Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 GoBlue1530
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
1.00 The Barwis Effect
2.00 Eastside Maize
2.00 Bronco Joe
2.00 BlueTimesTwo
2.00 BuckeyeChuck
2.00 Tony Danzig
2.00 gobluenyc
1.00 The Barwis Effect
1.00 The Barwis Effect
2.00 Michigan Arrogance
2.00 M-Dog
2.00 BahamaMama
2.00 ATC
2.00 readerws6
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Baby Fishmouth
1.00 The Barwis Effect
2.00 MGolem
1.00 The Barwis Effect
2.00 Clarence Boddicker
1.00 The Barwis Effect
2.00 XM - Mt 1822
1.00 The Barwis Effect
2.00 blueheron
2.00 MRunner73
2.00 newtopos
1.00 The Barwis Effect
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
2.00 Chalky White
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 TomJ
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 Jmer
2.00 Jmer
2.00 JRell
2.00 JBM
2.00 Louie C
2.00 Louie C
2.00 Maizinator
2.00 Prince_of_Nachos
2.00 Imjesayin
2.00 Imjesayin
2.00 StrictlyShorts
2.00 JMK
2.00 Pit2047