BTB grad

July 24th, 2023 at 8:51 PM ^

God I can’t wait until the first day of fall camp in just a week so that OT season can finally be put to bed. It likely wasn’t helped by a bad basketball season, but this year’s OT posts felt like the worst they’ve ever been.


July 24th, 2023 at 4:24 PM ^

What else is he going to do? We are socialized to “go out and make money” until retirement. Brady is 46. He isn’t an old man yet. Plus, this is probably acting as a substitute for the competitive environment he spent most of his life in.

I suppose he could become a painter or philanthropist or something like that.

All I know is that if it were me I’d lived off the interest and do whatever.


July 24th, 2023 at 10:54 AM ^

Congrats to Tom, who apparently chose playing for the Tampa Bay Bucs an extra year over (apparently) staying married to his supermodel wife and the mother of most of his kids.  Like, live your life how you want but not sure if his love life is doing much better than it was a couple years ago.


July 24th, 2023 at 12:35 PM ^

Seriously, fuck off with all this nonsense. You have no idea, zero, none, what was behind his decision or the breakup and, furthermore, you have no right to judge even if your preposterous footbaw > marriage/kids hur-de-hur take happens to be right (broken clock style) 2x/day.



July 24th, 2023 at 1:27 PM ^

You're right, how dare I sully the incredibly value created by this post focusing on (checks notes) which supermodel Brady is going out with by speculating about Giselle being unhappy with him going back to the NFL and how him playing football put a strain on their marriage

Yes, I'm sure football wasn't the only reason they broke up and there a complex elements to any relationship but I'm simply providing a counter-point to the overzealous hurr hurr Brady is nailing some hot chicks and he's super rich, he's so alpha tone of the original comment.  The fact I might be correct, I guess, isn't relevant here but it is a weird reverse-argument by you to say that even if I am right it doesn't matter because someone strawperson, who again is not me, would more generally claim that marriage is more important than football.

Honestly, I don't much care what Tom Brady is up to and who he hangs out with.  But I'm also not going to bro out about his divorced dad energy nights out on the town.

Buy Bushwood

July 24th, 2023 at 1:49 PM ^

Agreed.  I'm about Brady's age, and while, sure, give me 7 Super Bowl rings and a bunch of money.  But, I've been with my wife for 25 years and actually think it's much more meaningful and fulfilling to have that relationship in my life every day and for the future, than to be banging tall, gaunt women 20 years younger than me on a daily basis.  Show me a supermodel and I'll show you a guy who's sick of her.