
July 29th, 2019 at 11:31 AM ^

I really wish networks would stop specifically taping fans in various states of agony. It's an intense emotion, you shouldn't have to worry about you being broadcast in that state across the entire world.


July 29th, 2019 at 12:05 PM ^

Well, only showing happy fans would just rub salt into the wounds of the sad fans watching, so maybe that would be worse.

We should just ban all shots of emotion from fans. Or players. Or coaches. 

Better yet, let's just run a simulation of the season to avoid any sad feelings. Everyone will gather in a room, with lights out except on a computer screen that is running an advanced simulation of the football season and therefore the most mathematically acceptable answer will win. A single sentence will be published in the following days newspaper story confirming the statistical win.


Okay, all in jest. No hard feelings, I just think the emotion is why we love sports - the lows come with the highs. I'd rather see sad fans of my team than my opponent running around celebrating.


July 29th, 2019 at 12:40 PM ^

The TV networks have been showing fans (the happy fans and the sad fans) for as long as I can remember.  Which goes back to the early 1990s.  

The difference is that Social Media - with its inherent ability to distribute things incredibly quickly -didn't become a big thing until the last 5-10 years.

I got caught on TV at a ESPN PSU basketball game in the late 1990s - they put up an inset box showing Paterno in his seat but my friends and I who were 2-3 rows in front kept moving around and unintentionally getting in the camera's way.  The announcers for that game commented on that.  I suppose if Social Media was around, that could have become a "thing/meme" too.

It just is what it is - different world vs. 10+ years ago.


July 29th, 2019 at 3:47 PM ^

Blame the Directors / Producers of the broadcast, not the network or camera team. 

My brother and I were first row / courtside for the Michigan v Florida Elite 8 game in 2013 at AT&T Stadium in Dallas. 

As the game started to get out of hand in Michigan's favor, a camera man started filming my brother and I celebrating and cheering for what was at least 45-60 seconds. We ended up being shown on CBS for 3-4 seconds. That was enough time for everyone to recognize us and even get a Tweet from Rich Eisen (asking if we were the Sklarr brothers).  

The directors/producers could have easily featured us for more screen time or absolutley no screen time. They are also the ones telling the camera men what to do for the most part. 


July 29th, 2019 at 12:04 PM ^

What will always get me -- I was saying to the television -- "the only way we can lose this game is if they block the punt or return it all the way.  We should get rid of one of the gunners and put Peppers behind the kicker in case of a bad snap or at least we'll have our most athletic defender as a safety..."

I'm also the guy that will notice when it's a better plan (~1min to play) to let the opposing offense score a touchdown so we can have a chance down 8 or 7.  Why don't coaches prep for these things?!

Reggie Dunlop

July 29th, 2019 at 2:29 PM ^

I'm not trying to argue, but if one of your concerns was "return it all the way" why would you be getting rid of the gunners? If your other concern was a blocked kick, wouldn't you opt for more blockers and not sit a useless guy 15 yards behind the play?

Your answer of a deep safety is solely to prevent a bobbled snap and a panicky round-house karate-kick whiff that resulted in a fumble return for a TD that you saw happen. That's what all of our PTSD brains are retroactively trying to prevent.  

There were a million ways that play could've gone to not result in an MSU TD. There's no way to prepare for every bonkers hypothetical. All you had to do was execute a basic punt and the game is over. Blake O'Neill handled 52 of his 53 punt snaps at Michigan without issue. Inventing crazy new formations and defenses based on the most incredible fluke of all time is nothing but absolute revisionist nonsense.

You also would have lost Super Bowl 49 for the Patriots.



July 29th, 2019 at 12:07 PM ^

Biggest single play in the Dantonio era (to their fans) is a botched punt by Michigan.  Permanently cements the ”little brother” moniker on that fanbase.

That loss sucked but I do not get the “Whoa, he has trouble with the snap!…hur, hur, hur” that MSU fans have been using online to (try to) shut down M fans in e-debates.  Maybe I am alone in being over it, but I just see it as them tacitly admitting that they only won on a fluke.

Side Note — There is a .gif online of Steve Buscemi re-enacting the “Marsha Marsha Marsha!” Scene (for a Snickers commercial?).  If I had the tech skills I would photoshop a MSU T-shirt on him and change the caption to “Michigan, Michigan, Michigan!!”.  This would be a great generic post whenever One was to see them complaining about M.


July 29th, 2019 at 12:43 PM ^

It always cracks me up with the "trouble with the snap" stuff is that it's usually in response to posts that point out, say, MSU not getting more than 100 yards of total offense, or having a bunch of guys get arrested/booted from the team, or having fewer top-500 recruits than Illinois.  But yes, remember that thing that happened 4 years ago?  That'll show you and your "facts".


July 29th, 2019 at 11:48 AM ^

Anyone remember this picture? We had it on our Chapel Hill fridge during grad school. It was a pretty epic troll job, but we never really knew the story behind it. My very good U of M undergrad friend/roommate moved to DC after law school. I met several of his DC friends over the years. Then one day I was talking to one of them and somehow it came out that he was the guy holding up the JJ sign at the Maryland game. 
This guy was an undergrad at Maryland and a huge Dook fan, he also likes the Cowboys go figure. He was an RA in a dorm and the guy with the other sign saw him draw up that sign before the game so he hatched his master plan.
I could not believe that he was the guy that got clowned that badly, it made my day.


July 29th, 2019 at 11:52 AM ^

I remember in my day, we could embarrass ourselves, and, after the initial sting, it would quietly go away. Now, every second of your foibles is documented and recycled over and over. Yeah yeah...get off my lawn. I’ll record you as you do. 


July 29th, 2019 at 12:39 PM ^

My biggest gripe is with showing little kids.  Like the time they were showing little Harbaugh crying and State fans started mocking him.  Hes just a kid for fucks sake, and has a huge emotional tie to the outcome due to his dads job.  Stop showing him and mocking him. 


July 29th, 2019 at 4:59 PM ^

This is a great topic on so many levels. Before we had a kid 2 years ago, my wife and I would go to a bunch of road games. Since the tickets they allocate to visiting teams are nose-bleeds we would skip buying through the Michigan ticket office and get them through the secondary market. Sometimes we buy though the visiting school directly. I even bought Connecticut Football season tickets just to secure good seats for the Michigan game - they were the same price for the full season as the Michigan game tickets cost on the secondary market.

We would try to sit as close to the visitor/Michigan sideline as possible and many times we would be the only people wearing maize and blue for a few rows. When you are down that low - there are always cameras. My wife would constantly warn me at every game to not over-react to anything just so we wouldn't become memes. LOL.

It's crazy, but it definitely changes how you react at a game vs sitting in your house. And I definitely had plenty of chances to be a meme through the Hoke years. At Penn State, at Notre Dame, at Rutgers - freaking Rutgers. Some guy wearing maize and blue in my section at the Rutgers game had a sign that said 'This is not the real Michigan team'. I wanted to rip that sign up.

I easily could've been a meme at the Utah game in Salt Lake City. Nothing but a sea of red around me there - although I was pretty upbeat after that game considering we lost. The last road game I went to was at Kinnick in Iowa. We sat right behind our Defense - right behind where they huddle. Don Brown was so intense in those huddles and we were so close, I would've run through a brick wall for the guy. Again - had to keep disappointment off my face as the cameras kept swarming at the end of that game.

I feel bad for a lot of those kids who got meme'd. I know some people don't care but I don't see the upside.