OT: please get help with addiction if you need it [sticky]

Submitted by Erik_in_Dayton on September 28th, 2021 at 12:53 PM

Hi everyone--I hope the mods will indulge me here, but a close family member of mine died of an apparent drug overdose last night.  I'm hoping to create a least a little good from that at the moment and am posting this accordingly.  Please get help if you too are struggling with drugs and/or alcohol.  Things can get better.  I've seen it happen.  And the world is going to need you at some point even if it doesn't feel like it now.

Here is a link where you can find help in Michigan:


[Edited @5 pm -rob f:

I'm making this thread "sticky" in order to keep it up and readily available at the top of the first page when you hit the 'Go to MGoBoard' bar.

Please feel free to add appropriate links for any and all legitimate addiction treatment/counseling resources.  Whether it be a member of the MGoBoard or a loved one that is in need of some support, one more readily-available source of assistance is always potentially a good thing.]


September 28th, 2021 at 2:20 PM ^

My cousin died of organ failure after fighting a heroin addiction for 10 years in 2018. It was awful for his immediate family and I hope Erik's post deters someone from doing what he did to himself and his family.

Optimism Attache

September 28th, 2021 at 2:25 PM ^

Thank you for posting this, and I am sorry for your loss. Too many have had to face this. The US set a record for drug overdoses last year--a 30% increase over the previous number. 93,000. 

We shouldn't only admonish our loved ones to get help. We should help them get that help and never give up on them. Addiction is a disease and deserving of as much support as any other medical condition. 

For those with opioid addiction, there are miracle medications out there that can reduce risk of overdose death by over 50%.

Suboxone (buprenorphine) can be prescribed on an outpatient basis, like any other medication. Find a prescriber near you  here: https://www.samhsa.gov/medication-assisted-treatment/practitioner-program-data/treatment-practitioner-locator


September 28th, 2021 at 2:32 PM ^

My prayers are with you and your family.

I've been an alcoholic/addict for 30 years in daily recovery and I've seen friends fall. Watched a man with 10 percent liver function fight like a mad dog to be allowed to drink until he had 5 percent left and then quit. He never did.

Even at my very worst, I laughed at the idea that I needed help.

Never assume that the person you care about will understand their own suffering.

Please, if people you care about express concern about your use, don't dismiss it. Even if your monster inside sneers at them, take a chance on yourself.

Those left behind, there is no solace. But, please know that you are not to blame. I understand that makes the grief no less.

Hail to the Vi…

September 28th, 2021 at 2:41 PM ^

I'm really sorry to hear that, Erik. We're all living through a very challenging time right now, especially those with issues related to substance abuse and addiction. It's important, now more than ever, to check in and be kind to one another. Like Erik said, it can get better, if you can just hang in there through your darkest hour, and don't be ashamed to ask for help. Everybody brightens a life for somebody, and none of us are as alone as we feel sometimes.

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, Erik. It's truly a gut punch that sucks the air out of the room. Take care and be safe everybody.

Darker Blue

September 28th, 2021 at 2:57 PM ^

I'm very sorry for your loss Erik.

I've struggled with addiction most of my adult life. 

I've been sober for about 5 years and everyday remains a struggle. Most days are great and I'd never use again, but then I'll have that one day that thoughts of using consume me and even if I don't use those thoughts just sit there and yell at me. 

Depression / addiction ain't no joke man. 




September 28th, 2021 at 3:55 PM ^

I'm sorry for your loss, Erik. I lost an old friend the other day as well. I don't even know circumstances because the family hasn't spoken about it publicly yet. You and yours are in my prayers.


September 28th, 2021 at 4:00 PM ^

As some of you know, I lost one of my sisters to drug addiction several years ago - in fact, the day before the 2012 Michigan-MSU game was the day I got that call from my parents, who were the ones that found her unresponsive on the floor of her apartment. I know exactly what this does to a family sadly.

Eric, I am deeply sorry for your loss, and if you would like to talk about it in some format, let me know. 


September 28th, 2021 at 4:06 PM ^


Neck deep in this with a couple of people right now. It’s destruction and poison. You can’t just get better on your own; there is help, and it’s important to seek it. 

Monkey House

September 28th, 2021 at 5:05 PM ^

Sorry for your loss. I live in the opiate overdose capital of the country. In the past 20 years I have personally known probably 50 people that have died. 


You can get help and get your life back on track. I've seen it, it's not easy but you can do it!! Just take that first step 


September 28th, 2021 at 6:57 PM ^

I'm really sorry for your loss.

