GVSU New OC Suspended for Wanting to Dine with Hitler

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on January 27th, 2020 at 3:51 PM


KV: So you graduated from Drury with a degree in History, you’re a history guy. If you could have dinner with three historical figures, living or dead, who would they be? And I’m ruling out football figures.

MB: This is probably not going to get a good review, but I’m going to say Adolf Hitler. It was obviously very sad and he had bad motives, but the way he was able to lead was second-to-none. How he rallied a group and a following, I want to know how he did that. Bad intentions of course, but you can’t deny he wasn’t a great leader.



January 27th, 2020 at 5:32 PM ^

Guess it all hinges on ones definition for leadership. 

mine would be to lead a group to positive outcomes sustained beyond your tenure as the leader. 

hitler failed so perversely by this definition, but that’s just my definition. 


January 27th, 2020 at 5:54 PM ^

The whole, “Hitler was a good leader” thing is bizarre.  He used terrorism, propaganda, a fractured political environment and resentment over WWI and the recession to take over Germany.  That doesn’t scream great leadership to me.  The Wehrmacht was an excellent military so they had considerable initial success but once the Allies got their stuff together he was pretty much doomed, just made things worse by being an awful commander


January 27th, 2020 at 6:06 PM ^

What. An. Idiot. 


Also idiots: the ones on here defending his terrible take. Good on the other MGoHistoryNerds who are calling out the aforementioned idiots and correctly explaining Hitler's rise to power. The guy was a maniac who dumbass lucked his way into leading a country.

Maize and Blue AF

January 27th, 2020 at 6:37 PM ^

Ignoring the double negative at the end for a second, this is a comment people make to stir the pot.  I did it at a leadership seminar about 10 years ago.  We were supposed to go around the room and name a "great" leader.  Everyone tossed out the usual suspects (MLK Jr, Lincoln, Gandhi...).  All great choices...  All taken.  So I stirred the pot and tossed out Hitler (mostly due to boredom).  Shock!!!  Until I explained.  See, people were confusing the direction of the question.  The question wasn't "Who were some of the greatest humanitarians in history.".  The question was "Who were some of the greatest LEADERS in history."  Germany was economically crippled after WWI, and Hitler pulled them out of their (self-inflicted) depression.  All he did after that was almost take over the world.  I don't know any average leaders capable of doing that.  Consider that we, in the United States, can't even agree on what cereal to have in the morning.  He was able to convince an entire country to follow his evil, maniacal plans.  I don't know any average leaders capable of doing that either.  Great, in this case, refers to the magnitude of his leadership, not the morality of it.


I don't know about having dinner with a psychopath though.