OT: AHSAA says "Fuck it, let's ride."

Submitted by Sleepy on July 22nd, 2020 at 11:52 PM

Alabama High School Athletic Asociation will announce tomorrow:

-Fall sports to go on without delays
-Practice can begin Monday
-All students able to participate
-Band/cheer deemed “essential” & can attend home/away games
-No fan limitation

*Local systems will be able to alter

— Cole Cubelic (@colecubelic) July 23, 2020


July 24th, 2020 at 7:38 PM ^


I'm positive that I saw another article yesterday, or the day before with the same news in Florida. Not searching right now though. 

But really, man. Almost 150k dead in six months just here, and on track for around 800k if things track the way they're looking. Come. On. 



July 23rd, 2020 at 10:00 AM ^

their body, their choice, isn't that the mantra? 

Conveniently applied in this one instance after years of denying that basic human right to so many. 

If they are smart they will stay home, if others showed any compasion toward their fellow man and wore masks themselves they would be able to go watch their children/grandchildren play.  

people have proven recently that they are not very smart. 



July 23rd, 2020 at 9:48 AM ^

Masks don't protect "you". They protect other people from you. So, if other people in Alabama (it's Alabama) don't faithfully wear masks (again, Alabama), others are at risk from their choices. 

And even if everyone is wearing a mask, if you aren't practicing some level of social distancing, then you're still at a (reduced) risk. 

I don't feel like this is difficult to grasp, so I really don't understand why so many people keep falling back on the "just wear your mask and you'll be fine" trope. It's false. 


July 23rd, 2020 at 7:26 AM ^

It isn't going to happen.  Nothing is going to happen this fall.  Forced testing for K-12 public schools will be the talk by next week and shit is going to go haywire.  No in-person schooling, no football, nothing.  Possibly the NFL but I seriously doubt it at this point.  Buckle up, as the saying goes.

blue in dc

July 23rd, 2020 at 8:16 AM ^

There are over 50 million kids in schools.   We haven’t done 50 million total tests for Covid yet.    Unless we quickly have a breakthrough, we won’t be testing school kids.

If we however did have such a breakthrough, wouldn’t that be a good thing?   (E.g. home tests available for less than $10.  We could start to do significantly more testing (including periodic testing of school kids) and be much more comfortable about opening up many more things.


July 23rd, 2020 at 8:22 AM ^

No.  I do not believe that forced testing of children would be a good thing.  Whatever the case, it was but an example of where the rhetoric is going to go in the next month.  I think we are more likely to be in a national lockdown similar to or stricter than the local ones in March than we are to see football this fall.


July 23rd, 2020 at 5:57 PM ^

i did approve of them.  i also approved of the covid test one of the kids was given at the hospital a couple of months ago.  my comment had to do with 'forced testing', not the idea of testing in general.   you knew that but decided to make a bad comparison anyway.

and as to being a caricature, its really one of two things.  i'm either a complete fraud, although you must give me the credit for being quite a good one, really a gifted con.


i am exactly what i represent here, as known by the many here that post or lurk, many who have met me and my entire family, even visited the farm, and some who have known me for 40 years.  incidentally, that includes that i really do have at least one tractor that, given your lack of response that last time this was raised, has tires taller than you.  you'd have to tell me if that's toy sized, which i think was the words you used the other day. 

blue in dc

July 23rd, 2020 at 10:13 AM ^

To each his own, but I personally would feel like I was doing much better by my kids, family and community to support testing that would ensure that there wasn’t large spread of a virus that could overwhelm hospitals and put everyone at risk not just for covid but for other health emergencies because needed medical services were overtaxed.  


July 23rd, 2020 at 3:57 PM ^

I had one a couple weeks ago... maybe it depends on who's doing it or which test they're using (honestly have no idea)? Mine was uncomfortable but no pain. I thought they were going to scrape around up there, but it just took a moment and I had a runny nose for a couple minutes.


July 23rd, 2020 at 10:39 AM ^

*This mentality really highlights how dumb this country is with regards to Corona. How is getting tested for corona any different than the multitude of other tests, vaccines, and variety of hoops that need to be jumped through for children to attend school? Why is this virus so non-special that any amount of intervention, when similar interventions are completely common place, is completely off the table?

*This is not specifically directed at XM

blue in dc

July 23rd, 2020 at 11:02 AM ^

If your kid goes to school, feels sick and goes to the nurse, in many places (most?), they will take your kids temperature and send them home if they have a fever.

If your kid is feeling sick before going to school, you are supposed to take their temperature and if they have a fever keep them home.

Is that wrong?  



July 23rd, 2020 at 8:11 AM ^

I feel like this comment is somewhat similar to people in week 9 saying ok, NOW we are going to find out what this team us. Not quite, because there really are still a lot of questions about covid's heterogeneity. But in the main, we already have a pretty good idea what it looks like in various regions of the U . 


July 23rd, 2020 at 7:59 AM ^

Meanwhile Sensational? fear inducing words like “surge” and “spike” are getting lots of run too, when “climb”, “rise”, “jump” and “increase” would do just fine - and if more balanced reporting garnered even a slightly better response, wouldn’t that be worth it?







July 23rd, 2020 at 9:02 AM ^

NYT graphics show 61 new deaths in AL yesterday.


Not saying you are wrong (very easy to publish inaccurate data and revise it later, especially  online), but it is much higher than any previous number out of there.  Still, it's nothing compared to some other states.


July 23rd, 2020 at 9:47 AM ^

Alabama had 61 deaths yesterday. That's a lot.

To put it in perspective, on a per capita basis, that would be like 125 daily deaths in Michigan or 250 daily deaths in Florida.

But daily deaths can be misleading, as there is noise in the data (e.g., filling multiple days worth of tests & info at the same time).

So the key is to look at trends, and Alabama's trends do not make me think, "You know what? Hopsitalizations have skyrocketed (tab 9) and % of test come back positive is now at a record high of 16.6% (tab 10). Even so, it's time for football with no fan restrictions!"  They're different down there.



July 23rd, 2020 at 8:23 AM ^

New cases are up 59% in AL compared to two weeks ago, but I don't really give a shit what they do down there. They're going to conduct a very large epidemiological experiment on themselves, and the results will be informative in the long term.