Doxxing fellow board members.

Submitted by SalvatoreQuattro on December 16th, 2023 at 9:59 PM

So I don’t know which one of you is [NAME REDACTED] but sending emails to my umich account for board arguments is not appropriate.

My last name means I am easy to find in UM’s directory. But you don’t have my permission to email me. 

If you have something to say to me say it on here. Sending emails referencing doxxing is not cool.

MOD EDIT - Removed the name of the person in question. Obviously, if the person mentioned initially sees this thread and responds, that's their fault for revealing themselves.  - LSA


December 17th, 2023 at 5:54 AM ^

So if one account got banned how exactly did the other one slip through? I would never even think to make a 2nd account. 

Also, why do people feel the need to let people know personal things about them? I would never tell some random people on the internet where I work.


December 17th, 2023 at 12:13 AM ^

Some things remain untenable.  This is one.  Joking and Jabbing is sometimes ok but when we incur others at the boards expense we should be reminded that some things remain off limits.  Sal I hope that we all learn something from this unfortunate happening.  It's just a game/opine or even less at times.  It (ain't) isn't that serious.  Hopefully you aren't directly affected by this crap be safe and as always,

Go Blue 


December 17th, 2023 at 3:29 AM ^

You….could just have flagged the email in your inbox as spam and blocked the sender so you’ll never receive email from them again rather than get histrionic on a message board, but ok. 

Goggles Paisano

December 17th, 2023 at 6:38 AM ^

After reading through this thread, I might need to alter may name and avatar.  Joe Rockhead is a lunatic and has been after me for the last 40 years.  When out in public, Wilma and I always have to keep our heads on a swivel.   


December 17th, 2023 at 8:14 AM ^

Not to defend emailing you over some petty board shit, but if you used your real name as a handle, congratulations, you doxxed yourself.

Also, by posting this thread, you’ve opened yourself up to the Streisand Effect, drawing attention to how easy it was to email you. The expected result of this is further inappropriate behavior from persons less motivated than the original harasser who emailed you. Not condoning any of it, but this is what people do on the internet. 


December 17th, 2023 at 9:28 AM ^

I reported it to UM. Anymore emails will be deleted and sent to UM.

I mentioned it because it needs to be raised. However you feel about someone’s opinion on the internet it isn’t okay to send random emails hinting at threats. 

One, it is deeply unethical. Two, no one knows who each person is like. You have no idea how I would respond. I could be a psycho who makes it his mission to find you for all you know.(I’m not, but that person didn’t know that) It’s just stupid all the way around.


December 17th, 2023 at 11:46 AM ^

I’m not disagreeing, and your last paragraph is exactly my point. You don’t know who is watching or how they will react to your online activity. That’s why it’s not best practice to use personal information online.  We can talk all day until we’re blue in the face about what people “should” do, but we should also be mindful of what people will or could do, and take appropriate measures to prevent worse offenses than triggering each other on message boards. I hope you’re able to put an end to it but the cat’s out of the bag at this point and anyone who wants to @ you has an easy and articulated path to do so.

Not just to harp on you, but think about it. You’re still exposed. Since you’ve already been targeted, you may want to consider changing handle on this forum for future use


December 17th, 2023 at 10:55 AM ^

I'm sorry this happened to you SQ. It crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed, and I suspect the person who did this knows that, because they didn't use their real name in the correspondence, maintaining their own anonymity. SQ using his last name here isn't an invitation to reach out in anger or harassment outside of this board. Wow, the whole thing makes me think twice about being on a public forum like this, if something you say angers someone so much that they feel the need to find you and intimidate you. 

Go for two

December 17th, 2023 at 11:47 AM ^

I had to look up doxxing. Guess I am an old dude. This should be a fun blog where we talk sports and share our fandom. There are enough other places to go and talk politics and yell at people. This should be a fun place to come to

Blue boy johnson

December 17th, 2023 at 11:50 AM ^

I have no dog in this fight, but this Quattro fellow appears to have a horrible internet personality. Right up there with the Sommy fellow who was banned for screaming at everyone something like: “2021 Michigan is a terrible football team” in real time. People are strange. Sure buddy, we all love hearing your distorted views ad-nauseam.  


December 18th, 2023 at 11:45 AM ^

You appear to have one too. So do many on here and elsewhere. 🤷‍♂️

Distorted views is subjective, Buddy. 

Regardless of what I feel about someone’s opinion I am not going to look up their name and send them threatening emails. You seem to think that is okay.

That’s weird. You should seek counseling.