PSA: Get your flu shots

Submitted by Gameboy on December 18th, 2019 at 2:24 PM

I wish Brian a speedy recovery, but he also serves as a great reminder for rest of us to get flu shots. I got mine and it is not too late.


December 18th, 2019 at 5:33 PM ^

If people had seen what I've seen the flu do to people in the hospital, the lives lost or ruined, they wouldn't think twice about getting the shot.


December 18th, 2019 at 5:56 PM ^

Nothing like spending 12 hrs a day treating immunocompromised or old/young patients all day just to come on here to read how the flu shot is a  "grand government and corporation experiment" or listen to the guy with barely any expertise try to tell you about all the "chemicals" the big bad doctors are injecting you with.

It's frankly mind blowing that we live in such a prosperous time that people can choose to be intentionally ignorant about things that actually save lives. 

Maybe polio and the various pandemics of the past really do need to make a comeback so that these idiots will be smacked in the face by reality of the subject they seem to think they know so much about. 

Might as well just stop seeing doctors all together if, as a group, we're such untrustworthy people. 


December 18th, 2019 at 8:41 PM ^

Paid for by BigPharma propaganda. Hey, no flu shot in 20 years and no flu since.

look at the efficacy of this thing. It’s only 20% in a Good year but I wish a speedy recovery to all who are afflicted by the flue or the shot or both.


December 18th, 2019 at 9:06 PM ^

That's great that you haven't gotten the flu. You are not representative of the general population. 

If you believe "big pharma" pays doctors to recommend vaccines then you are completely clueless to how the medical profession works. 

I have no idea where you got 20%, I'm guessing you made it up or read it on Facebook. In reality, getting the vaccine lowers your odds of contracting the flu by around 65% and lessens the symptoms dramatically in everyone who receives it.


December 19th, 2019 at 12:36 AM ^

There is plenty to criticize about Big Pharma.  But you do realize that there's very little profit in vaccines, right?  If this were some Big Phama plot to maximize profits there would be no vaccines and lots more boner pills because that's where the money is.

Perkis-Size Me

December 18th, 2019 at 9:32 PM ^

To not get a flu shot is just an act of selfish ignorance. Don’t want to do it for yourself, then fine. But do it for the people around you. You put people at risk by not having it, in particular infants and the elderly. Many insurance plans cover the shot for free, and I’d be all for people being held criminally responsible if it’s proven that their lack of vaccination got someone sick or god forbid killed.

I get that the shots aren’t 100% preventing this, but it’s far and away the best option there is, and to ignore this is to ignore a rather massive amount of scientific backup.


December 19th, 2019 at 11:45 AM ^

People probably don't realize that flu and pneumonia combine to be the 8th leading cause of death in the US. 

Herd immunity is huge in combating and preventing the spread of these diseases. For people who don't understand the importance of herd immunity, here's an explanation of what it is and why it's so important. 

Herd Immunity occurs when so many people are vaccinated against a certain disease that the germs can’t travel as easily from person to person and the entire community is less likely to get the disease. This means that even people in a group who don’t get vaccinated will have some protection from getting sick. And if a person does get sick, there’s less chance of an outbreak because it’s harder for the disease to spread to more people. The more contagious a disease is, the higher percentage you need of vaccinated people for herd immunity to be effective. To achieve effective herd immunity against measles, for example, 93% to 95% of people in a community have to be vaccinated. To become an epidemic or a pandemic, a disease needs to spread to a whole bunch of people. Herd immunity prevents that. If one person
gets it, but then the virus can’t effectively jump to anyone in the immediate vicinity, that little virus dies (even though viruses aren't considered "alive".

This is why anti-vaxxers are so dangerous. The more of them there are, the weaker herd immunity becomes and it becomes easier for viruses and diseases to jump to more people. If enough people in a population aren’t vaccinated, the disease starts to spread too quickly - and now infants, pregnant women and other individuals whose immune systems are compromised or people who
aren't eligible to receive certain vaccines for whatever reason can also get the disease. If enough people aren’t immunized, the disease just perpetually hovers around and keeps infecting people over and over again.

Anti-vaxxers are a danger to society and their nonsensical fight against one of humanity's greatest inventions needs to end immediately.  


April 13th, 2020 at 1:51 PM ^

Hard to have "herd" immunity for the flu when they get the vaccine wrong and is only 30% effective and people get the other strains it missed.  If you have a 70% chance of NOT getting it why even get the shot?  Healthy .. you are very very (98% or better chance) likely to just be fine anyway.

Back when I was a kid there were NO flu vaccines and people got it and got over it. 


December 19th, 2019 at 3:05 PM ^

Read the university of Minnesota meduical school epartment of public health studies on the flu vaccine, the scientific proof isn't there.  The effectiveness varies with age as a bell curve that peaks in your early 20s, It is not an effective vaccine.  Lancet published a study 7 years ago that found people who get the flu vaccine have a decreased number of killer T cells making them more likely to get other viral infections.   That is why years where inoculation rated are the highest there are more viral infections present in society. 


