
December 21st, 2019 at 7:44 PM ^

MK, do YOU remember when it wasn't garbage? Do you have other television shows that you enjoy that you'd like to mention so that we can shit upon them?

Some of us old folks here do remember the 'good ol' days' of SNL, and fondly.

While I agree that this should have been labeled OT, this is of interest to those of us 'of a certain age', and, if we can manage to stay up that late, we might enjoy watching the return of one of our favorite cast members.


December 21st, 2019 at 7:51 PM ^

It's nice to have a friend who won't tell, what we've been doing in local motels. Would you be my, could you be my, I'm glad she is my neighbor.

Harbaugh's Lef…

December 21st, 2019 at 8:05 PM ^

Man, everyone shitting on SNL and that’s fine but Eddie Murphy returning to host tonight, after his semi-retirement, is a huge deal!

I can’t wait for Coming 2 America to be released, love the fact that almost the entire original cast has returned!


December 21st, 2019 at 10:00 PM ^

So a show should alienate half the country or focus all of their comedy towards mocking them? Question is rhetorical. SNL is what is is, but it’s become a bit much even for centrists. When you need a Navy Seal missing an eye to come on board to accept an apology, maybe the show has gone a bit rogue and lost its humor.


Remember how the 80s and 90s shows were not so focused on the president?


December 22nd, 2019 at 6:44 AM ^

Unfortunate, but true.

I loved the Dana Carvey lampooning of Bush (quote it to my wife now and then,  but she just rolls her eyes at me - philistine) but there was no vitriol to it and it was easy to enjoy by anyone.  Carvey later met Bush at an event, where he told Dana privately that he enjoyed the bit.


December 22nd, 2019 at 10:22 AM ^

The last two comments got negged for some reason, but you are spot on.  The old snl political skits were not even close to vitriolic towards the president. Dana carvey and Phil Hartman’s bush and Clinton were great because they were tackled way more lightheartedly, which was perfect.  Hell, Phil Hartman’s McDonald’s Clinton skit is still one of my favorites.  The new snl crew has a serious case of TDS, and their Trump skits are not even close to funny and I am no Trump fan.  The level of vitriol is over the top though, and it’s not funny.  Political humor is a staple of snl, but this group is so biased and over the top that is more like a left wing circle jerk, than a comedy show that tries to make everyone laugh.  Eddie hosting is a big deal and I may watch it on Hulu but the show has gone down hill. It’s been close to unwatchable since after the molly Shannon will Ferrell years


December 22nd, 2019 at 11:11 AM ^

I agree it has gotten way to political.   Similar to late night comedy shows,  you can watch late night without lazy political comedy.   The worst is difference in political comedy depending on who is in office, if a Democrat was in office there wouldn't be the same type of jokes.

The Harbaughnger

December 22nd, 2019 at 7:42 PM ^

Well then I guess I don't fit the molds.

I liked it a lot back then... Sometimes like it these days... And consistently find myself wondering why so many current skits feel like they're just reaching, all while our culture offers up so much pure gold these days.

To me, it's like the writers and cast just aren't consuming enough media to notice all that gold.  I suppose it could be a bit of laziness, but I'm not accusing- I don't know their lives or work realities. Just seems like with all that potential, they should be hitting more than missing, and more often than not, to me, it seems like they're missing.

Carter the Darter

December 21st, 2019 at 8:21 PM ^

I’m looking forward to seeing Mr  Robinson’s neighborhood where instead of a Reagan doll he reprises the 1982 skit with Trump. 


December 21st, 2019 at 8:32 PM ^

I'm hoping Eddie is in most skits, because when the host is good and is in most skits, the show is still good.  But the writing is a lot of crap most of the time.  Changing cast members is fine, but they really need to find better writers.


December 21st, 2019 at 9:54 PM ^

i'm not saying it would be easy, especially for the entire 60 minutes, my point is that it has been done pretty well off and on for decades and nothing has changed to somehow now make that impossible.  i'm sure every live show would have a tough week from time to time, but when it just generally stinks then the problem is systemic. 


December 21st, 2019 at 10:37 PM ^

This is my point!  There used to be recurring feature skits that people remember and love.  The last few years have had none of that.  Not one skit is a recurring feature that anyone remembers.  There have been some great skits, but a stand-alone skit has to be cowbell special to have a life beyond that week.

This is where the writers come in - they need to be good enough to find something one of the characters can do well, and run with it.  I haven't seen any of that from the current writers in a few years.


December 22nd, 2019 at 12:57 AM ^

I dunno, that irish dating game is hilarious, and so is the black game where people question some of the things white people are very positive about. And the thing where the people who have had experiences with extraterrestrials is often very inspired. The women talking about their pioneering experiences in the movie industry. . . those are ALL 'series,' even if they only--smartly--carry them forward until the ideas peter out.

I only watch these things when my daughter brings them to me on youtube, so don't know about how often they appear. . .