OT MSU/UM Professor on leave after forcing students to buy a subscription to her website

Submitted by poseidon7902 on March 6th, 2023 at 4:33 PM

In the category of WTF.  MSU/UM professor Amy Wisner forced her Marketing students to buy a $100 / yr subscription to her website "Patriarchy Rebellion Community".  The school has placed her on leave while they investigate.  All stories online reference her as being at MSU where this was reported out, but wonder if UM has a similar problem.  


oriental andrew

March 6th, 2023 at 5:02 PM ^

I think the difference is that the textbook ostensibly goes through a legit publisher and the prof gets royalties, whereas this site is owned and operated by this prof and she can talk a good game about supporting causes for a Bully-Free Future (TM), but really, the money goes to her and it's really just pure profit after covering her expenses and donating whatever percentage she wants. 

Both profit off the scheme, this is just much more direct. 


March 6th, 2023 at 7:25 PM ^

It could be a lot different.  It depends on what the class is.  Also, you can usually resell a book you are buying for a class.  If you don’t sell, you at least own the book.  This sounds like $100 for access to a website that may or may not contain course information.  Is this peer reviewed information cultivated from reliable sources?  Also, $100 seems steep.  

This seems like a person trying to groom young minds to join her movement and telling them how to think rather than providing them an education and the tools to think for themselves.  I fear for the educational outlook of the future.  


March 7th, 2023 at 10:06 AM ^

One of the most annoying things from my college experience. I had at least two professors at UofM who wrote their own textbook and updated the edition every 2 or so years so as to turf the used book market and extract more dollars from college kids with $20 in their pocket. Shameful behavior


March 6th, 2023 at 4:45 PM ^

What's the big deal? I was thinking of make all my students buy subscriptions to MGoBlog and negotiating a revenue-sharing deal with Seth. Just think of all those sweet sweet MGoPoints I'll be able to spend.


March 6th, 2023 at 4:45 PM ^

Technically she has not been an adjunct at UM business school since 2021, according to her own LinkedIn site. 

That said, I have to agree with those that argue is this really anything more than a new technological version of an old issue: requiring your own textbook/material to be purchased.  



March 6th, 2023 at 4:50 PM ^

Amy talks about Amy in the third person.

Amy is audacious and unapologetic in her quest to smash oppressive systems. As a former rule-following good girl, she can deeply empathize with anyone who struggles to break the rules. Once upon a time, she wanted nothing more than to check the patriarchal life boxes, keep everyone happy, and "live happily ever after."

What a crock. (more on that here)

At any rate, Amy decided to stop coloring her gray hair at nearly 40 years old... and the rest was history. A few years later, she chose to become a single mom by choice through double-donor IVF. She's now living her best life as Olivia and Caleb's mom, a professor at Michigan State University, and the founder of The Rebellion @cancelthepatriarchy.org.

Amy is an interpersonal communication researcher and professor who passionately peruses research journals and other academic publications for fun. (Yeah, she's a nerd.) She's a lifelong learner with a background in business and a deep need to understand everything she can about human communication behavior. She researches social influence with the goal of identifying the kinds of people who can create meaningful social change.



March 6th, 2023 at 7:10 PM ^

Whenever I hear this sentiment (and there's a decent amount of it here, probably because this site is mostly male), I wonder who ya'll are marrying! My husband is a really good guy but definitely doesn't defer to me all the time and if he did, I probably wouldn't want to be married to him. By the same token, I do make the decisions about cooking because he has no idea. He thinks you can make everything in a toaster oven. 


March 6th, 2023 at 7:32 PM ^

My wife has three younger sisters, no brothers, and immigrated to the states when she was 5. They all have advanced degrees, are successful and strong willed.  Family get togethers are centered around them and their parents or the extended family. That was pretty clear for all the husband's before we married in. (Not a big deal anyway since my racist family decided to blow off my wedding and reception)

To be fair, we do share in decision making and I am strong willed too, but anything other than that and we would both get bored with each other.  She travels frequently to visit all of her friends and goes out for dinner while I hold down the fort.

(oh, and my wife thinks you can make anything in an instant pot)

Tl;dr - my wife and I have a healthy balance because we respect each other.


March 6th, 2023 at 8:39 PM ^

I knew you were likely joking, but it's a joke that a lot of men throw around and it always makes me wonder if there isn't a little bit of truth in it, at least for some. It's just not something I see in our friends. I see mostly shared decisions but sometimes the husband or wife are just better at making some decisions than their counterparts. 


March 6th, 2023 at 7:56 PM ^

Perhaps there is still time, even at this late date, to teach him.....how to use a microwave.

Like MGH, my relationship with my wife was about balance. We each deferred to the other on certain things, differed in opinions on others, reached compromises. We did everything together, except grocery shop. When we tried doing that together someone usually got hurt, usually emotionally, but I had to drive her to the hospital to get stitches once while the ice cream melted in the back of the minivan. 


March 6th, 2023 at 8:47 PM ^

I have to compromise when we go to the grocery store because we have very different shopping styles and it's better to just let people be who they are rather than try to bend them to become who you think they should be. But I draw the line at frozen pizzas: they go in the regular oven, not the toaster oven.