I've been sober for 3+ years after several decades of escalating alcohol use, abuse, and addiction. There were a lot of moments in there where I wondered if maybe I had a problem, but I was always able to convince myself I didn't because I hadn't done some other thing...yet. Until I did. Then I was able to find Some Other Thing.

If you've ever wondered like I used to---whether it's alcohol or something else--it is worth talking to someone who's been there. You'll probably know pretty quickly one way or the other. You can often find folks willing to talk at the Washtenaw Alano Club if you are in or around A2. They won't judge you. In fact, chances are very very good that they've been where you are and worse.

I know when I finally talked to someone, it made a world of difference. But not everyone makes it, and it's easy to go back out. Someone from my group very recently drank himself to death after also having about 3+ years sober. This shit kills, and it's not shy about it.

Hanlon's Razor

September 28th, 2021 at 7:44 PM ^

My brother is a recovering opioid addict and alcoholic. He attends support groups with https://recoverydharma.org/.

He finds it very supportive and accepting while also appropriately challenging. He was averse to some of the ideals of the traditional 12 step program, but found that this suits him well. I share this just so others know there are more than one support option.

As with another poster, he became addicted to a pain killer he was prescribed for chronic pain. It became evident he was addicted when he began stealing pain killers from my mother, among other less visible warning signs we had missed initially.

We got together as a family and walked with him through the process. It has been a long tough road for him but he is doing very well today. He admitted himself to a rehab clinic and as I mentioned followed it up with a support group. 

To all of you facing addiction, are supporting loved ones with addictions, and who have suffered losses, my heart is with you. 


September 28th, 2021 at 10:26 PM ^

I'm so sorry to hear about all the struggles here, and for your loss, Erik. I hope those of you who need help find a way to it. Though I haven't experienced addiction, I do have mental illness in my family. My father was hospitalized twice, in the psych ward for six and three months respectively. These are difficult issues and support is so important, for the person suffering and those who support that person, too. 


September 29th, 2021 at 10:14 AM ^

So sorry for your loss, addiction sucks.  

My uncle died 14 years ago this month from alcoholism.  Literally drank himself to death.  He lost everything due to his alcoholism - wife, job, friends.  


September 30th, 2021 at 9:01 AM ^

I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Addiction is a horrible and complicated disease and it's heartbreaking when it takes a life.

If I can offer any support it's that there is hope. I haven't had a drink or drug in 2.5 years but the time leading up to that was horrible. My alcoholism progressed to the point that I was a fifth a day drinker, needing a half pint of whiskey in the morning just to wake up. I put my loved ones through hell and pushed almost everyone I cared about away. I could barely make ends meet and frequently was behind on rent. It was a struggle to simply leave the home and function on a daily basis but I couldn't stop drinking to save my life. I went to rehab 4 times in an 8 month period, every time by my own choice. I felt hopeless, like there was no way I was ever going to stay sober let alone live a good and happy life. I finally reached a point when I became desperate enough for change that I was willing to do whatever it took to get and stay sober. For me the solution came in the form of AA but that's not the only way. Today I live a normal life without drugs and alcohol and I have tools and support to deal with the ups and downs of life. It's a miracle that I'm even alive let alone sober. 

I would say to anyone suffering with a loved one whom is stuck in addiction, do your best to have compassion and understand that if and when they decide to make a change is entirely on them and nothing can be forced. It is possible though and I'm not sure if I could have done it without the support of my family who never gave up on me despite everything I put them through, even pooling together $10k out of pocket for my 4th rehab when previously I couldn't put together more than 2 weeks of continuous sobriety.


October 4th, 2021 at 7:03 AM ^

I’m sorry for your loss.  I’m a recovering alcoholic myself.  My name is Brendan.  My cell is 630-815-9004. If anyone on here ever needs help I am a phone call away.  Pick up the phone and ask for help. Asking for help is a strength not a weakness.  You hold the remote.  I’m not even sure if it is allowed to post my number on here but I take my recovery very seriously, and I have a duty to help others in need. 

Dean Pelton

October 9th, 2021 at 12:50 AM ^

If the mods want to delete this go ahead. I am just not sure where else to turn right now. It has been a weird couple of weeks. Some stuff that happened in my wife’s family really threw me for a loop. Also I have Asperger’s syndrome and I just feel overwhelmed right now. Everything is so exhausting. It is extremely difficult for me to deal with people. In the end I stay up late and drink because it just helps me feel normal. I am just not sure I can keep going. Every day is a struggle. I spend a lot of time alone because social situations are too overwhelming and difficult and the isolation is getting to me. I just want to be normal. 


