NFL backtracks on player protests, admits "we were wrong" and "Black Lives Matter"

Submitted by Lionsfan on June 5th, 2020 at 7:52 PM

Hopefully the tweet embeds, but the NFL just had a pretty big Friday news dump. They just tweeted out a 80 second video of Roger Goodell speaking about the recent protests. It's a pretty interesting turn for the league to say the least.

We, the NFL, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of Black People. We, the NFL, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the NFL, believe Black Lives Matter. #InspireChange

— NFL (@NFL) June 5, 2020


June 6th, 2020 at 12:56 PM ^

Stupid argument. "Black Lives Matter" means "Black Lives Matter TOO". It doesn't mean all lives don't matter. And you know this, I'm sure, or have been told, and are willfully ignoring it. 

Michigan Arrogance

June 5th, 2020 at 10:55 PM ^

NFL doing exactly what they always do- the absolute bare minimum at the last possible second when they don’t have another choice. 

I’m curious about the ppl who started boycotting the NFL 3-4 years ago bc some of the players were kneeling. Now that the league it self put out this statement, dem good ole boys gonna cancel the NFL package now?


June 5th, 2020 at 11:08 PM ^

Wouldn't it be cool if a rival league was formed backed by progressive billionaires who come out with a strong statement saying "we don't want racist fans, so if you are don't bother watching us". If such a league formed and went head to head against the NFL I would watch it.


June 6th, 2020 at 3:10 AM ^

Disrespecting the flag and anthem is NEVER right or acceptable. I'm tired of these same spoiled athletes railing against a system that made them millionaires... enough of the race politics already...


June 6th, 2020 at 7:23 AM ^

Disrespecting the flag....enough all ready.  You probably have a coffee mug with the revered flag on it. Or a pair of socks.  Lets not act like kneeling is degrading the flag any more than what we as a society have all ready done to cheapen its image.   Its not like any player was burning the flag on the side lines.  Kneeling for justice IS respecting the flag and the anthem.  Much more than the douches that stand but still are racist or sing the anthem but are thinking about something else.  Secondly, the system that made them millionaires is....YOU.  Don't like it, stop watching/supporting football.  

carolina blue

June 6th, 2020 at 8:33 AM ^

I get your point, but it is an opinion. Why is the way one person feels about the flag any more right or wrong than another’s? 
Brees feels kneeling is disrespectful because to him that flag represents his grandfather and all those who died defending the country. Nothing wrong with that.

Kap kneeled because for him it represents injustice and inequality for people of color. Nothing wrong with that either. 

My issue is with people who try to tell others they should be ashamed of their opinion and views on it. Let Brees be proud of the flag and bothered by people who kneel. Let Kap kneel in protest and be bothered by those who don’t see the injustices that he does. Being proud is not wrong. Protesting is not wrong. Assigning one more credence than another is just silly. Getting upset at either one is dumb. 


June 6th, 2020 at 9:15 AM ^

Uh, right.  That's what the whole debate is about.  No one, including Kap, criticized the people standing for the national anthem.  The problem is when people wrap themselves in "honor the flag/my grandfather's military service/The Troops" tropes to criticize those who kneel.  Which is what Brees did.  

That's why anyone is having this debate.  Kap was called out; players were told they couldn't kneel like him; people who stood were free to do so.  That's the difference.

Perkis-Size Me

June 6th, 2020 at 10:04 AM ^

You’re not wrong and in the ideal world, that’s how it would work. But the point is that there is no live and let live anymore. No “you do you and I’ll do me.” It’s come to situations where if you don’t do what I do, fuck you you’re a fucking idiot, and some combination of a terrorist, a socialist, a mysogynist, a racist, and not only that, I’m going to work to make sure that what you do can’t be done anymore. Or is made illegal or a fireable offense. Because I find it offensive. 

Our own president is out there saying he wants the NFL to fire any “son of a bitch” who doesn’t stand for the flag, but he’s perfectly fine with armed militia storming into state capitols to intimidate elected officials, because that is what fits his interpretation of freedom. People want freedom to do what they want, but they want it on their own terms and everyone should adapt to that specific mindset of what freedom is, and oftentimes they couldn’t give two fucks about how that affects anyone else’s interpretation of freedom. 

So you’re not wrong, that is how it should be, but that’s not how it works unfortunately. Or at the very least, that’s what our politicians have made us into. 

