META: Taking Time Off

Submitted by Ace on

Apologies for doing this the lazy way but I'm gonna copy and paste my tweet thread on this:

before I get into details, my job status has not changed.

when I made plans in February to have surgery this spring, it was as part of a plan to get fully healthy — my gall bladder was showing signs of problems and when we set it up it seemed we'd be getting out in front of things. my health turned fast starting not long after.

my surgeon didn't say this to me at this time, for which I'm thankful even though it was quite apparent, but by the time I was on the table, I had cachexia (wasting syndrome). my particularly weakened state heading in has extended the recovery process.

the offseason is usually when I slowly regain my strength after pushing myself through football and basketball season—regain my floor. usually by August I'm itching for the season to start. I don't have it right now. my weight has improved and I'm still 25 pounds underweight.

usually I work until I crash, but I haven't even been able to attempt to push through this, and I need to give myself time to truly put my health first and heal. so, with the steadfast support of Brian and the whole crew, I'm taking an indefinite leave of sorts.

the plan is to continue doing the podcasts, but writing is too much for me right now. I'm hoping that by football season I'll start easing my way back in, but the main goal is to be ready to cover basketball.

I'm optimistic this course of treatment is going to work, and taking the time away should hopefully expedite the process. I love doing this work and want few things more than to get back to it. I have big plans that I've wanted to get going and just couldn't.


but what I want most is to be healthy. I've had this for half my life. the cumulative effects have been extremely difficult.

as always, I can't say enough how lucky I am to have the support I receive. my family is behind me. the tiny independent website that employs me has given me more paid time off than most major companies would allow. I have a community that's been remarkable.

I'm either gonna beat this shit into submission or step away only after doing everything I could to make it happen. I'm placing a big bet on the former. I love y'all and I look forward to coming back better than ever before.


August 2nd, 2018 at 12:17 PM ^

Personally, I blame your pack-a-day Draftageddon habit. I knew it was unhealthy.

Get well soon, man. Gonna be a great year, hope you get to enjoy the ride as much as you can.


August 2nd, 2018 at 12:21 PM ^

Hang in there and get well soon!  You should let Urbz co-opt your story...  I think he'll be needing a leave of absence statement in the very near future.

Chris S

August 2nd, 2018 at 12:30 PM ^

Keep working Ace-man! Also big ups to the entire MGoBlog staff. With the football season coming, the site overhaul, and Ace's thing, plus probably other behind the scenes stuff that might be happening we have no clue about, you guys always somehow manage to keep this thing going like it's a robot. You guys are all great!


August 2nd, 2018 at 1:00 PM ^

Go get better, man.

....and by the time you're up and feeling better, I think a certain coach from Columbus will be available to personally help you put that 25 lbs. back on by making you hit the gym until you blackout.



August 2nd, 2018 at 1:08 PM ^

Get well, Ace.

Selfishly speaking, your post game write-ups are my favorite part of this blog. I read them to revel in the glory of victory and I read them to help me cope with the frustrations of defeat. The clarity of your prose, your pacing, and your thoughtfulness put into words a glob of emotions over a silly game I find difficult to understand in myself. .I will miss them.



August 2nd, 2018 at 1:45 PM ^

If you can keep doing the podcasts, that would be great!  Oh, and also the GIF features.  And the post-game columns.  An occasional recruiting post or two would be cool as well.

Seriously, although we will miss all of the above, you need to put it aside and do whatever you need to do for your health.  The world of Michigan sports will continue, it'll just be a bit less enjoyable without your contributions.  Best wishes to you for a full recovery, and I echo what others have said about the awesomeness of Brian and the other MGoBloggers in supporting you.


August 2nd, 2018 at 2:25 PM ^

Get well, Ace. Stay positive and keep your fighting spirit. 

You've got a great support system; don't hesitate or feel guilty for leaning on them. When you're 100%, you can pay it forward.

Take heart in knowing you've built a huge band of folks who are rooting for you - not because of your wonderful writing, but because of your even more wonderful heart.

I'm sure it's not easy to share your personal struggle with the world; please know we appreciate your courage and honesty.

We'll be here to celebrate your healthy return!


August 2nd, 2018 at 4:39 PM ^

All the best to you Ace.  We'll continue to thoroughly enjoy your perspectives on the podcasts and on Twitter.  Looking forward to you getting healthy, happy, and getting back to writing about Michigan football.

JWG Wolverine

August 2nd, 2018 at 5:28 PM ^

GOOD LUCK AND GET WELL ACE! You will be missed but please don't be pressured to come back sooner then you can. When you do though, I look forward to an amazing "Return Of Ace" podcast.


August 2nd, 2018 at 7:29 PM ^

So, it's not an identical parallel, but I just had skull surgery to treat an ear infection that had plagued me for 10 years and spread into my skull. It took me a lot longer than I initially thought to fully recover. I was out 2-3x longer than I thought I would be.


But now I'm healthy and it feels awesome.


Moral of the story: take care of yourself and don't half ass your recovery. Give it your full ass. Then come back with a fire inside.

You got this.



August 2nd, 2018 at 11:21 PM ^

Sorry to hear of this.  Hope that your healthcare professionals will find ways to get you on the path to a complete recovery and a cure for what has been ailing you, that your family and friends will bring you all the support and comfort you.need, that you'll find some enjoyable music to keep you as relaxed as you can be, and that you'll find some things that will make you laugh and keep you focused on the way to improved health.

Thanks for your insight, your humor and your well-written pieces that bring pleasure to all your MGoBlog fans.

Be strong, keep up your spirits and never give up!  Go Blue!