and Infowars, unsubscribe to the chain emails from the NRA, stop reading the works of obviously racist economists, and go touch grass and look inwards before you shoot up a school or nightclub or start an armed insurrection like your people do when you get angry.


May 21st, 2023 at 9:33 PM ^

I watch zero Tucker Carlson or Infowars. Don't own a gun. Favorite president is Bill Clinton.

My views are basically center right. I believe in standard vanilla textbook Greg Mankiw economics. 

What is funny however is how deluded you are that you can't even admit basic facts and then gaslight. I am going to guess most people like you don't  have a real degree from Michigan in business or engineering for undergrad or Med School for graduate. It would be hard to get a real degree and then be so unnuanced and tribal in your thinking.



May 21st, 2023 at 9:46 PM ^

Oh, you mean this fuckwit that wrote a paper in defense of the widening wealth gap? It's cute that you believe in fairy tales made up for rich assholes to justify being rich assholes but that's not how things work in the real world. When did you graduate, 1960?

"To highlight the difference between these approaches, consider how each would address the issue of the top tax rate. In particular, why shouldn’t we raise the rate on address the issue of the top tax rate. In particular, why shouldn’t we raise the rate on high incomes to 75 percent, as France’s President Hollande has recently proposed, or to 91 percent, where it was through much of the 1950s in the United States? A utilitarian social planner would say that perhaps we should and would refrain from doing so only if the adverse incentive effects were too great. By this view, such confiscatory tax rates are wrong, even ignoring any incentive effects. By this view, using the force of government to seize such a large share of the fruits of someone else’s labor is unjust, even if the taking is sanctioned by a majority of the citizenry"

If you think that's an intelligent, prudent economic policy right now in a country with frequent terrorist attacks by white christian nationalists, a widening wealth gap, crumbling infrastructure, multiple hostile foreign agents in government and media, and widespread government corruption, then I've got a bridge to sell you in the Sahara.


May 21st, 2023 at 10:51 PM ^

Actually I don't dislike anyone for holding differing views on issues. I am radically tolerant on a human level of even those with some of the most repugnant  views like Shemy or Bernie Sanders, because I assume the best in people. I called you mentally ill for how you conduct yourself. Calling people fuckface and stupid over and over for who hold differing views, the 10 downvotes, making up views people don't hold, the inability to admit things that are demonstrably true facts and not opinion and then calling names over facts, etc. You melted down over Greg Mankiw, who writes the macro and microeconomics textbooks never every student uses including at Michigan. If Mankiw causes that reaction, you can't coexist with 80% of the population


May 21st, 2023 at 9:46 PM ^

I have stood up for no Trump supporting terrorists. You completely made that up. I have never once anywhere said the 1/6 riots were okay or their election denying  cause was okay.

But what is amusing is that officer wasn't killed. You confidently assert factually untrue easily falsifiable nonsense. I mean... How do you get through life?…


May 21st, 2023 at 9:51 PM ^

So zero. Zero is the correct answer. There have been more cops killed by Trump supporters like you than BLM.

Wow. You're actually as stupid as advertised. Go read some more of your horse and oats theory economic fairy tale books and leave the talking about actual events to people that know what they're talking about.

I'm sure it was just a coincidence that he died a day after being beaten by your fellow Trump supporting terrorists. At least that's what you're arguing.

"After serving in the Air National Guard and dreaming of becoming a police officer, Brian D. Sicknick joined the Capitol Police force in 2008. He died the day after he was overpowered and beaten by rioters from the mob at the Capitol."


May 20th, 2023 at 9:04 PM ^

The fact that he was an NFL scout with his views is sad. The fact that the UM athletic department didn’t do a wide public presence scope on him is also sad - I would expect they do that on recruited student athletes as a routine matter.


May 20th, 2023 at 9:15 PM ^

Regardless of whether one views his Twitter likes as racist or not (and it’s likely a waste of time engaging in that debate), everyone should at least be able to acknowledge how bad of a look it is for someone with controversial views on African Americans to be in a position where building relationships with mostly African Americans is his main duty. 