December 19th, 2019 at 1:53 AM ^

Just read through this thread after last posting in it at about 4pm and HOLY SHIT there are some dumb motherfuckers out here spitting stuff they read on Facebook as facts.

”vaccines are bad cuz big pharma and aluminum and stuff that’s in it”

people with zero education and understanding of science should leave the science to scientists.

if my heater goes out, I call HVAC.  Plumbing goes out, I call a plumber.  Lights won’t turn on, call an electrician.  We all do.

but for some reason people are like “no, I know more than scientists cuz aluminum and formaldehyde”  these are the same people ingesting all kinds of other, far more harmful shit, on a regular basis than you’ll ever get in a flu shot or any other vaccine ....... 

water is fucking poisonous if you drink enough of it.


December 19th, 2019 at 6:53 AM ^

The strangest line of reasoning I've seen here against flu shots is "I'm not planning on being sick, so I'm not getting one."

I mean . . . that's exactly why you get one.  


December 19th, 2019 at 11:58 AM ^

Normally I stay away from things like this but when people bash others for decisions they make on their own health it bugs me.

The Flu shot is probably one of ones you can miss and do without especially if you are generally healthy / have a strong immune system.  IMO it just is a crap shoot as they guess at what strain it will be.

My wife is a PT and does see many a patient with Guillain-Barré after receiving the flu shot (although it could be other things that cause it, it is what is listed in the chart as probable cause) and it truly scares her.  She is required to get the flu shot and doesn't like that she has too. We both believe in vaccines but for instance with my son, if he were to get all the shots required it would be well over 45 shots. I'm 50 and I had about 12 vaccines growing up. Why the number has sky rocketed I am not sure.  What we did was after him getting (for instance) the MMR vaccine we had Titers done to check immunity rather than give him 3 rounds of a vaccine for no reason and doing it blindly.  After one MMR he was immune so no need for the rest.  If you have not done more than 8 hours of honest research (and I don't mean on Facebook) on vaccines as a whole I think it isn't fair to point fingers at others. I have a personal friend that their son can no longer receive vaccines because after having the second round of MMR his blood platelets dropped and almost bled to death and it was directly due to the vaccine (his own doctor confirmed this) .  One size doesn't always fit all and there are bad side effects to vaccines at times, just like being allergic to foods or other.  Again I believe in them but I also understand why others can be scared of them.

The choice is always yours but in my opinion  the FLU is one of the ones you can skip out of many of the vaccines out there and it's just not for me. I never had a family member or friend growing up pass away from the flu but I have had MANY friends that have had the flu vaccine and STILL got the flu.   Then there is this:  The overall effectiveness of the last flu season's vaccine was only 29% because it didn't protect against a flu virus that appeared later in the season, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The over all effectiveness is typically less than 50%.  Wash your hands ALL the time is a big key in not getting sick in general.

For me that is not a lot of confidence to get the FLU shot. 

I think this is one of the few vaccines that it really is a toss up of if to get it or not.  It's just not in the same category of many of the bigger vaccines out there that one should think about getting.

Just my take and nothing more.

snarling wolverine

December 19th, 2019 at 12:06 PM ^

Normally I stay away from things like this but when people bash others for decisions they make on their own health it bugs me.

Here is the problem: flu is highly contagious, so if you don't improve your chances of avoiding it via a shot, you're not only putting yourself at elevated risk, you're doing that to everyone you interact with, too.

Don't be a baby.  Protect yourself.


December 19th, 2019 at 12:14 PM ^

Last season it was less than 30% effective which means I'll take the 70% possibility of not getting it and avoid worrying about it as I don't even worry about it as it is. 

If you want it, get it.  Your choice.  I am not saying it is the wrong choice or calling you names.

I know many that don't and all is fine. I have not had the flu since I was 11 (there was no vaccine for it when I was a kid).  Maybe when I get older but with a less than 50% effectiveness I personally see no reason for that particular vaccine.  This is just a discussion and I'm adding to it.  I am not trying to instill my will on others or point fingers or name call.

I feel protected because I eat right and constantly wash my hands throughout the day,

Do as you feel fit.   Again, I am for vaccines but with this one .. meh .. not so much.

I also do not like needles as well ... so the baby part I'll take in that area.  The fear started when i was 5 and I truly did not like going to the doc from that point forward. The smell of rubbing alcohol is also firmly imprinted in my head from those visit as a kid.  =)


December 19th, 2019 at 12:00 PM ^

I don't need the government to inject their mind control drugs in me.  Just kidding, got my flu shot in October.

Ty Butterfield

December 19th, 2019 at 12:58 PM ^

Brian has two kids right? Certainly has to be a big part of being sick all the time. I am fine with my cat.