March 19th, 2022 at 11:34 PM ^

Hi Dean hope you've hung in there. I don't have Asperger's (at least I don't think so) but have my own stuff, and can relate to some of what you're saying.

Screens, ironically enough, are what can be addicting to me (I actually clicked on this for that reason), and I go through bouts of withdrawal.

Kudo's for putting yourself out there, or should I say here, on this board, and please know that though you/ we may not (or may) be what many consider "normal", the world will, as someone posted on this board-- will need you, with all your quirks and gifts.

(at the same time --I totally feel you on this, too, the very human longing to be normal. And -- fuck normal, too. At the same time.) 

Sometimes I find counseling a relief, as the usual social pressures are off, tamped down. It can help break through a bad bout of isolation, if the person is a good listener & not too overbearing. Also I figure if I'm paying, I can be as awkward as fuck or whatever, be more relaxed being myself. Sometimes it's a good way to hear myself think.

In any case good luck, and I hope you're enjoying the tourney!



October 31st, 2022 at 7:13 PM ^

I'm also on the spectrum and have definitely struggled with my fair share of trauma and depression. It's not easy to bear sometimes, but the darkness always eventually subsides.

I've found both Cannabis and psilocybin to be incredibly helpful, especially in isolation with time to reflect. You're never really alone, despite how it can feel. 

Love your username btw. I hope you can i-dean-tify something that'll help! 


October 10th, 2021 at 7:16 AM ^

So sorry about your loss. I too lost someone I was very close to almost 6 years now to an overdose. It's hard to not beat yourself up over the what ifs but don't allow that to consume you. Here's hoping people see your post and take the big step for change and maybe save a life. Hugs to you 


December 6th, 2021 at 7:58 AM ^

Just lost a classmate Saturday night. We all went to HS together and played basketball. He was a fellow Michigan fan. He got to see Michigan win the Big 10. He then decided to party a little too much. He was a good dude, but this all happens way too much.  It's heartbreaking to read what his son wrote to him. Please get help, please reach out. You are not alone. 


March 19th, 2022 at 11:17 PM ^

Just seeing this now. 

Erik, so sorry for your loss. I know sometimes time only dulls the sting of a loss.

And thank you for posting this, breaking isolation & potentially helping others.

Hope you've found some peace, and moments of hope for others, and meaning.


March 31st, 2022 at 9:04 PM ^

If you or someone you know needs help, due to COVID, there are now many on-line support groups that are easy to access. A lot of the people I work with that are struggling with addiction claim they are helpful and enjoy them more than in person meeting.

    The one I have provided a link has a ton of information for both the addict and the family/friends of the addict with online support groups for both. Since this is a sports site, I am sure most are familiar with Chris Herren and his story, of how his drug addiction affected his NBA career. If you have not seen it, I encourage all to watch his special they had on him on ESPN. The Herren project is his program. For any teachers on that see this, he does incredible work with high schools providing resources and in-person assemblies. 



May 1st, 2022 at 11:29 AM ^

My best friend from high school, whom I’ve lost touch with the last few years, killed himself this last week with Xanax and alcohol after years of drinking himself to death.  

He was a fantastic high school football player and wrestler.  He wasn’t quite big enough or fast enough to play D1 ball and had to quit to take care of family obligations after transferring to a D2 school and playing there.  Not making it or at least not getting to see if he really could make it was crushing to him.  

I feel awful that we grew apart over the decades and that I wasn’t there for him. I was going to call him a couple of weeks ago and even looked up his phone number in an old email, but I didn’t call.

  I feel for all of the players who don’t start or don’t get to play.  I feel for the adults who don’t make the next level in their jobs or personal lives.  If you’re struggling please reach out.

rob f

October 19th, 2022 at 8:26 PM ^

My sincere condolences.

It's hard to lose someone suddenly that way.  I lost a buddy "Terry" who was also my next-door neighbor, some 35 or so years ago in a drunk driving accident (yes, he was the one who was drinking).  Great guy when he was sober, but damn---his wife and only child were left behind; the little girl a few years later was Flower Girl in my wedding.  I've long kept in touch with the family but still think "what if?" , as far as Terry (and especially his wife & daughter) is concerned. 

Don't fear seeking counseling (or at least the help of a close friend) to get you through the grieving, if you feel at all in need of it.


October 20th, 2022 at 12:34 PM ^

Thanks, Rob. I talked to him last Wednesday about going into rehab, and he said he was on his way, but then by Sunday he was gone. He texted about our o-line on Saturday, so he was still lucid enough to do that, but then it was over. Life is a fragile thing.