Michigan Arrogance

June 6th, 2020 at 10:19 AM ^

I get your point, but it is an opinion. Why is the way one person feels about the flag any more right or wrong than another’s? 

I think we know why that is.

Brees feels kneeling is disrespectful because to him that flag represents his grandfather and all those who died defending the country. Nothing wrong with that

Sounds legit. He doesn't have to kneel. No one's forcing him to.

Kap kneeled because for him it represents injustice and inequality for people of color. Nothing wrong with that either.

LOL. Damn, I guess I don't know why Kap got so much shit and why the NFL didn't release this statement 4-5 years ago?

My issue is with people who try to tell others they should be ashamed of their opinion and views on it. Let Brees be proud of the flag and bothered by people who kneel. Let Kap kneel in protest and be bothered by those who don’t see the injustices that he does. Being proud is not wrong. Protesting is not wrong. Assigning one more credence than another is just silly. Getting upset at either one is dumb. 

Agreed. Too bad no one thought of this 5 fucking years ago


June 6th, 2020 at 7:16 AM ^

Way too little, way too late, and purely self-serving. Have been pretty much done with the NFL for a couple years because of this and other things.


June 6th, 2020 at 8:02 AM ^

The NFL is like any large company in America - they will follow whatever the public consensus is to alienate as few paying customers as possible but also give the appearance of 'caring' because at the end of the day, it's all about money. The NFL's change of stance is just an indicator that the general public's stance has shifted

carolina blue

June 6th, 2020 at 8:20 AM ^

The NFL: always reading the tea leaves a little late to decide what they think is right. Their position on this didn’t change because they never had one to begin with.
Kap kneeling was unpopular to the general masses five years ago, so they told us they don’t support it. Now there is far more support for it. So suddenly “We were wrong” and must bow down and atone for their past, begging forgiveness. Give me a break.  


June 6th, 2020 at 9:18 AM ^

To translate "our internal polling shows that we might lose money now, so we're pivoting to show our support so that when games come back people will spend money.  Rest assured I, Roger Goddell, and the billionaire owners of these teams don't give a crap about police violence and racism and our earlier positions that blackballed players and told them they couldn't kneel or we'd fire them are our real feelings".

And yes, there have been some very vocal supporters of these issues by certain ownership groups.  But FFS police brutality toward POC and systemic racism hasn't functionally changed in decades, so the NFL just realizing they are on the wrong side of history is offensive.


June 6th, 2020 at 11:37 AM ^

So Tired of all the PC Correct crowd...I hate Black Lives Matter slogan ..its about as Racist as ANYTHING out there..ALL LIVES MATTER...PERIOD!!!  Why do people have to say a "Race: matters....The elephant in the room that NOBODY talks about is WHY are white people afraid of Blacks??....CRIME...thats why..Black males are far more likely to committ a violent crime as a percentage of the Population...WHY is that? Why Riots and Looting.??..Stealing, drugs .rape murder and Blacks are more likely to committ. That is a STASTICAL FACT why do  people avoid the issue? because they will be called a racist...dont care anymore apparently EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS  a HORRIBLE racist in this country.....Maybe its time Blacks took a look at themselves  and asked why so many people are afraid of Black Males??  instead of blaming whties for everything and anything....Race Race Race 24/7 its all Liberals can talk about..the REAL ISSUE is Black Crime and Black on Black Crime.....WHY do these Liberal politicians care More about Black Lives Matter than all the BLACKS murdered in Democrat run cities for DECDADES...Democrats have run these hell holes for DECADES so nobody to blame but THEM....Chicago, NY, LA Baltimore, DC, Detroit and on and on and on run by Democrats and Blacks....where Blacks are being MURDERED daily yet none of these Democrats will say ONE WORD on that subject....If they want change???CHANGE THEIR LEADERS who have failed them miserable and kept the inner city hell holes exactly as they are HELL HOLES


June 6th, 2020 at 12:24 PM ^

took long enough.

peace protest is guaranteed in the constitution... the NFL should have given the option for players to remain in the locker room instead of coming out for the anthem f they were so concerned with optics


July 5th, 2021 at 6:38 AM ^

The BLM movement is increasingly being criticized on the Internet. But I'm in the real world, on the street, there is no such thing. on the contrary, when you don’t ask everyone supports. An interesting paradox.