OT - Worst Living Artist or Band

Submitted by InterM on

Greetings fellow music fans,

In honor of Prince and the other great musicians claimed before their time so far in 2016, I'm wondering whether we should propose a trade with the Grim Reaper?  Not that I would be so crass as to wish something bad upon someone, just because they might suck at music or make noises that hurt my ears -- but, just for the sake of argument, if something just happened to befall a living artist or band, who would you choose?

To get the ball rolling, I'll suggest Rod Stewart.  And not because he is and always has been bad at music.  No, his greatest offense is that he proved himself capable of putting out very good songs early in his career, only to continually assault our ears for many, many years thereafter.

And now I open the floor to my fellow MGoBloggers.


April 22nd, 2016 at 2:55 PM ^

jmd, it doesn't really even matter what your musical preferences and tastes are, but there is simply NO measure or guage by which Round n Round is the worst song ever!

I'll name you 10 worse ones from ANY genre you choose, including other Hair Metal songs.

Now, if your best girl broke up with you in high school and that song was playing, you can have a vendetta against it. But that doesn't make it worst for everyone else, or actually ANYONE else.

Sorry you got dumped, though!


April 22nd, 2016 at 9:52 PM ^

With "around" repeatedly.  It has a Shakespearean reference referencing nothing.  It has a long,bad, and completely nonsensical guitar solo.  And several times it has lyrics  that just trail away to nothing as our rocker artists apparently forgot you can just rhyme a word with itself.  It's the worst popular song ever.


April 22nd, 2016 at 2:22 PM ^

Many Country artists blow - the same can be said for many of any genre - but there are some truly great artists in that style too. Don't be so narrow-minded...

The OP asked for artists,not entire genres. That post got you a C- with the comment "Try harder next time. Elaborate on your topic."


April 22nd, 2016 at 2:20 PM ^

Many will disagree....but I have to go with Bruno Mars, the original thief.  The guy has done nothing original, is a hack singer and rip off artist. 

Quick Bruno Mars story, so you all know where he is coming from:  3 years ago or so he heard a song that he liked from a small, unknown band.  His management contacted the band to see if they could buy the song so that Bruno could cover it and take full credit as the sole "songwriter" (which is his MO...buy or steal a song and take full credit).  The band declined to give these rights, even if it meant a bigger payday than they would ever have. 

Mars got the news and decided to take Bruno step 2, which is to rip off the songs chord progression, melody and beat...rewrite a couple of lyrics and call it a "Bruno Mars song".  He did that, and it became a minor hit for him making milliions. 

The band that he stole the song from got 0... and were too small and broke to legally fight it.  They ended up posting an "Open Letter to Bruno Mars" on their website and just swallowed the BS of getting their song ripped off by a major artist who is gutless and uncreative.

In other words:  Fuck Bruno Mars.  His music sucks, and his dancing is nothing more than a cheap James Brown knock off too.  His entire act is stolen from JB, MJ and Prince.  Fucking Hack.


April 22nd, 2016 at 4:19 PM ^

Full disclosure: I like Led Zeppelin and think they're brilliant musicians.

While true, one must be careful about posting that.  Led Zeppelin fans get mighty touchy, try having a Stones vs. Zepellin debate sometime, you always know who the Zeppelin fans are because they're the ones losing their minds that anyone could possibly think the Stones are a better band.

Also linking the following video to support your point:



April 22nd, 2016 at 2:26 PM ^

You sir are too angry. Bruno is a talented performer, even has some good songs. I'm sure there are plenty of musicians out there with sob stories, people taking credit where they shouldn't, etc.. Highly doubt Bruno is unique if it fact the story you rambled on about is actually true. Please fee free to provide legitimate facts to back up your nonsense.

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