The Oracle 2

January 26th, 2024 at 5:38 PM ^

Is that what that means? To me, it’s a trite social media label often used by people seeking some kind of status. Is he trying to say something about them, or is he trying to say something about himself? Does it really matter if your kids are boys or girls? If someone doesn’t describe themselves that way, does that mean they’re not proud?


January 26th, 2024 at 6:33 PM ^

I hope this isn't:

"Acker, old boy.  The plebs are sniffing around our role in this whole Harbaugh affair, and turning their angry gaze toward us regents.  They seem to like you, though.  How about you write some rah-rah fluff for them to gobble down, to distract them onto different topics?  Or write something that has us coming out looking swell.  Did all we could, you know.  Heroic effort under difficult circumstances and time pressure, and all that.  Good man!"


January 27th, 2024 at 2:07 AM ^

Nah.  Here is my opinion of the "whole Harbaugh affair":

That admin/regents displayed such a monstrous level of dumbassery that there should be an investigation and firings for inexcusable incompetence.  Or if that much incompetence seems unbelievable, maybe there was an anti-Harbaugh faction that did it on purpose.

Because Harbaugh (one of the most sought-after coaches in all college AND pro football) WANTED to stay given conditions he proposed in 2023.

But they bumbled and fucked around well into 2024, until it was finally too late.  THEN agreed to the conditions.  Like incompetent morons.

If this is true:


January 27th, 2024 at 11:20 AM ^

I am a big Harbaugh backer. Even when people had soured on Harbaugh, I liked how he evaluated the program and made changes, including the firing of longtime associates, to better the program. With all of that being said, Harbaugh does have a wondering eye for the NFL. Always did. 

People can try and spin this that Michigan didn't show Harbaugh enough love or whatever but let's look at the situation. The fact is that at whatever level, Harbaugh authorized the hiring of Connor Stalions. I buy into the whole difference between 3rd party filming and scouting argument, but he was an idiot to purchase those tickets in his own name. Even with all of that, he brought it up to a new kind of stupid, to be dressed in Central Michigan coaching gear on their sidelines. I tend to think that this was more of an assist given to Central Michigan than actual in person scouting for Michigan, but the fact is that he put the University in a bad position. 

Michigan, when the unprecedented suspension broke, hired the Jones Day law firm to work on their TRO. I'm sure that cost the university some dollars. When the decision came to drop the TRO, I have to believe that Harbaugh was part of that meeting and with whatever information was presented, I feel that he agreed that it was the best course of action for a bad situation. 

For all of the they "bumbled and fucked around well into 2024, until it was finally too late." Why was one of Harbaugh's demands that the new contract not start until February 15? By delaying any new contract until February 15, Harbaugh's current buyout would be $1.5 million. I believe the new buyout would be north of $4 million. Why is that? 

I really think Harbaugh loves Michigan, but he just can't leave the NFL alone. As soon as an NFL team showed Harbaugh enough love and control, he was gone. I think he is grateful that he was able to bring a National Championship to Michigan but no matter how much Michigan loved Harbaugh, he was always going to leave them at the alter for the NFL. 


January 27th, 2024 at 12:34 PM ^

To me that reasoning is like "Well, sure they failed.  But that failure was certain because he was certain to leave."

But according to the news story, that is totally false.

Because that news story directly and fully contradicts that line of reasoning.

The news story says "I wanted to stay.  I gave necessary conditions in 2023.  They were OK with those conditions -- but only well into 2024, after weeks or a month.  And by that point, it was too late for me to take the deal.  I was already committed elsewhere."

There are many ways you can blow recruiting.  But blowing it that way -- by agreeing too late, when you know WAY beforehand that your deadline to get it down will be a couple weeks into January -- THAT is some next-level ineptitude.


Bando Calrissian

January 26th, 2024 at 11:05 PM ^

I would love Jordan Acker to write an article explaining why he cared so much about the labor rights of college athletes, but not the labor rights of the graduate student workers and lecturers who teach their classes. 

I know he's an MGoBeloved because he loves sports, but trying to bust a strike over things like a living wage, child care, and health care access while also dropping hot takes about NIL screamed of hypocrisy. Hard pass with this guy.


January 27th, 2024 at 10:16 AM ^

Get rid of Warde already and find a great leader for the AD. The future is now, they know he is a liability. It’s so unfortunate. Santa needs to step in 


January 27th, 2024 at 8:27 PM ^

If all the regents were Jordan Acker, they would have asked Jim plainly what it takes to keep him, and they would have fired Warde, and Jim would have stayed.

The biggest problem of all continues to be regents at this school that don’t understand that you can play the dirty game and be successful in athletics and still stay prestigious. See: Duke. Amazing we are the only school that have inhibitions like this.