
July 25th, 2023 at 1:32 PM ^

The NCAA is an unserious organization. Four games? For this shit?

Meanwhile, Tennessee wipes their arse with the recruiting portion of the handbook and *comparative crickets*. 

carolina blue

July 25th, 2023 at 1:33 PM ^

From the article, my only real beef with the author was this falsehood: “For Harbaugh, the negotiated resolution is a signal that the coach acknowledged some sort of dishonesty”. 

it doesn’t do that at all. Negotiating a resolution sounds to me like he’s effectively pleading No Contest. The NCAA made up their minds and he’s not admitting anything.  He’s entering plea negotiations to mitigate any penalty that they’ve already decided will happen. 


July 25th, 2023 at 1:36 PM ^

It's so insane to me that the NCAA is saber rattling so hard about this absolutely benign activity while seemingly half of Georgia's football team is speeding across the state at 100 miles an hour and nothing comes of it.  

But whatever; it'll be a nice opportunity for some of the other coaches to get a chance at gameplanning against overmatched squads.


July 25th, 2023 at 1:46 PM ^

Well, this sucks!  Someone's getting 4 easy wins as the head coach and getting hired somewhere next season. If I had to guess, Mike Hart gets the opportunity?


July 25th, 2023 at 1:48 PM ^

This is one of the things that happens when you're in a conference that does not have the letters S, E, and C - as part of it.

I don't want to muddy the waters - but, several years ago - I took a selfie with my son and me - in the pic was Coach Beilein.   My son was a prospective athlete being recruited by other schools - not Michigan.   Though, my son is a strong student and was offered admission to Michigan - which he is attending.   I hope taking the selfie didn't break any NCAA violations. 


July 25th, 2023 at 1:48 PM ^

Back at the 1987 Orange Bowl, Brian Bosworth really was ahead of his time. 

Maybe Jim can go all Bobby Valentine-level incognito with sunglasses and a mustache at the games.


July 25th, 2023 at 1:52 PM ^

Not going to matter anyway, but ridiculous that Tennessee doesn't get a bowl ban despite doing much worse stuff, but Harbaugh gets a 4-game suspension for giving the guys hamburgers


July 25th, 2023 at 2:07 PM ^

The power move would be to host a press conference condemning the NCAA in entirety. North Carolina faked an entire academic program for its athletes and got zero punishment. Time to go on offense. Warde is too lazy to hold a press conference while he keeps collecting those paychecks. 

Wolverine 73

July 25th, 2023 at 2:11 PM ^

If all Harbaugh said was “I don’t remember,” I would be very curious to know how they could prove that was a lie.  Seems they would need a witness who heard him discuss the issue before he was interviewed or some other proof that he actually remembered what happened.


July 25th, 2023 at 2:12 PM ^

I'm trying VERY hard to be generous to the NCAA, and anything more than a one-game suspension is completely out of line.  I don't care if Harbaugh lied, the original offenses were ticky-tacky and the cover-up was minimal, I just can't imagine a rationale for anything more than that.

The National Cheater's Athletic Association is doing what it's supposed to do I guess: beating the crap out of minor offenses while letting major violations go with a shrug.  The NCAA must be the most useless, even counter-productive organization in sports.


July 25th, 2023 at 2:25 PM ^

Interesting wording in article ...

"The agreement is an initial version of the negotiated resolution and is not yet finalized. The resolution must now be approved by the NCAA Committee on Infractions, which could take several days if not weeks. The committee has authority to adjust penalties."

Says it is an initial version and not finalized but in next sentence states now must be approved/changed by committee. Given did not say "then" instead of now implies pretty much a done deal or could get worse? Guess maybe being a little slippery with wording but seems to imply that Harbaugh and co have agreed and "now" up to the CoI. 

Michigan Realist

July 25th, 2023 at 2:31 PM ^

Wow - lots of dumb comments on this thread. 

Harbaugh screwed up - he’ll serve the suspension and return and kick butt. 

Those suggesting he ignore the suspension pound their chests with ignorance. That’s not an option. 

As Archie Bunker said - “ dummy up “ because a lot of these comments are nothing but childish blabber. 

carolina blue

July 25th, 2023 at 2:36 PM ^

He screwed up how?  What if he legitimately didnt remember the incident?  when asked about it he answered honestly that he didn’t remember and now he’s disciplined for it.  He would’ve been better off by lying in the first place and saying he remembers and that he’s sorry he did it. But now he’s made to look like a liar, even though he’s likely not. 
the infraction itself was minor, but because it’s been decided he was less than truthful, he’s being punished for it.  His only screw up was the burger.  That’s so minor it’s stupid. But because he didn’t remember it, it elevates the charge?  Fuck that 

UofM Die Hard …

July 25th, 2023 at 2:46 PM ^

Please enlighten us on how you see this being comparable to any of the other countless MAJOR recruiting violations, and associated lies to said violations, by big time head coaches at tier 1 programs?  ....mind you some of them got caught on freakin tape. 

So the comments you are reading above are around that, and that alone, the hypocrisy of the NCAA. If you dont see the huge hypocrisy in any of this, then the childish blabber is coming from you, the realist.