Donovan Edwards Follow Up Tweet....

Submitted by smitty1983 on October 27th, 2022 at 11:31 AM

From his twitter...


"The retweet was a glitch. I speak for myself. I know what’s in my heart. I am unequivocally against racism, exploitation & oppression in all forms, including stereotyping and trafficking in hate. I have nothing but love for others & I never judge anyone based on race or religion."

Bando Calrissian

October 27th, 2022 at 12:13 PM ^

Except for the other retweets and Twitter likes that have surfaced this morning. There actually is a pattern that can be discerned here.

Look, I want to give people the benefit of the doubt as much as anyone else, but it does seem there are some issues that need to be addressed here, and his "glitch" denial doesn't really do it. This isn't a laughing matter, especially at a time when online hate speech, especially anti-Semitism, is on a severe uptick.


Bando Calrissian

October 27th, 2022 at 12:41 PM ^

At the very least, a Dr. Louis Farrakhan video (without delving too far into politics/religion, Farrakhan represents a decidedly anti-Semitic strain of Black nationalist thought, which is pretty well known at this point. See:…), and some other cringey memes on race which don't really hit in the most charitable light.

Newton Gimmick

October 27th, 2022 at 12:47 PM ^

Honesty is the right way to go if we're just talking morals, but as for PR...

Just from my experience observing Twitter, I tend to think the blowback would be worse if his apology included a clear confession of wrongdoing.  Twitter is full of bad-faith, tribal opportunists who just pile on more if they smell blood. 

In general I don't see how pressured public apologies make things better -- the people who forced them, call them 'forced' -- disqualifying them anyway -- and then it's an arms-race on touting how much the person should be punished.

I would personally love to know Donovan's honest thought process on why he thought that was a good thing to retweet, but we won't ever get to know that due to the PR stakes involved

Mr. Elbel

October 27th, 2022 at 11:50 AM ^

Just apologize without the glitch excuse. It's ok. Even if it's an actual accident, people trust apologies that don't come with excuses. Just ask my wife.


October 27th, 2022 at 11:50 AM ^

The young man is allowed to have his feelings, and sort through them--that, for me at least, was the college experience. I harbored opinions and ideas then that I might repudiate now, and I dare say that I would not agree with lots of things that other young men on our teams believe.

But the U--if it hasn't already--probably needs to be way out in front of stuff like this and just have incoming freshmen sign a pledge that they will not participate in hate speech. Make it part of orientation to talk it up, have it be voluntary if compelling them would violate laws or amendment rights. But make clear--toward the top of the list--that you can f yourself up for future employment, NIL opportunities, etc. if you get linked with such sh*t. 

Donovan has apparently posted stuff that people questioned before, so I'm not sure that this has run its course. But that's a well-written statement, and suggests that he might find his way through this gracefully. 


October 27th, 2022 at 1:30 PM ^

 We all have thought things growing up that we disagree with now.  Had friends, associates that thought things we disagreed with then or now.  It is part of becoming an adult.  The university was out front and quickly he made a thought out tweet to answer that defines a personal stance on hate/racism towards anyone from any direction in any form.  

Posting controversial things, well, he's a young man.  Tomorrow, or years down the road should he be cancelled?  There is a thing that is freedom of thought, freedom of speech and expression.  If we don't educate youth, allow them to grow, allow them to experience and see what was happening then we aren't really educating them for a better world.  We are only educating to our desired outcome.  As if we are the thought and speech police and that is dangerous ground to tread.  



Mike Damone

October 27th, 2022 at 11:52 AM ^

I hope his apology is accepted by all.  He is a kid and obviously made a mistake.  Could have just hit the wrong button.

Have we really become so sensitive as a society to get worked up about an obscure re-tweet from a college football player?

Give the kid a break.  No need for punishment, sensitivity training, shaming, etc. Time to move on...

BG Wolverine

October 27th, 2022 at 11:53 AM ^

sometimes young people retweet stuff without thoroughly reading and understanding it.  I've done it, then looked at it again and went oh crap I didn't realize it came off like that, then deleted it.


October 27th, 2022 at 12:12 PM ^

I know who they are, it was a joke.

