Donovan Edwards Follow Up Tweet....

Submitted by smitty1983 on October 27th, 2022 at 11:31 AM

From his twitter...


"The retweet was a glitch. I speak for myself. I know what’s in my heart. I am unequivocally against racism, exploitation & oppression in all forms, including stereotyping and trafficking in hate. I have nothing but love for others & I never judge anyone based on race or religion."


October 27th, 2022 at 4:25 PM ^

I only just saw the original retweet and this whole thing gives me a gin hangover. I don't use Twitter but I vaguely understand how it works.  I could see a person accidentally hitting something on a swipe and hitting retweet thinking accidentally again (or thinking they were retweeting something else). That seems unlikely, but I could buy it. 

I don't see how anyone could understand the original tweet as anything but Anti-Semitic; I do see how someone could fail to understand it at all-- it reads like near gibberish. All anti-semitism, racism, etc. is probably in some sense incoherent, but the claims made are usually comprehensible given some background of false beliefs.  Like if you believed (VERY FALSELY) that that Jews controlled banks, then claims about Jews being responsible for unfair lending would be understandable given that background. For the thing he retweeted, I can't even construct such a background to make sense of it.   

I also don't see how your immediate reaction to such a mistake isn't a panicked apology specifically mentioning Jewish folks.

UofM Die Hard …

October 27th, 2022 at 4:26 PM ^

Just logged onto MGoBlog for first time today, my brain right now....  "wtf is happening?"

Social Media for the win again....  I type that with the most sarcasm in the world




Eye of the Tiger

October 27th, 2022 at 5:32 PM ^

I personally am glad to see his apology and hope he’ll use this as a moment to learn and grow. No place for anti-semitism or other forms of bigotry (racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, etc.) from a representative of the university. 


October 27th, 2022 at 8:05 PM ^

What a dumbass. His post was also one step away from “I was hacked”.

Sure, he may have accidentally “liked” or RTd it, but it’s not something you don’t notice. Whenever you interact with shit on Twitter, the interaction is clear as day to the person who did it. He would have known immediately and could have deleted the like/RT within seconds before it would have been been public on the main board section of Twitter.

Hopefully this was a sincere mistake and he doesn’t believe the shit that dumbass Kanye says. I have my doubts - not that these doubts matter to anyone at all.

However, why was he down such a rabbit hole to begin with? Who/what topic is Edwards following to put this content in front of his eyes in the first place. 

Hail Harbo

October 27th, 2022 at 8:43 PM ^

Hopefully this was a sincere mistake and he doesn’t believe the shit that dumbass Kanye says. I have my doubts - not that these doubts matter to anyone at all.

Just a few miles east on I-94 is a congressional district represented by the very popular Rashida Tlaid who is one of the most vocal antisemites in the country.  Antisemite dumbasses are quite pervasive in our culture.