NFL backtracks on player protests, admits "we were wrong" and "Black Lives Matter"

Submitted by Lionsfan on June 5th, 2020 at 7:52 PM

Hopefully the tweet embeds, but the NFL just had a pretty big Friday news dump. They just tweeted out a 80 second video of Roger Goodell speaking about the recent protests. It's a pretty interesting turn for the league to say the least.

We, the NFL, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of Black People. We, the NFL, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the NFL, believe Black Lives Matter. #InspireChange

— NFL (@NFL) June 5, 2020


June 5th, 2020 at 10:32 PM ^

You ever take a second to think about WHY the facts are the way they are??

Cause I would absolutely love to hear why being a certain color leads to higher divorce rates and homicides?

Have you done DNA sequencing and discovered what this gene is? Or do you think there could, just possibly, be a significant stretch of history that had a slight impact on this?

  • Fact = 1st African slave came to America in 1526
  • Another Fact = Slavery was abolished in 1863
  • Even Another Fact = Civil Rights Act of 1964 becomes a thing 

So, in 60 years, less than 3 generations removed from being "allowed" to be an equal part of society, you expect an entire race to overcome (at least) 438 years / 17 generations of adversity? 

Common sense.



June 5th, 2020 at 10:53 PM ^

African Americans had a very firm nuclear family and a small percentage of single parent homes until about the 1980s when it started to go up.  Today, over 70% of African American children are raised by a one parent household.  Being a single parent regardless of race makes an individual much more likely to land or stay in poverty.


June 5th, 2020 at 11:16 PM ^

The 80’s where rough for black families because of the introduction of crack cocaine into the inner city.  At that time drug addiction was considered a crime punishable by time in prison.  If you had 3 drug convictions you could get life in prison.  It’s funny that now that drug addiction has entered the white community, it is now considered a disease to which requires treatment not jail.  Pharmacies are even asked to give away medication to help prevent overdose.  This is the systemic racism that has contributed to the state of the black community.


June 5th, 2020 at 11:47 PM ^

Agreed, but the punishment is determined by the criminal justice system which is primarily run by whites.  There are not nearly the number of whites in jail for drugs use as there are blacks.  Drug addiction is now a disease, treated by medications and counseling.  Had this option existed in the 80’s whenit was a crime, the black community would have been way better off.  It split a ton to families and our community is just now starting to recover.  What do you attribute the change in response to drug addiction too?  It is because addiction is not just a black and brown person problem.


June 5th, 2020 at 10:59 PM ^

Wtf kind of trash are you?

"The only oppression I see is what the black community does to itself with homicides and absent fathers."

 So what the cops did to George Floyd and god knows how many others is not oppression to you?

"African Americans represent only 15% of the population but commit 53% of homicides in America"

Does this statement being correct in any way justify police murdering blacks without cause?

You are a racist piece of trash, you are what's wrong with this country.



June 5th, 2020 at 11:16 PM ^

Well, it relates to violence and poverty and the BLM movement claims they are being held down in society and wants to defund police and reallocate that money to African American communities.  However, BLM does not want what I have mentioned to be part of the conversation.  That is why it is relevant.


June 6th, 2020 at 12:49 AM ^


Yes, the MSM and all their BS is driving the narrative. I understand your frustration. 

But we can actually ignore all that BS and have a conversation here, elevate this board. 

Let's see.  

Anyone have intelligent discourse ideas that are not driven by MSM? 

I have already posted mine. 

Swayze Howell Sheen

June 5th, 2020 at 10:39 PM ^

"The only oppression I see is what the black community does to itself with homicides and absent fathers."

If this is truly "the only oppression you see" than you need to open your eyes.

Here is one of like a million examples: if your name sounds more "white", you are way more likely to get called in for a job interview ( Doesn't that sound like a form of oppression?

Seriously, dude, how dumb are you?


June 5th, 2020 at 8:34 PM ^

Some of you presume the NFL was on the wrong side of this before. Because public sentiment has shifted? Of course black lives matter. One can believe that and still not support the BLM platform. The two are mutually exclusive. Cap was not a great quarterback. He is, on the other hand a great activist. 

You can agree with Cap's cause but disagree with how he protested. Cap protested while at work. If I protest at work, I get fired. The binary thinking in our country right now is sad and dangerous. 

Frank Chuck

June 5th, 2020 at 8:47 PM ^

"Most Americans do not support the protestors and their behavior."

Do you have a stats-based source on this?

FYI: MLK Jr. was a hated man in America at the time of his assassination. Something like 65% disapproved of him. But in the decades since, opinion has changed on him as he was transformed into a teddy bear-esque symbol.

Perkis-Size Me

June 5th, 2020 at 11:16 PM ^

For some who claims the only deal in facts, I’d sure love to know where you’re getting your facts on that.

If by protestors you specifically mean looters, maybe you’re right. I don’t know. But if you truly believe that most Americans don’t support people having a peaceful protest, I have to call bullshit on that. Unless America is full of more hypocrites than I give it credit for.

So many people in America spout on and on about rah rah rah I’m an Amurican, I have freedom and can do what the fuck I want. But they want their freedom on their own terms, and they don’t give a fuck what that means for someone else’s freedom. God forbid someone protests about a cause they don’t believe in. If they do, that cause must be un-American, socialist propaganda, un-Christian, or terrorist infiltration. 