I wouldn't be or not be giving them the benefit of the doubt because I fully understand that the athletes and teams I cheer for and root against are full of flawed human beings.  For better or worse, I kind of subscribe more to 1990s creed of "whatever dude" than I do the new creed.  I like the old one better.

Perkis-Size Me

October 27th, 2022 at 11:57 AM ^

He took a stance on it and until he gives us a reason to think we shouldn't, we should take him at his word.

I have no idea how Twitter works. I'm not on it, and I never care to be. I understand the pro's behind it of getting quick bite breaking news stories or sports updates, but outside of that, its a toxic cesspit that allows people to be the worst versions of themselves. It should be launched into the Sun, never to return. My point in all of that is that if I don't know how Twitter works, I'm not going to judge Donovan for a potential miskey. 

It's done and over with. Move on. Beat MSU. 


October 27th, 2022 at 11:59 AM ^

Said it before I'll say it again. Society doesn't accept accidents even if it really was. That's why I stay off fb/Twitter stuff. One mistake/accident and its attached to you. 

big john lives on 67

October 27th, 2022 at 12:01 PM ^

Logged in to support this young man. The tweet in the OP is total consistent with all accounts from coaches and players about DE and also all of the interviews that I have heard from him. After the last game, maybe the best of his career, it took Jason Avant three pointed questions before DE would say anything about himself instead of his coaches and teammates.  He is such a good example in the way that he speaks about his coaches, and teammates, his upbeat attitude, and his recognition for the efforts of others, that I have played his interviews for my children to be used as an excellent example for them. 

I completely believe DE’s explanation. 


October 27th, 2022 at 12:02 PM ^

I don't know him, nor anyone on the football team but speaking as Jew, the kind of thinking in the original tweet is more prevalent than it should be, and very ignorant. I generally don't accept apologies for these types of things as I think they're said out of convenience and necessity. That goes for anyone who says something racist, homophobic, or bigoted. They're sorry they said it because of how repercussions might affect them, they're not sorry for thinking or feeling it. Just my 2 cents on something that I've personally experienced. Again, I don't know the guy, he doesn't affect my life, nor do I affect his. Moving on. 

Perkis-Size Me

October 27th, 2022 at 12:25 PM ^

I'm in the same boat as you. When I hear immediate apologies over things like this (not speaking about Donovan, but people who end up apologizing for saying something racist, bigoted, homophobic, etc.), my first inclination is that they're not sorry they said it. They cared enough to put it out there and look for a response, so that must mean that on some level, they believe what they said.

All you're sorry for is that its affecting you and your life negatively, and you're hoping an apology makes it go away. You probably couldn't care less about what it does to the people you're actually talking about. 

That doesn't mean people aren't able to change their ways and viewpoints on these particular subjects over time. Anyone can grow and learn from mistakes, but in the moment......give me a break, you know what you said. You tweeting out an apology in the immediate aftermath doesn't carry any weight with me as far as convincing me that you've actually looked inward and understood why what you did was wrong. You're trying to get people off your back. You haven't done anything that shows me you've actually understood what you said and how it affects others. 

Free country, free speech and all, but there is no freedom from the repercussions and consequences of your speech. If you put out an incredibly offensive tweet or message for all to see, its your right to do so. But if it costs you your job, your endorsements, your spouse.....that's on you, and you've got no one to blame but yourself. 


Hank Scorpio

October 27th, 2022 at 12:15 PM ^

Good thing he's a running back and not a "thought leader!" Does his position of pseudo-celebrity elevate him into "influencer" status?

Obviously it's not a good look for him and part of his job is to represent the University & his teammates. Now they're all going to have to answer questions from a bunch of media, so my guess is he will learn from it. I hope that Harbaugh doesn't bend the knee to the mob over something a 19 year old re-tweeted. As many have said prior... he's a kid. Kids are prone to saying stupid shit. Hopefully it's not a reflection of who he is or what he believes but either way it's not going to ruin my day. I will still be rooting for him to kick ass in two days. 

GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


October 27th, 2022 at 12:17 PM ^

My hawt take. BS it was a glitch. My take is he is rightly irritated that the punishment for Kanye’s antisemitism is complete cancellation, and the backlash for racism against other minorities is, oh I don’t know, the presidency and a cult following. That doesn’t excuse his idiotic tweet, and he should have made his point a lot more thoughtfully.