Looks like the Greens want some retribution

Submitted by ldevon1 on October 31st, 2022 at 11:20 AM



October 31st, 2022 at 11:24 AM ^

Do we know which of the 4 suspended players was the one who perpetrated this assault and battery? Also, it wouldn't be too out of the box to identify the bystanders who allowed this to continue (both players, staff, and security personnel) 


October 31st, 2022 at 11:40 AM ^

This is a "state of Michigan game."  It is regional.  

If you feel like you know people who support this type of behavior, the solution is simple, don't do business with them.  Hit them back financially.

You swing helmets, someone will swing back with a wallet.  I know who wins that fight.


October 31st, 2022 at 11:26 AM ^

I hope Gemon is ok. That was a vicious attack and as a parent I can imagine the pain and anger. I would 100% press charges and make them accountable for these heinous attacks. 

Colt Burgess

October 31st, 2022 at 11:29 AM ^

What? It's Jim Harbaugh's fault. It's Jadean McBurrows fault. Green probably asked for it. You know those two Michigan players saw themselves surrounded by Spartans and said, "Let's start something so we can get a beating." They were probably just following Harbaugh's orders, like when he had Devin Bush lure Sparty to walk arm in arm with their helmets on to cause a confrontation. Harbaugh is a media manipulator.


October 31st, 2022 at 11:30 AM ^

I can only imagine the frustration Gemon Green’s family felt seeing the videos (and dealing with the social media aspects). Football is a violent sport enough, but you don’t prepare yourself for unwarranted acts like this. There’s not a person on this board who wouldn’t want to go ham after seeing assault and battery (with a helmet no less) happen to their kid. 

I’m glad they are seeking justice, and I hope the family receives some form of retribution for this senseless act. 


October 31st, 2022 at 11:34 AM ^

Mods, please change the poorly worded title to something along with lines of “Green pressing charges for assault”


October 31st, 2022 at 11:40 AM ^

Words matter.  The MSU media cronies raced to get out the "fight/scuffle" narrative, and the national media picked it up.  The first video you can't even see McBurrows for most of it because he's on the ground getting stomped by a mob, and the media is still running with the "buth sides hurr durr" that was maliciously started by MSU homers.  Americans are endemically lazy and uncurious, so messaging is tremendously effective.

So when "pressing charges" is being labeled as "retribution" right on MGoBlog, yes, it rankles.


October 31st, 2022 at 12:00 PM ^

Yep, I fully believe that Charboneau titled his tweet specifically to ensure the "both sides" view was picked up. I mean, the dude was either right there himself or got the video from someone who was. There is zero way to interpret that as anything but MSU players viciously beating a defenseless Michigan guy. And yet he called it a "scuffling" which of course overtly implies fault from both sides.

MSU beat writers like Charboneau, Solari, Couch, and Kyle Austin are fanboys first, slappies second, fawners third, and somewhere around 99 in the list is when you finally get to "journalists."


October 31st, 2022 at 11:42 AM ^

He's right. "Retribution" has shades of "revenge" in it, which is not what the Greens are seeking. The thread title makes it sound like they're just out looking to get back at the MSU players. What they are actually doing is pressing charges. It is quite different in character. 

XM - Mt 1822

October 31st, 2022 at 11:36 AM ^

quick input.  a victim in an assault doesn't 'press charges', as the old saying goes.  the police investigate and draft reports.  if they think a crime was committed, they will send the reports to the prosecutor.  it is the prosecutor's sole and complete discretion to file or not file a criminal charge. 

it can make a big difference whether a victim does or does not wish to proceed with a case depending the circumstances, but it nevertheless is always and ever the prosecutor's decision.



Perkis-Size Me

October 31st, 2022 at 12:00 PM ^

I'd be curious to see if they do, from the standpoint of how this hurts Green's future as an NFL prospect. Especially if he misses time through the rest of the season. 

I don't know if Green is the one with the broken nose, but regardless, I can't imagine that's something you just quickly come back from. And especially if its something you can just strap on a helmet for and play football again the following week. Maybe you can, but I would think not. But if he misses time, especially if he misses the rest of the year, he could probably argue that this incident severely impacted his draft potential and, by extension, his earning potential. 

Things are going to go from bad to worse, very quickly, for those four MSU players. Enough to where getting suspended will not be their primary concern anymore. It will be making sure they can find a good lawyer. 


October 31st, 2022 at 12:11 PM ^

A broken nose doesn't keep a basketball player off the floor for more than a couple of days, so why would a football player be any different?  I'm more concerned about any concussion symptoms he may show after being clubbed with a helmet.

I'm all for a civil suit, should the Green's want to bring one.

Perkis-Size Me

October 31st, 2022 at 12:59 PM ^

True. I thought about that, but wondered if protocol in football is different because contact is typically more aggressive and physical there compared to basketball.

Theres contact in basketball, of course, but you’re usually not tackling people or throwing them to the ground, unless you’re Draymond Green. 


October 31st, 2022 at 12:16 PM ^

Good prosecutors don’t pay any attention to political pressures, it doesn’t even factor in to the calculus.

There could be charges here, but it would be very uncommon for incidents like this that arise out of a sporting context.  The Malice at the Palace was a bit different in that it involved non-participants.  But if you look back it is very rare, even in very obvious instances like Mike Tyson and Lagarrette Blount.  Not that is necessarily should be but it is.

XM - Mt 1822

October 31st, 2022 at 12:08 PM ^

yes, the green's can do a civil complaint as well.  those are somewhat more rare than you might think.  assault and battery as a civil claim has a one year statute of limitations, meaning any complaint with that as a cause of action would have to be filed by 10/29/23.

most all other civil causes of action such as intentional infliction of emotional distress would have a 3 yr statute of limitations. 


October 31st, 2022 at 11:47 AM ^

The attack took place right on camera, so in this case I'd say it really comes down to whether or not the victim's family is willing to cooperate with the prosecutor.  So, the family indeed has agency and expressed their willingness to move forwards, hence "press charges" is apt.

But it's a very common misconception, so the correction is also warranted.