It should be universally accepted how that would likely be a net negative in the recruiting department and should be avoided. It’s head scratching how that was overlooked during the hiring process. This guy has to develop relationships with African American teenagers and their families, and it didn’t occur to anyone in a position of power within the AD how those views would likely be perceived by many of those families. 


May 21st, 2023 at 8:42 AM ^

That aspect of the situation should honestly be common sense. I’m not interested in debating whether it’s racist or not. I’m not interested in debating if it’s political or not. Largely because the opposing viewpoint isn’t going to agree anyway. That goes for everyone on both sides. It’s a waste of time. 

What CAN’T be debated, is the fact that it IS controversial and it’s a conflict of interest when it comes to him doing the job he was hired to do. Plain and simple. You can’t have that. 


May 20th, 2023 at 9:44 PM ^

Regardless of twitter stuff, do we really think that he is the best fit for a recruiting position? He has been in the NFL for a few years and has the Schembechler name. Not much experience in the way of recruiting.


May 20th, 2023 at 11:01 PM ^

I don’t know exactly what the role of an assistant recruiting director is, but I would assume with his background it’s more revolved around talent identification and the establishment of initial contact with the recruit’s coaches and school, which is where his background in scouting comes into play. 

Most of the hands-on recruiting is done by the actual coaches, recruiting directors do more of the behind the scenes and administrative work. Getting the pertinent information to the coaching staff and finalizing any paperwork for NLI’s and enrollment. 


May 21st, 2023 at 8:45 AM ^

I would rather nobody on this blog discuss their thoughts on either of those two jokers. What good comes of it?  And, by the way, being a racist piece of crap, which Bo’s son seems to be, is not exclusive to republicans or democrats. Both sides seem to dabble equally in that pool in recent years. Whether it’s Trump defending people who match in clan rallies as decent people or Tlaib and Omar espousing antisemitic views, sadly, hate and racism is alive and well on both sides of the aisle, so why bring politics into this?  The fact that he is a racist piece of crap and a poster’s view on either the former divisive, unhinged president or the current incompetent, incoherent president  are unrelated. 


May 21st, 2023 at 11:26 AM ^

"I would rather nobody on this blog discuss their thoughts on either of those two jokers. What good comes of it?"

"former divisive, unhinged president or the current incompetent, incoherent president"

Didn't even take you two paragraphs to complete your total hypocrisy.


May 22nd, 2023 at 6:04 PM ^

No prominent living Republican has ever defended slavery. That is absurd and there is no way you can think that.

Dems didn't support insurrection. That's true.  They just supported starting a Civil War by packing the Supreme Court.  And here is AOC among other supporting rioting.…

And if you want fringe outside of politics but in prominent roles, look no further than the at universities 18% of professors in social sciences identify as Marxists.…;  There is no comparable fringe view of that magnitude on  the right who holds that kind of position of influence. 


May 20th, 2023 at 10:23 PM ^

Given some of the Twitter likes I've seen, it's astonishing and problematic that he was hired in the first place.  At the very least, this content would be used against Michigan in recruiting.  But beyond that, some of it is indeed terrible.  I'm sure Harbaugh didn't know about this stuff, but he should have.

That said, Ace was assuming that Michigan itself was responsible for deleting objectionable content over the last day, and that's unlikely.  Shemy almost certainly got wind of the controversy and started deleting the likes himself.  All indications are that the athletic department reacted quickly once this became public.


May 20th, 2023 at 11:04 PM ^

Eh, anything putting the university in a negative light is going to get addressed by the PR team almost immediately. Whether they told Shemy to delete tweets, had an intern aid him in deleting the tweets or whatever, it’s unrealistic to assume the PR team representing the University had no role there. This has been going on for what, three days now? His resignation screams “PR reaction”