
February 28th, 2020 at 11:03 AM ^

Are you offended or butt hurt every time you hear something negative about Michigan? Michigan does bad things too man, hate to break it to ya... We have to hold ourselves accountable as well. You'll be okay

Blue and Joe

February 28th, 2020 at 10:18 AM ^

This video makes the situation seem pretty mild. The initial description made it sound like the cops probably should have given him a breathalyzer, but they didn't because they recognized him. He doesn't seem impaired at all in this video, so I get why they didn't do that.


February 28th, 2020 at 10:53 AM ^

Yes, however, they can still require you to submit to a BAC test via blood draw if they suspect you have been drinking. Obviously they didn't suspect he was drinking, and I probably wouldn't have either if I were them. However, I wouldn't believe him for a second when he said he wasn't driving the car, and didnt know who was.


February 28th, 2020 at 11:24 AM ^

Blood draw would require a warrant, which would require probable cause. The only information they had for sure was that he was in a vehicle that crashed at 3 AM. Not a great look to be sure, but if he did not appear intoxicated and didn't smell of alcohol and they had no witnesses or other evidence to show he was driving, I don't see the leap to probable cause existing...


February 28th, 2020 at 10:20 AM ^

Well the big “conspiracy” theory was that he was wasted and AAPD let it slide, but the video doesn’t give any indication of that. He got issued a ticket for crashing the vehicle, got a game suspension and life moves on. And before the Sparties get outraged, even if he had been drinking, ask how many games Eron Harris missed for getting a DUI almost double the limit? The answer is zero. 


February 28th, 2020 at 11:06 AM ^

Ok? The ticket was still for speeding. If you look up his records you will see a speeding ticket, and absolutely nothing about reckless driving, lying to a police officer, failure to have your ID, etc. Bet you i'd get a ticket in this situation!


February 28th, 2020 at 11:46 AM ^

Nope. I got pulled over in Ann Arbor for driving with a broken muffler. I lied to the police officer and said I didn't realize my muffler was broken--which was totally ludicrous given the sound my car was making. I Didn't have my license on me. They "arrested me", put me in hand cuffs (right there on East Ann), and wrote me a ticket and let me go but all I had to do was show up at the police station with my license within 48 hours to get the ticket expunged. 

The police won't give you a ticket for lying to them. It is impossible to prove and pointless. You're not under oath or required to answer their questions anyway. Particularly without a lawyer present or to incriminate yourself.

You're trying very hard to be upset here.


February 28th, 2020 at 12:10 PM ^

Just because you most likely won’t get arrested for something doesn’t mean it is legal. For instance, I speed everyday. Sometimes while passing right by a cop, yet I don’t get an infraction. Is it still illegal to speed? Yes.  So I understand your point with your story, but I he bottom line is that it’s still against a law to lie to police about your name. Do you NOT see how lying to police officers can be a problem, and why there’s a law for it?


and I’m not upset at all??? It’s Friday, I’m happy as hell! And I certainly won’t lose any sleep over this situation. Just because I have an opposing opinion doesn’t mean I’m upset. Good grief lol good try though


February 28th, 2020 at 3:59 PM ^

It is illegal to lie to the police about a crime - it is prosecutable under Michigan law as making a false report about a crime.

It is not illegal to lie to the police about a non-crime.


The key word is legality - and that legality depends on whether what you are lying about is a crime or not.