OT: What's a movie you hate starring an actor you love?

Submitted by canzior on March 9th, 2023 at 3:42 PM

Let's not mention the basketball game...err...season anymore. 


Something fun for the end of the week.




March 9th, 2023 at 4:42 PM ^

Jeff Daniels, Gods & Generals.  Loved the book, have never been more upset at a movie (and we saw it at midnight on opening night, no less).


March 9th, 2023 at 5:05 PM ^

No disagreement there, but I read it when I was about 12 or 13.  It was one of the first things I'd read about the Civil War (I read three Shaara Civil War books as a trilogy in order) and it really kicked off a multi-decade fascination.  The movie came out when I was in college and I got together with old friends from high school to watch it.

As to the Lee question, I'd have to go back and watch Duvall's performance again, something I steadfastly refuse to do, although generally I like him better as an actor than I do Sheen.

S.D. Jones

March 9th, 2023 at 5:15 PM ^

I with ya, read all the Shaara books about the same age. Of Jeff's work, I liked the "prequel" about the Mexican-American war best. 

I'd have to rewatch Gods & General's too to fairly judge the Lee question. My one takeaway on my one viewing was that Duvall was the only good thing I saw; then again, I liked Sheen's portrayal, especially the bit right after he's chewed out Stewart and then softens. 


March 10th, 2023 at 5:34 AM ^

I saw "Gettysburg" at its opening at the Fox Theatre and loved every second of it, so I naturally looked forward to "Gods & Generals." I remember sitting in the theater thinking, "It's got to get better than this ... eventually, it's just GOT to." But it never did. Over-long and over-written. I'm a fan of both Daniels and Duvall, but nobody could save G&G:


March 9th, 2023 at 10:30 PM ^

This reminds me of one.

”Leap of Faith”

Steve Martin and Liam Neeson in a really boring, generic, formulaic, at best passingly funny film.

There’s one scene in particular, where Neeson leads his love interest to this field of butterflies, I swear the director glued some limp-winged butterflies to the actors to make it look like they were landing on them. Turrible, awkward, campy attempt at a romance scene 

Tokyo Blue

March 9th, 2023 at 4:47 PM ^

Tom Hanks

Bonfire of the Vanities.

Great book. Bad movie.

No way Hanks should have played that part. Didn't fit that character at all. Not his fault. It was the director's fault or whoever it was that chose him.


March 9th, 2023 at 4:51 PM ^

Bill Murray is one of my all-time favoritists, but I did not enjoy What About Bob?

Bill's character is great in it, but the writing and the rest of the cast I found very uninspiring and quite cliche.


March 9th, 2023 at 5:05 PM ^

I think Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, and John Turturro are all great actors, and I can't think of a movie they're in that I haven't liked, especially if it's a Coen brothers movie.

Except for "The Big Lebowski." Just watched it for the second time a few days ago; the first time I watched it 25 years ago I lost interest part way through and didn't finish it. I forced myself this time and my reaction was even more negative.

Goodman's Sobchak and Bridges's Jeff Lebowski are the most obnoxious and irritating pair of main characters I've ever seen in a movie that's universally well-regarded. Halfway through the movie I began wishing that somebody would beat the fuck out of Walter with a baseball bat or tire iron or golf club, and Lebowski was the archetype of every painfully inarticulate, habitually stoned dipshit I've ever known.

The weird thing is that the movie is just stuffed with gif-worthy moments, some of which I've even posted here from time to time. I know that I'm probably one of three people in the entire country who didn't like the movie, so I'll take my negs.


March 9th, 2023 at 5:40 PM ^

I love the Coen brother's movies.  I saw Raising Arizona 100 times in highschool on VHS.  I watched the Big Lebowski in the theater when it came out. I was super disappointed.   Nothing really happened.   I told a friend that and he told me I missed the point.  You have to think about the Big Lebowski as an experience and not as a movie.  Once you change your perspective, all of those great quotes and moments are amplified 1000%; it really ties the whole thing together.   The dude abides.


March 10th, 2023 at 12:04 AM ^

Don thank you for lavishing your post with sufficient details to confirm I don't ever need to read another of your posts again. 

I don't even know if we agree or disagree about sports topics, but your Coen brothers take was so spectacularly wrong I'm just going to assume we disagree about everything! 

Did you see Miller's Crossing? Fargo? Their remake of True Grit? You're outta your depth Donnie! Donnie?! You're outta your depth! 


March 10th, 2023 at 5:46 AM ^

Sorry, but I'm with Don on this one. Both Lebowski and Fargo fall into that category of movies that made me think "What is the gigantic fascination that people have with this shit?" Now, "True Grit" was pretty damn good, but I think that's because it stuck closer to the feel of the book, rather that the John Wayne "Hollywood-ized" version. Plus Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, and Hailee Steinfeld were far better actors than Wayne, Glen Campbell, or Kim Darby.


March 10th, 2023 at 11:36 AM ^

I loved Miller's Crossing, Fargo, Raising Arizona, Blood Simple, Barton Fink, True Grit, and especially O Brother Where Art Thou, which is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

I watched Hail Caesar last weekend and was disappointed—the premise seemed to offer the potential of a great movie, but I think it failed to deliver in the way their best movies have done.


March 10th, 2023 at 7:31 AM ^

The movie was fine, but did not equal the sum of its parts. The quality of the cast did greatly exceed the quality of the film.

That's different from a movie like pulp fiction which was so damn good that it relaunched travolta's career and helped define its cast as quality actors.

Hemlock Philosopher

March 10th, 2023 at 8:30 AM ^

I've seen the first 30 minutes of Lebowski about 150 times, and the rest about twice. Not that it rubs me the wrong way, its just that our tradition was to watch football from 10am Saturday to 230 am on Sunday, order pizza, and put on the Big Lebowski. A few beers may have been drunk during the course of the day too. 

In speaking of Jeff Bridges, he was in Seventh Son and it was totally awful. He spoke/slurred through his teeth so much that what he said was barely discernible. The rest of the movie was pretty terrible too.