Freshman C Colin Castleton has gained 15 pounds in 6 weeks

Submitted by njvictor on

Jon Sanderson has already started working his magic on freshman Colin Castleton. In 6 weeks since Castleton has been at Michigan, Sanderson has gotten him up from 212 pounds to 226.8 pounds. That's pretty crazy and you can already see a physical difference in Castleton's body. I think given this trend I think it's pretty likely we see Castleton get some minutes this year, especially since I don't think it's unrealistic for him to be up to at least 235 by the time the season starts


August 7th, 2018 at 2:02 PM ^

That's a bad sign.  No matter how skinny you start at, you cannot gain 15 pounds of muscle in 6 weeks.  Hopefully it's all water weight.


August 7th, 2018 at 2:43 PM ^

I'm sure it is. An increase in working out and eating will result in his muscles storing more glycogen and water (2:1 ratio I believe) and also retaining fluids in the form of inflammation around micro-tears in the muscle fibers. That coupled with creatine = 15 lbs on a 7ish footer easily.

UM Fan from Sydney

August 7th, 2018 at 2:35 PM ^

Damn I would love to have the benefit of having a professional strength coach to get me into shape.


August 7th, 2018 at 3:38 PM ^

I used to say this, now at work we have fitness coaches that do daily 1 on 1 with you for free and you can take 1 hour off work to go to the gym and get paid for it, they even develop nutrition plans and everything. 


But here I sit, eating my 10th cookie from a Subway day old package, while my gym bag gathers dust under my desk where it has sat for the last 2 weeks unmoved.


My have no control over my life.


August 7th, 2018 at 2:47 PM ^

Asking for a friend, does anyone have a shirtless picture of him that I can put next to my shirtless Ricky Doyle picture?  I mean his Ricky Doyle picture.


August 7th, 2018 at 2:56 PM ^

235 lbs is too much, too soon. For now, be happy with 225 and work on getting that into more muscle, instead of just mass. He's going to play, regardless, but you don't just start throwing around that much new weight so easily, or at least, you shouldn't.


August 7th, 2018 at 3:53 PM ^

I thought this kid was a FOOTBALL center who had snuck by my recruiting knowledge and all I could think was "Damn, that lanky motherfucker has a long ways to go..."


It made so much more sense when I pieced it together.



August 7th, 2018 at 5:49 PM ^

So... when any of our guys gain 20 in an offseason, it's "definitely roids" but this guy gains 15 in a month and a half and it's just *schwing!* *heart eyes emojis* #HisFrameCanTakeMore *swoon*

Never change, Michigan fans. Never change.


August 7th, 2018 at 7:19 PM ^

That's quite a straw man you've put together over there.

I'm pretty tuned into PED stuff and I am reasonably free with implications about it, but I don't recall having seen much in the way of PED implications towards MSU at all. 

You give us Michigan fans too much credit: We don't have much in the way of attention spans, and we get too distracted by all the players taking the field/floor for MSU against whom there is credible evidence of domestic abuse and sexual assault to have any attention left for vague allegations of PED use. 


August 7th, 2018 at 11:37 PM ^

There is literally a PED implication made by one poster or another in every single thread that references MSU in even the most tangential way. It is honestly part of the very reliable narrative on MSU here. It's like when Trump repeats the same absurd and shameless lie again and again until eventually it fades into background noise, but somehow becomes part of the fabric of the conversation.

I don't think the things tRCMB says about Michigan fans are literally true. I know that because, being from Michigan, many of my friends and family are UM alums. They're alright on the whole. :) That said, the prevailing stereotypes about Michigan fans (arrogant, highly impressed with yourselves, compelled to remind yourselves and everyone else about how superlative UM and its alums are at every opportunity) are fairly mild and y'know, (hate to say it) rooted in a kernel of truth. You guys ARE extremely pleased with yourselves.

The stereotypes I see repeated here as fundamental truths, ad nauseam, are a) startlingly nasty, and b) pretty divorced from reality. I really really really hope my UofM friends and family don't secretly think I'm a rapist, 'roiding example of walking, talking human excrement too intellectually feeble to hold a conversation without drooling — certainly, it's clear that's what this group would instinctively think of me before reading a single word I posted.

I'm forced to observe, with a measure of real surprise, that this blog is creepier and crazier than the RCMB. The vitriol is off the scale. Truly not what I expected. I know that online comment sections and message boards are like our collective id — we often show the worst, most unhinged aspects of our personalities here, unfortunately. But man... this place is an eye opener. Is this a result of the last ten years? I wonder... if this board existed in 1999, whether the tone would be the same.