OT: Name Your All-Time Mt. Rushmore of American Sports Stars

Submitted by UM85 on August 26th, 2022 at 5:56 PM

As we approach end of OT season, I'd like to get the Board's take on the All-Time American Sports Mt. Rushmore. You can use any metrics you like to come up with your four.  But there can only be four.  My criteria would be: 1) Athlete who dominated his/her sport at historical levels and 2) Combined said athletic dominance with an influence that extended well beyond his/her sport.  

With that, my Mt. Rushmore is:  Babe Ruth, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods.



August 26th, 2022 at 8:21 PM ^

Michael Phelps - dominated his sport like no other

Tom Brady - Greatest player ever at the hardest position to play period

Michael Jordan - I don't enjoy basketball, but he is a known worldwide and was phenomenal

Alan Trammel - Childhood Hero (selfish choice) no real reason.






August 26th, 2022 at 9:46 PM ^

Jim Thorpe, Wilt Chamberlain, Rocky Marciano, and Simone Biles.  When they change the rules of a sport because one person is so dominant, that person should go down as one of the best ever.


August 26th, 2022 at 10:08 PM ^

It's difficult to compare players across sports, so I'll stick to our pastimes - baseball until about the last 40 years, football afterward. Sports stars over athletes - so generational athletes like Thorpe, Jordan, Bo Jackson... not considered.

Babe Ruth - unique, iconic, representing early sports.

Willie Mays - the quintessential five-tool player.

Walter Payton - did everything well, hard to bring down, the top player when football took over the top spot.

Tom Brady - the modern team player, unparalleled success at the highest level.