
February 28th, 2020 at 10:42 AM ^

Wow, just like that, cops just let him go? Then give him a speeding ticket a week later? Dam..... either it pays to be "somebody", or these cops are just terrible cops. You don't lie to the police dude


February 28th, 2020 at 11:31 AM ^

I would hope they'd be smart enough to realize that a man who is lying about his identity and is standing next to a crashed vehicle is probably the one driving the dam vehicle, and I'd think better cops would've done more due dilligence on the scene as far as figuring out who was driving the vehicle. It took them basically a second investigation to find out that he was indeed driving, but they couldn't come to that conclusion at the scene? I think better cops would've gotten the situation figured out more ON SCENE. Maybe i'm wrong though, lets not throw a hissy fit about my opinion.


February 28th, 2020 at 4:02 PM ^

Given him a breathalyzer.

The situation he was caught in easily meets the "reasonable suspicion" requirements necessary for either a field sobriety or roadside breathalyzer.


The result of the roadside breathalyzer or field sobriety test can provide "probable cause" of operating under the influence, and allow a formal breathalyzer/blood draw.




February 28th, 2020 at 12:15 PM ^

Officer:  "Miss, do you know how fast you were going?"

Me:  (knowing damn well one mile over IS speeding and I was going at least that)  "Nope."


By definition, that is a lie.  Should I have been arrested for lying to a Police Officer?


What I don't see in this video is:


Simpson under the influence.

Proof that he was indeed the driver.


What I do see is:

Simpson lying about his identity.


IMO, he covered for someone else.  He knew more than he was saying, but I am not even sure he was the driver in this situation.






February 28th, 2020 at 10:44 AM ^

Totally overblown situation.  Didn't seem like a big deal other than him lying about his name.  I still don't know he would do that.  Otherwise didn't seem impaired and the officer said he didn't smell anything.  These didn't seem like police letting a guy go b/c he plays basketball.


February 28th, 2020 at 10:45 AM ^

The only "cringe worthy" part was that he couldn't think of a fake last name quick enough...

Cops seem pretty sure he wasn't driving, he didn't seem intoxicated. He was likely in the car at the time. I know it's illegal, but I don't know how often cops would actually arrest someone for giving a fake name, and coming clean about it a few minutes later...


February 28th, 2020 at 11:00 AM ^

1.) What would make them believe he wasn't driving? The fact that he simply moved the seat up so it looked like someone shorter was driving it? Like he couldn't have done that himself. I'm not sure why anyone in that situation wouldn't have a high suspicion that he was the driver. He lied the whole time.


2.)  I agree, he didn't seem intoxicated at all, so I don't see that as an issue at all here. 


3.) How many people give cops fake names? and, do you have any data to back that up? He didn't "come clean" a few minutes later... The cops caught on to his bull shit and realized who he was, so he fessed up. Huge difference. 

I don't think he should be sent to jail and have his career ruined or anything extreme at all, however, if I were a coach or a parent of this young man, I would have a huge problem with his behavior and ethics, and personally I would've disciplined him more. maybe 3-4 games, and explain to him why what he did was wrong and show him the potential dangers of lying to the police, etc. And, if he were on Ohio State or any other big schools, I would hope they would punish him appropriately as well. 


February 28th, 2020 at 11:06 AM ^

So 2 more games and you would've had nothing to say? The rest of the things you say should happen happened. 

How many games if that was CJ Baird?

Maybe it was determined it was Cole Bajema driving and that's why he isn't playing more.


February 28th, 2020 at 11:38 AM ^

Yes, I would be satisfied. ( I am aware that my satisfaction here is irrelevant, but this is a message board for discussion and thats all this is)


I think Michigan did a good job of damage control, and didn't address the issue thoroughly. But I'm not exactly lighting a pitch fork over it, I just want to be fair about punishment. This situation didn't turn out to be a big deal, however, the mentality that you're able to lie to the police is a potentially extremely dangerous quality and I'd hope that he got enough discipline and guidance to where he won't be reckless like that again. 

