Points changed Changed Changed by Description
1.00 3PG
2.00 andy19il
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 Class of 1817
2.00 J. Redux
1.00 3PG
2.00 TennesseeMaize
2.00 Wolverine in The 614
2.00 DaftPunk
2.00 MRunner73
2.00 SwaggLikeUs
2.00 doclipper
2.00 MadMonkey
2.00 B-Nut-GoBlue
2.00 Amazinblu
2.00 Ham
2.00 mrlmichael
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 fishgoblue1
2.00 RockRockPlanetRock
2.00 Davy Found
2.00 Realus
2.00 The Victors
1.00 3PG
2.00 Chaco
2.00 ska4punkkid
1.00 3PG
2.00 Bill22
2.00 Vote_Crisler_1937
1.00 3PG
2.00 jam706
2.00 M-Dog
2.00 444
2.00 rob f
2.00 shoes
2.00 Old Alum
2.00 MgoLurk
2.00 MgoLurk
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 IndyBlue
2.00 Wolverine Wookiee
2.00 Blue Vet
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Kewaga.
2.00 Communist Football
2.00 ThadMattasagoblin
2.00 jmblue