Exit: Brian Cole?

Submitted by James Burrill Angell on
There is noise that Scout.com is saying Brian Cole is done at Michigan. Can anyone confirm?


January 27th, 2016 at 9:59 PM ^

I have no idea what his situation is, but generally speaking, it's usually not just smoking weed, which I'm sure Cole's not the only one on the team that does, it's having it become a habit that's out of control to the point it's affecting his performance and/or schoolwork. If a guy is put on notice already, but still gets busted again (and probably a second time), then it's pretty obvious what his priorities are. *That* is what gets you booted.

The Mad Hatter

January 27th, 2016 at 11:08 PM ^

If a player is partying so much that it's impacting his performance in the classroom and on the field, that's another matter. Personally I think you should probably try to help the guy get his shit together before taking drastic actions. My point was don't kick people off the team just for weed, especially if they have a MM card.


January 28th, 2016 at 12:07 AM ^

Well, he did basically sit all season and now we know it's not injury related, so this has been an ongoing thing. I would guess the coaches gave him a plan to get out of the doghouse and apparently he coukd follow through. This doesnt seem like a Mitch McGary situation where he failed the wrong test with the wrong people one time.

beef supreme

January 28th, 2016 at 7:26 AM ^

when it comes to weed, the coaches know guys do it, they aren't dumb. It's about if u get caught, do you continue to do it? It's one thing to do something before you've been caught. But afterwards, it is a little different mentality wise. After being caught the first time, they tell you what the repercussions will be for the next time. So to me, at that point you are basically saying blow me, I'll do what I want. I dunno about anyone else, but no way would I risk a full ride at michigan for that. Especially after getting caught once. Now, I don't know if the rumors are true, but if they are, I hope he is able to recover from his choices.


January 27th, 2016 at 10:07 PM ^

Regardless of whether it should be legal, or whether it will be legal in the next decade, if he was caught multiple times, then yes, he should be kicked off the team. The law is the law, doesn't matter how you feel about it. Also, it isn't truly legal anywhere in the US. Although it is true that some states have legalized it, it is nevertheless illegal under federal law. Therefore, you can still be prosecuted in federal court for it, if the justice department decides to go after people in those states. That's why shops in Colorado are cash only, because banks and credit card companies won't touch those transactions

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The Mad Hatter

January 27th, 2016 at 10:27 PM ^

That I know more about this industry, its products, and the laws related to it than anyone else on this site. Sell that it's against federal law BS to someone else. Tons of things are against federal law. In fact, if every federal crime resulted in an arrest and prosecution, the majority of the people in this country would be behind bars. If he had a valid MM card in the State of Michigan, which is reasonable for many athletes to have for pain control, that should be the end of the story. Maybe he should have taken a bunch of prescription narcotics washed down with a couple beers instead, since that wouldn't violate any laws?


January 27th, 2016 at 11:08 PM ^

Just because you don't get busted every time for breaking a law doesn't mean you can't get busted in the future. I let my dog off leash in NYC parks all the time in the morning, like lots of other people. Its still not allowed at many of these places, and I've nearly gotten a ticket a couple of times and have friends who have gotten written up. If the rumors are true, Cole broke the NCAA rules and got caught. it sucks for all involved, but this is a risk he took and it burned him.

Mr. Yost

January 27th, 2016 at 10:46 PM ^

If he's ineligible from NCAA rules, he kicked himself off the team.

Harbaugh could be 100% pro-weed. He could light up every night and listen to Pink Floyd, Dylan, Marley and Wiz Khalifa over and over. But it may not be a matter of his rule or his choice.

Fail a number of drug tests and you're done in college.


January 28th, 2016 at 10:19 AM ^

The illegal / legal argument is missing the point. Presumably this is something the coaches told him he needed to get under control and it sounds like it's not the first time they've told him. Right or wrong, it sounds like this is about respecting the coaching staff and violating the trust of a second (or third, etc) chance. It's similar in that respect to Johnny football and his drinking/partying.


January 28th, 2016 at 7:31 AM ^

I remember being at a game and hearing about how good he was, wondering if he was going to play, hearing that he had off field troubles and then hearing (maybe a few weeks later) that he was suspended indefinitely.   It was an emotional rollercoaster.