1201 S. Main St.

February 28th, 2020 at 1:51 PM ^

Nah, Simpson is pretty obviously on a path toward being a career criminal because he initially gave the police a fake name, which they knew was fake almost immediately.  My guess, Simpson becomes someone like the Joker and just tries to take over a city while blowing up a hospital...

1201 S. Main St.

February 28th, 2020 at 2:10 PM ^

Hey man, I'm on your side.  You were the one who said "the mentality that you're able to lie to the police is a potentially extremely dangerous quality" and I'm just simply pointing out how correct you are.  First is lying to police, it's only logical that he eventually turns into a criminal mastermind.  Afterall, lying to police is a gateway citation...


February 28th, 2020 at 11:23 AM ^

Giving a fake name to the cops is why he was suspended basically.  And one game is plenty for a stupid little offense.  If he was clearly intoxicated or whatever, different story.  But I've had a little accident before and it can rattle you a bit.  Also he may have felt that driving someone else's car may complicate matters and he didn't want his real name out there.  Who knows, bad decision making, one game suspension, lets move on.


February 28th, 2020 at 11:36 AM ^

I am never going to criticize how an African-American male, especially one who is athletically fit,  responds to a cop. Yes, he shouldn't have lied. But that's also easier for us to say since we don't have a history of mistreatment with cops.


February 28th, 2020 at 12:18 PM ^

You certainly implied it. So, then, what exactly were you trying to say? Basically what you said is that “I’ll never question a African American as to how he deals with the police and what he says.” That is paraphrasing, but that’s the exact message you sent. I understand that they have to deal with police in a way different way and are mistreated, but the cop definitely wasn’t being prejudice in any way at all, regardless, you can’t just give African Americans a pass on everything because they get fucked over a lot. There still has to be accountability, no?


February 28th, 2020 at 12:27 PM ^

You literally said this right below this in response to someone else. 



February 28th, 2020 at 12:12 PM ^

When the hell did I say they should arrest or charge him with a crime based on that? What’s with everyone putting words in people’s mouths just to try to “win” the conversation? It’s very counterproductive to any discussion."


You're a joke of a troll


February 28th, 2020 at 2:04 PM ^

I was trying to interpret what he was saying. and that's unfortunate that your such a tool that you're telling a grown man that you've never met that he has a punchable face. What makes you think I care in any way? lol Are you 5? yikes .

"I dont know what else to say and I dont like this guy, so I'm gonna insult him! I feel better! "


February 28th, 2020 at 11:53 AM ^

If he wasn’t smart enough to give a different last name, I don’t think we was smart enough to move the seat...

Even if he could’ve done it himself, you can’t arrest or charge someone with a crime because they could’ve done something.


February 28th, 2020 at 12:12 PM ^

When the hell did I say they should arrest or charge him with a crime based on that? What’s with everyone putting words in people’s mouths just to try to “win” the conversation? It’s very counterproductive to any discussion. 

I do however think that there was a lot more signs there that the cops ignored, and in the end, they found out he WAS driving the vehicle. So obviously yeah, he was smart enough to move it. 


February 28th, 2020 at 12:36 PM ^

I don't think they confirmed he was driving. Simpson said he was driving, and they believed him / didn't investigate further. I think it's likely that someone else was driving and Simpson stuck around because Evan had given him the car and he was responsible for it.


February 28th, 2020 at 12:47 PM ^

I believe the police investigation included speaking with Mrs. Manuel and Evan.  I also believe that Evan said he loaned the car to Simpson and the police listed him as the driver.  End of story.  Now did Simpson actually drive into the pole? Personally, I think he may have covered for a female and hung around nervously because ultimately he was responsible for the car.


February 28th, 2020 at 10:50 AM ^

So basically what I gathered is Simpson was out past curfew and lost control of Evan's vehicle he borrowed on an icy road and crashed. 

He didn't want the world to know he drives like a Grandma with the seat waaay up if it was uncovered that he was driving...So he gave the name Jeff Jackson Simpson. (Jackson, because he thought the officer said last name instead of middle)

Anybody could understand that attempt at deception in that instance. 

He wasn't out on some felonious caper. Had he not given the fake name...Where's the threat?