
January 26th, 2018 at 2:42 PM ^

that one of my kids says they are considering applying to MSU for college and I have to level with them about all the bad shit that went on there for a long time and how they tried to cover it up.

I get that sexual assaults/violence happen consistently at many colleges around the U.S. but why would I knowingly allow one of my kids to attend one that turned a blind eye, victim-shamed, covered up, etc. etc. at all?


January 26th, 2018 at 2:52 PM ^

IIRC, looking back through the Hoke and Harbaugh tenures, our leadership has been consistently tough but fair on allegations of felony-level infractions by our players. Players suspended pending the results of investigations and court proceedings, followed by immediate dismissal if they were found to be true. We have been handling it correctly, all the while knowing that many of our competitors' administrations were busy sweeping their garbage under the rug.


January 26th, 2018 at 3:18 PM ^

I hope to hell we have a much higher level of independence in the "if they were found to be true" department than MSU.

I don't know how our inner workings are set up, but having the AD be the one to investigate, adjudicate, and punish sexual assault cases is asking for trouble.  It should never happen. 

I'm not even sure it should be a university function at all.  There are too many conflicting interests.



January 26th, 2018 at 2:56 PM ^

It has been obvious that Dantonio was morally corrupt since his time at OSU.  He's always been a complete a-hole.  The only time it is shocking is when he handles a player discipline problem even remotely properly. 

There is less concrete evidence on Izzo. 


January 26th, 2018 at 3:38 PM ^

He defended Robert Reynolds after he tried to kill Sorgi on the football field.  That remains to this day the worst thing I've ever seen in a major college football game.  And Dantonio blew it off like it was nothing. 

The man has no soul.   If you can defend that, you have to ask, just what does a player have to do to get discipline from you?   Dantonio & Tressel weren't even going to suspend him.   They only gave him 1 game after the Big Ten threatened to step in. 


January 26th, 2018 at 3:02 PM ^

Never forget. Remember Rather Hall and the hockey player he almost killed?

Winston was immediately allowed back on the team after the hockey incident. He then lead the Rather Hall ski-mask assault.


January 26th, 2018 at 3:03 PM ^

the wedge between the truth and Dantonio/Izzo's image.  That's been broken now, expect a lot of terrible things to be revealed.  The rumors around town really are terrible.  The NCAA can review, and will review everything title IX related. 

MSU has spent the better part of the last dozen years hiding documents from anyone who asked.  The NCAA does not take kindly to that.  Worse for MSU is that federal laws were likely broken, jail time seems inevitable for some parties involved.

This will take a couple years.  Most likely Dantonio and possibly Izzo will retire before the final conclusions come in.  But their reputations will be heavily damaged.


The image of MSU you'll see for the next couple years will be defending itself in the courtroom instead of lifting Big Ten and Rose Bowl trophies.


I expect State fans to be insufferable.


January 26th, 2018 at 3:15 PM ^

The NCAA may not take kindly to the obfuscation but they're relatively limited to how they can gain access to information when an institution takes active steps against releasing it.  The feds on the otherhand... The only astute thing I saw on RCMB was someone who made the observation that, "this isn't some dork from compliance showing up with a clipboard who can be shoo'd away, this is going to be the Federal Government bearing down on the athletic department".


January 26th, 2018 at 3:11 PM ^

This is the essence of Michigan State.

It is indeed a University with an inferiority complex, a chip on its shoulder.

It's athletic programs are the one area where it can claim to be world class.  That has led to them over-protecting anything that goes on in those programs. 

They don't want to know what goes on.  Just keep winning and boosting the University's fragile ego.  They have sold their soul for AP rankings.

There are bad actors at Michigan to be sure, but Michigan is not afraid to get rid of them.  It's not perfect, but it does not systematically cover up abuse in the athletic programs.

Athletics are important at Michigan, but they do not define the entire University.  They are not the only pillar the University stands on.



January 26th, 2018 at 3:13 PM ^

I am glad my sister transferred out of that cesspool after one year to Michigan. Her reasons for transferring had to do with the lack of academic quality and lack of safety for women on campus.

The Man Down T…

January 26th, 2018 at 5:38 PM ^

or anywhere else.  Any college or pro team that hires either of them after this would be protested, boycotted and all.  No college will even think about it and I doubt a pro team would now either.  Think Schiano/Tennessee times 100.


January 26th, 2018 at 3:18 PM ^

Someone is going to pen a really bad hot take article with at least 20 Grant Perry name-drops about how yes this is all really bad, but it was Michigan's culture of big brother arrogance that drove MSU to its single-minded pursuit of revenue sport success, so it's really scUM's fault. Over /under on Jemele Hill or Mike Valenti being the one to write it?

Hold This L

January 26th, 2018 at 3:21 PM ^

the max bullough incident was he got in a bar fight in traverse city and he was charged with assault. i think it was settled out of court but dantonio knew and was going to let him play in the rose bowl. bullough's family made him sit out. what does that say about a man who is supposed to lead and teach the kids how to become men?

when dantonio made fun of mike hart for his height, he became a piece of garbage to me. Something out of a kid's control who is going to school and playing football and a grown man makes fun of him like a schoolyard bully for an innocent jab at a rival in a press conference. Like the most innocent jab and dantonio made fun of him for his height. how will he face his wife and daughters if this cover up stuff is true. "reputation and winning is more important than your safety"



January 26th, 2018 at 3:27 PM ^

ESPN caught Dantonio lying. The liar said sexual assault was new ground for him to deal with in the recent scandal of 4 players, but he has had 16 total players get hit with sex crime accusations and he dealt personally in them.

Dorothy_ Mantooth

January 26th, 2018 at 3:31 PM ^

who lives in the E. Lansing area, she said from the people she's spoken to on this, she'd be surprised if Dantonio survives this ...kinda like a Baylor football re-run, w/the whole Nasser pedo-crimes adding to the scrutiny


January 26th, 2018 at 3:34 PM ^

First time poster go easy....

The dilema I see for the next AD or President at MSU that is tasked with cleaning this up is how do they keep any faculty or staff members on that campus that have had any cover up or any poor handling of sexual abuse or violence? They will lose all credibility in their job of cleaning up said mess. Anyone that new anything or has aided in any cover up has to go its that simple. We as a Michigan fan base have to realize there is humor or victory in this. Peoples lives were ruined and victims are starting the healing process. Many fingers are going to be pointed in all sorts of direction as this sorts itself out. I have no problem with the reporting of facts that is how we learn and make sure such henious acts don't repeat themselves in the future. I sense a semi gloating from some posts here and that is a turn off.



January 26th, 2018 at 4:07 PM ^

Its that they have been getting away with it..I could care less about Wins or losses its that they get away with this stuff and arent accountable at all, all in the name of Wins and Losses

In reply to by Maize4Life


January 26th, 2018 at 6:43 PM ^

Exactly, they've been getting away with horrid stuff for years while they and their fans and the media say 'nothing to see here,' and then equate it with UofM doing everything right with Brendan Gibbons excet Hoke's stupid 'personal reasons' comment and with grant perry touching a girl's butt and running from cops.


They've been beating us with criminals and rapists and roided up dirty players. So yes I'm excited about justice being served and their sports programs going to shit for a while.