Wolverine Devotee

September 2nd, 2020 at 12:57 PM ^

“If I die, I die. I’m kind of at peace with it”

I interpreted this as a possible cry for help. Sounds like someone who is depressed. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:03 PM ^

Not really.  Don't get me wrong, I'm no Cousins fan.  However, I totally relate to this attitude.  It's certainly not anything close to depression for me.  It's a freedom of the fear of death due to being satisfied with the life I've lived thus far, and being on great terms with everyone I care about.  It's a very happy way to go through life.  I certainly didn't always have this feeling, but I've worked hard to get there


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:46 PM ^

He has kids. The if I die, I die attitude is idiotic to have as a father. 

I'm satisfied with my life, I have a family that loves me, I have tons of friends that love me, but I'm in no way fine with dying. I want to be around as long as possible for my son and I will take intelligent precautions to make sure that happens. I can't do shit for my son, other than leave him money, if I'm ashes in an urn. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:06 PM ^

I'm sure he wants to live as long as possible also, as do I.  However, I'm not willing to live in fear and take every possible precaution in life to try to extend it to the max.  This has nothing to do with the masks.  I support wearing them, and I believe Cousins does as well.  I think his message is more about not living in fear.  I'd like to clarify that I have always thought he's a giant douche bag, I'm just saying I think I get where he's coming from here.

St Joe Blues

September 2nd, 2020 at 2:47 PM ^

You are so off base. He was expressing the belief that Christians have, namely that Christ died for our sins, we are forgiven, and we will live forever with him in heaven after death. This vale of tears is temporary.

There's peace in knowing that our sins are paid for. We are at peace with God and death holds no sting.


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:12 PM ^

It only prevents it from spreading if you have the virus, otherwise you're wiping before you poop. He's getting tested on the reg so if he contracted it then it might help change his mind. There's zero reason to wear a mask if you don't have the virus. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 3:37 PM ^

No they're not the same one prevents you from contracting it. The mask prevents you from spreading it unknowingly. It's well proven the vast majority of public face coverings are to prevent you from spreading it. Because you know the overwhelming majority of people experience mild to no symptoms at all. If rapid testing was ample and trustworthy than the face guarding thing wouldnt be a huge deal but since we lack the capability the face coverings are necessary.


September 2nd, 2020 at 5:16 PM ^

I agree that most of the medical field has stated that wearing masks is to prevent giving it to others but that isn't the whole story.  The masks we all wear only provide protection against spreading large particles from coughs and sneezing.  They provide very little to no protection against normal breathing.  Meaning wearing a mask in a small room for 30 minutes with someone that has covid and also a mask will not stop you from breathing in those aerosol particles. The virus is small enough to get into the air and then have you inhale it.


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:13 PM ^

That’s actually not what he said at all. In fact, he said he wears a mask to respect other people. It’s a perfectly reasonable position to say that you aren’t all that concerned with contracting the virus but you still wear a mask out of respect to others. There’s nothing wrong with that stance. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:01 PM ^

How is this news?

Hasn't Kork always been known as a moron of the first order? 

I'll give him this though, figured out how to fool enough people, just at the right time, that he is worth $35MM/year. Is there a more average, highly paid QB out there right now?


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:03 PM ^

To be fair, he did say that he wears a mask to be respectful of others but obviously he personally does not see the virus as a threat to himself. Still a pretty reckless interview, but what do you expect from someone who always falls apart under pressure? 


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:03 PM ^

I am not one to blindly support Sparty...but his comment is being taken out of context. The very first thing he said in his response was "I want to respect what other people's concerns are. For me personally, just talking no one else can get the virus..." then he goes on to talk about how he's not concerned about getting the virus himself.

From that, he seems to understand the need to be considerate of others. He also seems to understand that given his age and overall fitness, there is about a 99.96% chance that he would recover just fine if he contracted the virus.

Move along, folks.


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:26 PM ^

Framing discussions about COVID with "fear" is toxic bullshit. 

Do you fear cancer? Do you fear car accidents? 

Understanding the risk and what is reasonable to do to protect oneself against it, and doing those protective actions, isn't fear. People don't say bullshit like "I got a colonoscopy but I don't fear cancer." People say "I wear a mask but I don't fear COVID" because they are pushing a political framing around the virus, that it somehow isn't as bad as 180,000 dead sounds.

Thing that makes me feel fear: flying on an airplane. It's not rational, it comes from deep in the autonomous nervous system, and it doesn't make me have an opinion on the societal benefit of flying.


September 2nd, 2020 at 6:26 PM ^

Cancer and car accidents haven't caused governments to lockdown states resulting in people losing their businesses, people losing their jobs, kids not being in school, and everything being cancelled. I believe that society has to learn to live with this virus instead of hiding in their houses forever and acting like wearing a mask will solve everything.


September 3rd, 2020 at 4:41 PM ^

For a lot of people, losing their job/career, being unable to provide for their spouse and child(ren), getting a home foreclosed on, watching your children grow while missing out on vital social maturation, etc... are all much more terrifying than a virus that predominantly kills elderly, immunocompromised, and obese people. I'm also still waiting on some clarification on how many of those 186K deaths were CAUSED by Covid, or if the individuals died of other causes while infected with Covid... that situation is a little murky. 

It's a threat, just like any other virus, bacteria, and illness humanity has somehow learned to live with for the last, oh, 100k years. You can stay under your bed, I'll wear a mask and get on with living life. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:08 PM ^

"If I get it, I'm gonna ride it out. I'm gonna let nature do its course. Survival-of-the-fittest kind of approach". 

Idiotic. Like I said when I started the thread, would he let nature just take its course if he suffered an injury? Nope, he'd get medical care to treat and rehab the injury as quick as possible.