Honest Christmas Discussion

Submitted by Honest Abe on
I thought we could use a thread to discuss ways to deal with the day today. If we are being honest, today can be tough, as having to be around family can suck. The nice thing to say is that its Christmas and we should all get along, but lets be honest... whos the bastard you gotta deal with today and whats your best suggestions to the board to get through today's family visits?


December 25th, 2017 at 11:53 AM ^

That's because "whiteness" is meaningless. There are German, Irish, Slovenians, etc. Whiteness as a category only exists to denigrate nonwhites. Black people celebrate their blackness because their history and culture was intentionally erased, so they celebrate in defiance of white supremacy.

M Go Cue

December 25th, 2017 at 10:43 AM ^

My wife and I are in NYC. Just us two. We brought lights for our room, a small tree, and our presents. I may want to do this every year. Merry Christmas everyone!


December 25th, 2017 at 10:52 AM ^

We do the wife’s family every Christmas Eve. It’s actually pretty nice. Brother in law built a big heated pole barn a few years ago so it’s comfy and there’s enough room to stay away from the few idiots. Today is immediate family. Merry Christmas and Go Blue!


December 25th, 2017 at 10:56 AM ^

the most difficult person I have to deal with today is my wife. I'll just sit on the sidelines while she spends time with her family and hope she doesn't get all stressed out on me. holidays can really be annoying.


December 25th, 2017 at 3:29 PM ^

You'd think the one person trying to help.manage all the chaos with her would be the one to not get yelled at, but turns out you're the only one that CAN get yelled at and thus... 

I hate this fucking "holiday".

Also if you don't feel like you are ready to Face Time with ny family come say Hi off-camera, waiting three hours for you to be ready means my farmer BIL and sister are likely out working and I'll have missed talking to them, I also cannot help it if they call me,suck it up and come say hello, no-one gives two shits if you're not perfectly put together.  Plus gift giving is way too stressful, either it's not your style and you return it(which feels fucking great by the way) or it's not meaningful enough.  If you want to know why I've given up after twelve years of trying, it's because thats how I have been trained by you.

TBH it's just this one week, the rest of the year with her is great, but I' ll never understand why a holiday that is supposed to be a bout fun and togetherness turns into a fucking weirdly competitive stressball.


December 25th, 2017 at 10:59 AM ^

Too busy making money today to care about visiting family and getting involved with the drama.  They sure do change their tune about capitalism when they need some $$$$$$$ from me.

Bane of Gargamel

December 25th, 2017 at 11:12 AM ^

About 5 years back, the wife and I decided to start having a Christmas Day open house. Anyone who's looking for a place can stop by anytime for food, drink, relaxation. It's partially about giving people without a better place to go an option and partially about having a reason to not have to drag my family all over. Every year it's been a fight with my mother-in-law and every year I've had to put my foot down. Totally worth it.

Hotel Putingrad

December 25th, 2017 at 12:46 PM ^

not trying to make you feel worse, just curious. My wife doesn't really wear jewelry, so that's always out. I know better than to try buying any type of clothing. I did buy her the new house this year she's always wanted, but it doesn't seem right to count that.


December 25th, 2017 at 11:15 AM ^

Charlie Brown type of person and I am always thankful to the Linus of the world who remind me of what the day is truly about.


December 25th, 2017 at 11:19 AM ^

...is Media Director For Sparty Football. Nice enough guy but his dad is a real troll.

I started bringing a picture of the Sparty Staff member as a kid in Michigan gear head to toe and threaten to tweet at Dantino if he acts up. Works every time.


December 25th, 2017 at 11:24 AM ^

First Xmas without my kids since the cunt ex-wife decided that she’d rather be with a lying, conniving ex boyfriend from high school that lives his life in a wheelchair (shot at a drunken house party years ago). Did I mention he’s jobless and plays xbox all day, according to my kids.


December 25th, 2017 at 11:37 AM ^

This time last year my dad was in ICU and nobody thought he'd make it out. A year later and I have another Christmas with him. He's not doing great by any means but he's here. Most of the relatives on his side of the family are impossible to deal with but I'd gladly deal with them to have one more Christmas with him. So, my advice would be to gravitate toward those relatives you look forward to seeing while treating the others with a mild neglect.


December 25th, 2017 at 12:06 PM ^

I have spent most Christmases of my adult life alone.  I had a tough life growing up, where I was beaten almost daily and had a horrible family.  I had some girlfriends after college where we spent Christmas together, but eventually I went my own way and stayed single for a long time.  This year however, I met a wonderful girl and we have been together for almost 1 year.  She went out of town to visit family but I am picking her up from the airport later tonight.  Life is truly better when you have a wonderful significant other....it can be very challenging a times to work out any relationship...but things are better with the ones that you love around. 


December 25th, 2017 at 12:06 PM ^

all who have difficult situations to deal with today. Such a tragedy that today, of all days, is so difficult for so many. My wife and I will be alone. We will prepare a feast to enjoy with a glass of wine, watch A Christmas Story later (watched It’s a Wonderful Life last night) and have pumpkin pie. Merry Christmas everyone!

a different Jason

December 25th, 2017 at 12:11 PM ^

My family gets along great. We are part Irish, a little arguing is normal. My wife has the nervous energy of 1000 cats, she vibrates when standing still. I have to keep her contained and then Xmas Day is wonderful.

Perkis-Size Me

December 25th, 2017 at 12:32 PM ^

Christmas, fortunately enough, has never been a struggle for me. My family gets along great and we don’t have any family members who we dread having come over.

Guess I’m one of the lucky ones. All I’d say is that if you do have asshole family members, try taking the high road for just one day and then go back to hating their guts on the 26th. You might have good reasons for hating them, but don’t ruin the holiday for everyone else by getting into fights. And if everyone hates this family member, then maybe you should be thinking twice about whether or not they should be invited at all.

Hotel Putingrad

December 25th, 2017 at 1:13 PM ^

though, to be more precise, once I had my own kids, my family slowly receded into the background. Parents divorced when I was 8, so the holidays always seemed contrived anyways. I'm not all that close to my siblings (emotionally or geographically). My mom will be lucky to get a Christmas text. My youngest still believes in Santa and Elf on the shelf, and that's good enough for me. And with all the fresh snow, the dog is thoroughly enjoying himself outside. My wife is napping (again), the in laws are on their devices, and I'm nursing a beer watching Sixers-Knicks.