June 5th, 2020 at 11:51 PM ^

Most of YOUR American friends I take it.  Expand your horizons.  I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and talk to people who don’t look like you.  I could say most all Americans support the protest if I am foolish enough to think all the people I associate with represent all Americans.

throw it deep

June 6th, 2020 at 12:27 AM ^

Yup, it's an extremely vocal and aggressive minority that is pushing this movement. Nobody is saying anything against them because they don't want to be harassed and attacked. 


June 5th, 2020 at 9:58 PM ^

Are you sure they'd fire you, DB?

I can honestly say that I've taken a knee each and every time my bosses have made me stand respectfully for the national anthem at work, and never suffered any negative consequence.

Dude, let's be honest.  It's a very unusual - if not downright weird - thing to require of your employees.



June 5th, 2020 at 10:35 PM ^

If I make it known I am protesting then yes I will be fired. I also cannot endorse any candidate for any office, national or local while I am at work or I will be fired. For federal employees it is called the Hatch Act. When I am at work I am being paid to work, not endorse some political cause or platform, even a worthy one.

Kap had and still has tons of platforms to protest. 


June 5th, 2020 at 8:35 PM ^

We were wrong ... because public opinion has shifted. 
NFL is the most political, marketing-centric organization with their entire principal system dependent on public opinion. They were wrong with Kap and they’re wrong to jump sides now.


June 5th, 2020 at 8:46 PM ^

Fuck Goodell. Nothing that asshat says on this topic has an ounce of sincerity. He's only concerned with PR affecting their bottom line.


June 5th, 2020 at 9:15 PM ^

All lives matter. Why put this in a bucket? I get the current challenge. However, race identity as a liberal platform obviously accomplished ZERO.

MY best friends are ... so why even say. They are God fearing hardworking successful AMERICANS.


June 5th, 2020 at 10:12 PM ^

Nobody is claiming all lives don't matter.  The point of saying black lives matter is that there is a perceived imbalance in terms of how those lives are valued - both by the police and society as a whole.

You guys and your all lives matter stuff make as much sense as someone complaining back in the day about the woman suffrage movement -because like, what about the men??!?

And to head off your next response, which is to claim there is no imbalance - can you tell me when that became true?  Do you believe society and police treated black lives of equal value in the 1950s?  What about the 1850s?

If you can admit the obvious - that there was a point in the past where black lives were not valued equally with white lives - please tell me what year it was, exactly, when we brought things into this perfect balance you think we currently enjoy?



June 5th, 2020 at 10:24 PM ^

If systemic racism exists you would not have African Americans in positions like mayors, congressmen/women, President, doctors, lawyers, etc.  

Police involved in wrongdoings should be charged, and these wrongdoings are anecdotal  in the context of the millions of police interactions with individuals.  

Police patrol African American communities more because that is where the majority of violent crime occurs.  Further, the behavior of African Americans towards police (non compliance and disrespect) puts them in a position that could be easily avoided if they had behaved respectfully.


June 6th, 2020 at 7:56 AM ^

Systemic racism exists because even when African Americans reach such positions of prominence and achievement, they are still subject to regular racist attacks, and still have to worry constantly about being harassed for Doing Things While Black.  Things even the most miserable shitbag lowlife white racists never have to worry about.

On edit: Apparently I was downvoted by a miserable shitbag lowlife white racist whose identity is a total mystery.


June 6th, 2020 at 12:36 AM ^

Not saying that racism doesn’t exist, but in 2008 and 2012, more than half of the country voted for a black president. The same has never happened for women, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, homosexuals or a number of other groups.

So, yes, there will always be a segment of society that is racist against black people. But there will also be a segment of society that is racist against Jews, Asians, Hispanics and even Caucasians, or homophobic or anti-women. 

Michael Burnham

June 6th, 2020 at 1:33 AM ^

 Don't even bother.  Racists are racists and will spout their talking points and you will never convince them of anything fundamentally decent or compassionate.  The cognitive dissonance that they show is shocking, isn't it?  Most of the major revenue sports that Michigan participates in involve teams that are made up of a large number of young black men.  The same young men that are most likely the targets of police harassment, stop and frisk, police brutality, etc.  The same young men that are more likely to grow up in less-than-ideal economic and social settings.  You know, the "feel-good" stories that we pat ourselves on the back with when they become good "Michigan Men".  The people who are denying that there are any systemic problems and barriers that young black men (and women) and other people of color have to face in our country because of their race or ethnicity, they just want their perfect sports team and wins.  They just care about the skills that these young people bring onto the field and don't give a damn what happens off the field or after they leave Michigan.  To them, 1776, 1787, 1860, 1865, 1964, 2020, it's all the same.  To them, baseball fields, football fields, plantation fields, it's all the same.

throw it deep

June 6th, 2020 at 12:22 AM ^

The fact that you thought this was a good analogy does not reflect well upon you. "The World Trade Center matters" was not a rallying cry for any significant number of people after 9/11.


June 6th, 2020 at 1:25 AM ^

Tom, Jane, Greg, Kelly and Sam sit at a table.

Tom, Jane, Greg and Kelly get food and start eating.

Sam watches them eat and says 'Sam is hungry.' 

Tom, Jane, Greg and Kelly yell 'We are all hungry!' and keep eating.

Sam is still hungry.

King Tot

June 6th, 2020 at 10:20 AM ^

How stupid are you? The point is the others have food. Sam does not so we should focus on him because he is the one being left behind. I think it speaks volumes about you as a person that someone gives a simple story about why we say black lives matter versus all lives matters and you pivot to rioting.